This mini stage is actually prepared to hold an interview with Elaine Paige at Changi Airport Transit. And there's this morning while at work, I saw these 2 jokers sitting happily on the arm chairs. Better still, 2 cups of coffee and them sipping, enjoying their coffee. I wonder, don't they realise this is actually a stage and with such a big poster behind them, don't they know what is it for? There are even barriers to so call prevent people from going up, yet these 2 jokers did what other won't. Seriously dunno what to say about them, but just laughed it away with my colleague. Some people can just do the most hilarious things. Hahahaha...
Monday, October 31, 2005
WIll the real Elaine Paige please stand up?
Do they look like Elaine Paige to you?

This mini stage is actually prepared to hold an interview with Elaine Paige at Changi Airport Transit. And there's this morning while at work, I saw these 2 jokers sitting happily on the arm chairs. Better still, 2 cups of coffee and them sipping, enjoying their coffee. I wonder, don't they realise this is actually a stage and with such a big poster behind them, don't they know what is it for? There are even barriers to so call prevent people from going up, yet these 2 jokers did what other won't. Seriously dunno what to say about them, but just laughed it away with my colleague. Some people can just do the most hilarious things. Hahahaha...
This mini stage is actually prepared to hold an interview with Elaine Paige at Changi Airport Transit. And there's this morning while at work, I saw these 2 jokers sitting happily on the arm chairs. Better still, 2 cups of coffee and them sipping, enjoying their coffee. I wonder, don't they realise this is actually a stage and with such a big poster behind them, don't they know what is it for? There are even barriers to so call prevent people from going up, yet these 2 jokers did what other won't. Seriously dunno what to say about them, but just laughed it away with my colleague. Some people can just do the most hilarious things. Hahahaha...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Just can't get enough... (Final episode)
0100hrs, arranged to meet "beloved" and her another friend at MB. And while her friend is at HV, I went to pick her up. On the way, there's this silly Honda Civic VTI driver who is trailing close behind me while I was driving at speed limit of 90km/h on the PIE. Traffic is light consider it's around 0130hrs. He filter out to the left and tried to overtake me. Seeing there's a cab in front of him while he filtered to the left, it's impossible for him to ovetake me and cut in front of me since I'm getting closer to the cab. Yet, he took his chance and cut in, without signalling! I already knew he would overtook, but maybe seeing there won't be enough space to cut into my lane, he won't wanna try at all. Yet, this dolt cut into my lane and I had to brake to avoid collision! Bloody phuck didn't even signal! If he had signalled, I would have give in to him. Without signalling, he just cut into my lane!
Since I'm still early from picking up someone, I tailgated this bastard all the way from PIE at Toa Payoh to Stevens road exit and then to orchard, before he made a sudden U-turn. Every traffic light stop, I stick behind him so close that my front bumper is touching his rear bumper. He did realised I was following him and every turn he made, I was right behind him! He must had sense something was wrong and I didn't know there's someone sitting next to him until he made a sudden U-turn and I went next to him and looked into the passenger window. Could be that bastard's girlfriend/wife and he's at this wits after realising someone is sticking to him so close. Anyway, I can't be bother to tailgate him once I reach orchard. If not I would be late to pick up her friend.
Reached HV at 0200hrs. Send another of her friend home before passing by boat quay to hand some stuff to her friend who opens a pub there, before she leave for Australia. Then met up with the rest at MB, sat there and chat till 0430hrs, send her home and at 0500hrs, that's where we were on the highway, saw the eclipse of the moon and spotted the shooting star together. Home at 0600hrs, saw mum going to work and gave her a lift. On the way home, went to buy my niece's favourite breakfast. Went online for a while and chat till 0745hrs, after realising I'd to attend a tutorial at 1200hrs. Woke up at 1130hrs, rush like mad to class. Damn bloody tired and the weather is not helping at all. Dozed off many times in class and finally ended at 1500hrs. Decided to visit the temple since it's nearby, and it's been some time I gave prayers, plus spotted a shooting star. Hope my wish will come true. Parking was a problem as usual but I was lucky that my lane happen to have one car leaving while I just took a turn. As usual, I will always tear a parking coupon even though it will only take me less than 10 mins to be done. Went back to my car and saw this Malaysian car plate Airtrek waiting for a lot near my car. What coincidence. Gave him my parking coupon which I always do cos there's like 20 more mins left on it.Headed home and took a nap at 1600hrs. Woke up at 1800hrs, and bidded farewell to her friend in the airport at 2000hrs. This gal really got no sense of time, which she's famous for. Gonna be late for her flight and she still wanna fag. Wait till she misses her flight, she can fag all she want in the smoking room while waiting for the next flight!
2230hrs. Damn freaking tiring. Meeting some friends for supper and who knows what time my day will end. Does it ever end?
1 week, 7 days, 168 hours. And I only slept less than 25 hours, which I should be sleeping 56 hours. I owe my body and soul 31 hours of sleep. Would it be possible to sleep 31 hours in a row? I doubt so anyway. Tomorrow will be a long day for me again. Damn! 24 hours a day is seriously not enough!!
Since I'm still early from picking up someone, I tailgated this bastard all the way from PIE at Toa Payoh to Stevens road exit and then to orchard, before he made a sudden U-turn. Every traffic light stop, I stick behind him so close that my front bumper is touching his rear bumper. He did realised I was following him and every turn he made, I was right behind him! He must had sense something was wrong and I didn't know there's someone sitting next to him until he made a sudden U-turn and I went next to him and looked into the passenger window. Could be that bastard's girlfriend/wife and he's at this wits after realising someone is sticking to him so close. Anyway, I can't be bother to tailgate him once I reach orchard. If not I would be late to pick up her friend.
Reached HV at 0200hrs. Send another of her friend home before passing by boat quay to hand some stuff to her friend who opens a pub there, before she leave for Australia. Then met up with the rest at MB, sat there and chat till 0430hrs, send her home and at 0500hrs, that's where we were on the highway, saw the eclipse of the moon and spotted the shooting star together. Home at 0600hrs, saw mum going to work and gave her a lift. On the way home, went to buy my niece's favourite breakfast. Went online for a while and chat till 0745hrs, after realising I'd to attend a tutorial at 1200hrs. Woke up at 1130hrs, rush like mad to class. Damn bloody tired and the weather is not helping at all. Dozed off many times in class and finally ended at 1500hrs. Decided to visit the temple since it's nearby, and it's been some time I gave prayers, plus spotted a shooting star. Hope my wish will come true. Parking was a problem as usual but I was lucky that my lane happen to have one car leaving while I just took a turn. As usual, I will always tear a parking coupon even though it will only take me less than 10 mins to be done. Went back to my car and saw this Malaysian car plate Airtrek waiting for a lot near my car. What coincidence. Gave him my parking coupon which I always do cos there's like 20 more mins left on it.Headed home and took a nap at 1600hrs. Woke up at 1800hrs, and bidded farewell to her friend in the airport at 2000hrs. This gal really got no sense of time, which she's famous for. Gonna be late for her flight and she still wanna fag. Wait till she misses her flight, she can fag all she want in the smoking room while waiting for the next flight!
2230hrs. Damn freaking tiring. Meeting some friends for supper and who knows what time my day will end. Does it ever end?
1 week, 7 days, 168 hours. And I only slept less than 25 hours, which I should be sleeping 56 hours. I owe my body and soul 31 hours of sleep. Would it be possible to sleep 31 hours in a row? I doubt so anyway. Tomorrow will be a long day for me again. Damn! 24 hours a day is seriously not enough!!
Eclipse of the moon and a shooting star!!
Yupe! Saw a shooting star with my "beloved"! We're on the way home after sending her friend home and on the AYE from Jurong, we noticed the sky is showing an eclipse of the moon been covered almost fully, only leaving a thin fine line. Inadvertently, we mentioned about the moon! Had a laugh on it and just seconds later, we spot a shooting star appearing in front us and disappearing within split seconds! This star has this trailing white line and we noticed it's greenish in colour with a bit of blue in front. Simply spectacular! Driving along AYE/ECP at 0520hrs, there isin't much vehichle thus we made a few stops to take pics of the moon with our mobile phone. It didn't turn out clear cos of the night sky. Still, I reckon it's enough to figure out what it is. So here are some of the pics we took.

Saturday, October 29, 2005
Just can't get enough... (Episode 3)
Day 5.
Had brunch at home, finally got time to read some papers. Been some time I sat down over my meals to read papers and catch up with what's happening to the world and my country. Thank god for the internet, where I can surf up any news and keep myself updated. But still I prefer flipping through the papers over a nice meal and coffee. Come evening, went to MB for small gathering and a cuppa tea, my usual Earl Grey. Got a call to visit a friend's newly opened pub and thus left MB early. Friend's pub was kindof empty cos it's newly open and they've yet to complete the renovation. They've yet to do an official opening as well. It's called Pit Stop. This friend of mine is crazy about cars and bikes, thus the name for his pub. Knew him for years but hardly keep in contact. He's actually a cousin of my good friend, whom I also keep in contact at time. He's sister actually works for me as a part-timer. Anyway, left his pub at 0430hrs, went to have supper and send them home. I reached home at 0600hrs and went to sleep immediately.
Day 6.
Bloody woke up by a call at 0930hrs (nbz...). Don't these people ever wake up late on a Saturday morning? Tried to went back to sleep, but saw my emails got flooded and plenty of messages on my msn. Apparently those who're working on Saturday had been msn-ing me. So checked my emails and talk cock on msn for a while. Went for dim sum at my favourite chinese restaurant, which I go almost every weekend at 1230hrs. Unless I got something on in the morning, If not I would be there without fail. Even the captains, waiters and waiteresses know what I would order and how I want my dishes to be cooked. Left the restaurant as usual at 1430hrs. Came home and played with my niece and nephew. The both of them always amuses me, especially my niece. She's so adorable and when they starts her witty-ness, everyone will sure to be laughing till our stomach cramps! Those who'd seen her will know what I mean. My nephew is still young. Just celebrated his 1st birthday 2 weeks back. Can already see his cheeky-ness from the way he reacts and smiles. When the 2 of them grows older, there are sure to have plenty of laughters in the family! Met up with a damn old friend of mine for coffee at east coast after she had her dinner with her family. Sat for about an hour and a half with them and we're cracking these lames jokes. I really have to give it in to her youngest sister. She's really full of lame jokes! Imagine I see her grew up since she's 1 yrs old! Gosh.. I feel so old now! Nonetheless, I'm a family friend to them and it has always been fun to be with them. I even call her mum and dad, Mama and Papa. And her sisters I treats them like my sisters too. Time really flies, 16 years of friendship!
Now, 0000hrs. Got a call from "beloved's" friend. Asking me if we're going anyway. She's flying to Australia for work tomorrow evening and she's partying real hard these few nights. Ask me to look for her at HV, which I doubt they'll be open till late. Anyway, still waiting for her call me back, cos I asked her to check what time that place closes. If not, think of another place to go. Tonight dunno what time I'll be home....
(To be continued... Again...)
Day 5.
Had brunch at home, finally got time to read some papers. Been some time I sat down over my meals to read papers and catch up with what's happening to the world and my country. Thank god for the internet, where I can surf up any news and keep myself updated. But still I prefer flipping through the papers over a nice meal and coffee. Come evening, went to MB for small gathering and a cuppa tea, my usual Earl Grey. Got a call to visit a friend's newly opened pub and thus left MB early. Friend's pub was kindof empty cos it's newly open and they've yet to complete the renovation. They've yet to do an official opening as well. It's called Pit Stop. This friend of mine is crazy about cars and bikes, thus the name for his pub. Knew him for years but hardly keep in contact. He's actually a cousin of my good friend, whom I also keep in contact at time. He's sister actually works for me as a part-timer. Anyway, left his pub at 0430hrs, went to have supper and send them home. I reached home at 0600hrs and went to sleep immediately.
Day 6.
Bloody woke up by a call at 0930hrs (nbz...). Don't these people ever wake up late on a Saturday morning? Tried to went back to sleep, but saw my emails got flooded and plenty of messages on my msn. Apparently those who're working on Saturday had been msn-ing me. So checked my emails and talk cock on msn for a while. Went for dim sum at my favourite chinese restaurant, which I go almost every weekend at 1230hrs. Unless I got something on in the morning, If not I would be there without fail. Even the captains, waiters and waiteresses know what I would order and how I want my dishes to be cooked. Left the restaurant as usual at 1430hrs. Came home and played with my niece and nephew. The both of them always amuses me, especially my niece. She's so adorable and when they starts her witty-ness, everyone will sure to be laughing till our stomach cramps! Those who'd seen her will know what I mean. My nephew is still young. Just celebrated his 1st birthday 2 weeks back. Can already see his cheeky-ness from the way he reacts and smiles. When the 2 of them grows older, there are sure to have plenty of laughters in the family! Met up with a damn old friend of mine for coffee at east coast after she had her dinner with her family. Sat for about an hour and a half with them and we're cracking these lames jokes. I really have to give it in to her youngest sister. She's really full of lame jokes! Imagine I see her grew up since she's 1 yrs old! Gosh.. I feel so old now! Nonetheless, I'm a family friend to them and it has always been fun to be with them. I even call her mum and dad, Mama and Papa. And her sisters I treats them like my sisters too. Time really flies, 16 years of friendship!
Now, 0000hrs. Got a call from "beloved's" friend. Asking me if we're going anyway. She's flying to Australia for work tomorrow evening and she's partying real hard these few nights. Ask me to look for her at HV, which I doubt they'll be open till late. Anyway, still waiting for her call me back, cos I asked her to check what time that place closes. If not, think of another place to go. Tonight dunno what time I'll be home....
(To be continued... Again...)
Friday, October 28, 2005
Just can't get enough... (Episode 2)
Age is really catching up... In the past, I can stay awake for 3 days 3 nights and concuss on the 4th day, sleep for 24 hours. Those were during the army days when a group of us will go out and back to camp and then out again, 3 days straight, non-stop activities.
Just few days back, went out with my ATR bros, and other friends. It just happen that when one group ask you out, the other groups will also ask you out. So coincidental! All come at the same time!
Day 1.
Work starts at 0600hrs, woke up at 0500hrs. Left work at 1400hrs to run some work errands. Done at 1700hrs, met up with my "beloved" and her friend. Had dinner at MB and sat there chit-chatting till 2000hrs and went for my class. Went back to MB again to meet them and bumped into my school mates (what a small world). Sat there till 2200hrs plus and sent them home. Got home by 2300hrs plus, was about to hit the sack but got a call from another friend, jio me out for supper. Went along and home at 0200hrs. Slept at 0300hrs, and woke up at 0500hrs for work.
Day 2.
Worked till 1230hrs, had lunch with a very close and dearly missed friend, then coffee. Sent her home at 1500hrs and went home at 1530hrs. Go through my emails and stuff, done by 1700hrs. The night before, arranged to go JB with my "beloved" and her friend. Suppose to pick her friend up before picking her up when she ends work. But her friend had to go get some stuff before she go to Australia to start her new job, so instead I met some devils for dinner and then coffee at MB. 2300hrs, pick up her friend and her another friend, before picking up my "beloved". Send the friend home cos she's suffering from jet lag after coming back from UK and she doesn't want to join us for she's very tired. So left the original 3 of us heading JB for supper. Happened that 2 devils are in JB, so met up for supper together. The day ended at 0330hrs. Slept at 0400hrs and as usual, woke up at 0500hrs for work.
Day 3.
Worked till 1300hrs. Ran some work errands, done by 1500hrs. "Beloved's" friend called to ask me out for dinner. But then I'd arranged dinner with 1 of the devil since we're heading to club momo at night, and decided to have dinner, then coffee, and meet up with the rest of the devils at 2130hrs. End up, she had to do some errands too and couldn't meet her since she would be done rather late. So instead stick to my original plan with the 1 of the devils. She said will call me again when she's done with her stuff and may meet up later in the night. So went for a car wash and then dinner with 1 devil. Another devil called up and we waited till he arrived before the 3 of us went to MB to have coffee and also to meet up with another 2 devils. During the wait, 1 of the devils hooked up with a girl! She's kindof proud and bitchy but still managed to get her contacts.
Devil:"Hi, possible to leave a contact and be friends?"
Girl:"Sorry, I'm attached."
Me:"SO? Attached cannot be friends?"
Devil:"Just leave a contact loh."
Girl wrote it down on the pda.
Hahaha... So evil! Maybe she's too bitchy and I don't like the way she talks, trying to attract attention, thus it irks me and I just had to say that straight in her face! Really different people different taste. Hahahaha...
Left for club momo at 2130hrs. 2 of the devil has arrived eariler and the valet had reserved parking lots for us. It was a sight to have 7 ATRs parked neatly next to each other. And heads turned when the crowd hear us arriving. Even the fancier cars weren't gaining such looks of admiration (thick skin.. Hehehehe.. :P). Was kindof quiet at club momo, partly cos it's still early. 3 of us popped by Zouk since it's opened from renovation and it's their 1st mambo night. Gosh it's packed! Even the parking lots are almost full. Left after staying for a while cos it's just too packed. So we went back to club momo since the rest are still there. Club momo ain't as happening as Zouk, but Zouk was so packed. Instead, we decided to visit a pub at no man's land. Recieved her call and told me she's going to Zouk. Told her it's really packed and I'll be at club momo. Stayed at the pub for a while and head back to club momo again at 0030hrs. An hour later in club momo, we decided to leave for supper. On the way to the exit, bumped into a familiar someone, whom I'd not seen for sometime. Good to hear he's doing fine. Didn't talk much since I was leaving. Went back to MB, can't decide what to eat, end up spend 10mins sitting there and all left for home instead. Finally home at 0200hrs. She called me at 0245hrs and asked if I'm still at club momo and she wanna come over and look for me! I was sound asleep already! Anyway didn't even remember what I replied her on the phone (hahahahaha...).
Day 4.
Woke up at 0500hrs for work. Worked till 1430hrs. And during the day, I'm damn damn tired already! No choice but had to stay awake..... Went to pick up some stuff for my car, and home at 1630hrs to take a short nap. Short it was, cos got woken up by some smses (nbz...). Gave her a call and check with her how fun was her night out, but reckon she's still sleeping since she didn't answer. Anyway she called an hour later, had a short chat and most likely to be meeting her tomorrow. Went to IP to check my car cos some weird sound is coming from the engine bay. Got it fixed by 1730 and left for GMV, our weekly ATR meet up. Fixed up a heat shield and stayed till 2000hrs, then left for class. Class ended at 2130hrs, send 2 course mates home, raining cats and dogs! So heavy that I can hardly see the cars on the road!
Finally! Home in my warm cosy bed, writing down on this blog what happened for the past 4 days. And realized for the past 4 days till now, I'd only slept not more than 6 hours! Really seh liao... Best is, I doozed off while writing this blog! And I woke up 1 hour later to realize I'm gonna be late for my supper appointment! That 1 hour of nap seem so long and help to keep me awake till 0630hrs. Went to have supper at NUS area. Then send both of them home, reach home and went to bed at 0630hrs.
Day 5.
Left this post till now, 1330hrs. Got 5 miss calls and 4 smses during my 6 hrs of sleep. These calls and smses bloody woke my up and I totally ignored them! Bloody irritating to have people calling me when I'm sleeping. It's so taxing to be woken up and then go back to sleep again. I feel more tiring when this happens. Can't even have a peaceful sleep with no interruptions!
Anyway, enough ranting. I lost count of how many hours of sleep I got for the past 5 day. Now feeling hungry so let me go find my brunch. it's a Friday and tonight would be another night of activities again! Hahahahaha...
Just can't get enough....!
(To be continued.....)
Just few days back, went out with my ATR bros, and other friends. It just happen that when one group ask you out, the other groups will also ask you out. So coincidental! All come at the same time!
Day 1.
Work starts at 0600hrs, woke up at 0500hrs. Left work at 1400hrs to run some work errands. Done at 1700hrs, met up with my "beloved" and her friend. Had dinner at MB and sat there chit-chatting till 2000hrs and went for my class. Went back to MB again to meet them and bumped into my school mates (what a small world). Sat there till 2200hrs plus and sent them home. Got home by 2300hrs plus, was about to hit the sack but got a call from another friend, jio me out for supper. Went along and home at 0200hrs. Slept at 0300hrs, and woke up at 0500hrs for work.
Day 2.
Worked till 1230hrs, had lunch with a very close and dearly missed friend, then coffee. Sent her home at 1500hrs and went home at 1530hrs. Go through my emails and stuff, done by 1700hrs. The night before, arranged to go JB with my "beloved" and her friend. Suppose to pick her friend up before picking her up when she ends work. But her friend had to go get some stuff before she go to Australia to start her new job, so instead I met some devils for dinner and then coffee at MB. 2300hrs, pick up her friend and her another friend, before picking up my "beloved". Send the friend home cos she's suffering from jet lag after coming back from UK and she doesn't want to join us for she's very tired. So left the original 3 of us heading JB for supper. Happened that 2 devils are in JB, so met up for supper together. The day ended at 0330hrs. Slept at 0400hrs and as usual, woke up at 0500hrs for work.
Day 3.
Worked till 1300hrs. Ran some work errands, done by 1500hrs. "Beloved's" friend called to ask me out for dinner. But then I'd arranged dinner with 1 of the devil since we're heading to club momo at night, and decided to have dinner, then coffee, and meet up with the rest of the devils at 2130hrs. End up, she had to do some errands too and couldn't meet her since she would be done rather late. So instead stick to my original plan with the 1 of the devils. She said will call me again when she's done with her stuff and may meet up later in the night. So went for a car wash and then dinner with 1 devil. Another devil called up and we waited till he arrived before the 3 of us went to MB to have coffee and also to meet up with another 2 devils. During the wait, 1 of the devils hooked up with a girl! She's kindof proud and bitchy but still managed to get her contacts.
Devil:"Hi, possible to leave a contact and be friends?"
Girl:"Sorry, I'm attached."
Me:"SO? Attached cannot be friends?"
Devil:"Just leave a contact loh."
Girl wrote it down on the pda.
Hahaha... So evil! Maybe she's too bitchy and I don't like the way she talks, trying to attract attention, thus it irks me and I just had to say that straight in her face! Really different people different taste. Hahahaha...
Left for club momo at 2130hrs. 2 of the devil has arrived eariler and the valet had reserved parking lots for us. It was a sight to have 7 ATRs parked neatly next to each other. And heads turned when the crowd hear us arriving. Even the fancier cars weren't gaining such looks of admiration (thick skin.. Hehehehe.. :P). Was kindof quiet at club momo, partly cos it's still early. 3 of us popped by Zouk since it's opened from renovation and it's their 1st mambo night. Gosh it's packed! Even the parking lots are almost full. Left after staying for a while cos it's just too packed. So we went back to club momo since the rest are still there. Club momo ain't as happening as Zouk, but Zouk was so packed. Instead, we decided to visit a pub at no man's land. Recieved her call and told me she's going to Zouk. Told her it's really packed and I'll be at club momo. Stayed at the pub for a while and head back to club momo again at 0030hrs. An hour later in club momo, we decided to leave for supper. On the way to the exit, bumped into a familiar someone, whom I'd not seen for sometime. Good to hear he's doing fine. Didn't talk much since I was leaving. Went back to MB, can't decide what to eat, end up spend 10mins sitting there and all left for home instead. Finally home at 0200hrs. She called me at 0245hrs and asked if I'm still at club momo and she wanna come over and look for me! I was sound asleep already! Anyway didn't even remember what I replied her on the phone (hahahahaha...).
Day 4.
Woke up at 0500hrs for work. Worked till 1430hrs. And during the day, I'm damn damn tired already! No choice but had to stay awake..... Went to pick up some stuff for my car, and home at 1630hrs to take a short nap. Short it was, cos got woken up by some smses (nbz...). Gave her a call and check with her how fun was her night out, but reckon she's still sleeping since she didn't answer. Anyway she called an hour later, had a short chat and most likely to be meeting her tomorrow. Went to IP to check my car cos some weird sound is coming from the engine bay. Got it fixed by 1730 and left for GMV, our weekly ATR meet up. Fixed up a heat shield and stayed till 2000hrs, then left for class. Class ended at 2130hrs, send 2 course mates home, raining cats and dogs! So heavy that I can hardly see the cars on the road!
Finally! Home in my warm cosy bed, writing down on this blog what happened for the past 4 days. And realized for the past 4 days till now, I'd only slept not more than 6 hours! Really seh liao... Best is, I doozed off while writing this blog! And I woke up 1 hour later to realize I'm gonna be late for my supper appointment! That 1 hour of nap seem so long and help to keep me awake till 0630hrs. Went to have supper at NUS area. Then send both of them home, reach home and went to bed at 0630hrs.
Day 5.
Left this post till now, 1330hrs. Got 5 miss calls and 4 smses during my 6 hrs of sleep. These calls and smses bloody woke my up and I totally ignored them! Bloody irritating to have people calling me when I'm sleeping. It's so taxing to be woken up and then go back to sleep again. I feel more tiring when this happens. Can't even have a peaceful sleep with no interruptions!
Anyway, enough ranting. I lost count of how many hours of sleep I got for the past 5 day. Now feeling hungry so let me go find my brunch. it's a Friday and tonight would be another night of activities again! Hahahahaha...
Just can't get enough....!
(To be continued.....)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
After seeing the Doraemobile, now it's the fierce side of my car. Hehehehe... :P
ATRacing is a name that the Devils "endorse" and came up with. ATR stands for AirTrek tuRbo. Whereas for ATRacing, only the Devils use them and it's designed by one of our creative devil. Those who are in the club that doesn't belong to the Devils, are not allowed to use ATRacing. Anyway, this is how my car is like now, for the time being. There are sure to have more stuff to add on, only depend on what and how nice they are. And also how deep my pocket is..
Oh.. I welcome sponsors! Muahahaha... :P

ATRacing is a name that the Devils "endorse" and came up with. ATR stands for AirTrek tuRbo. Whereas for ATRacing, only the Devils use them and it's designed by one of our creative devil. Those who are in the club that doesn't belong to the Devils, are not allowed to use ATRacing. Anyway, this is how my car is like now, for the time being. There are sure to have more stuff to add on, only depend on what and how nice they are. And also how deep my pocket is..
Oh.. I welcome sponsors! Muahahaha... :P
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Georg Jensen 'Orbit' key ring
Wow! This gift came as a surprise and no special occasion to it! ;)

Only mention a few times to her that this key ring is unique and classy. Also makes a good key ring for my car key. And today, got it as a gift from her! Only a few conversations, lunches and dinners and she kind of remembers most of the things I'd mentioned. Somehow it's dangerous in one way or another. Hahahahaha.. :P
Here's a clearer pic to the key ring.
Only mention a few times to her that this key ring is unique and classy. Also makes a good key ring for my car key. And today, got it as a gift from her! Only a few conversations, lunches and dinners and she kind of remembers most of the things I'd mentioned. Somehow it's dangerous in one way or another. Hahahahaha.. :P
Here's a clearer pic to the key ring.
Yupe! This is what I call my car now! DORAEMOBILE!!
Got most of these Doraemon stuff from my beloved. Love the tissue box most cos the ones we saw are really ugly. Not forgetting it took plenty of time and leg muscles to find this one and only tissue box which is hidden in the store, not displayed!
Yes, it's worth it! Very worth it! Kakakakakaka.. ;)
My brother saw my car commented;
Bro: "Wah piang eh! Your car so fierce and nice hor, go and put what Doraemon!"
Me: "Too fierce liao, so must neutralized it mah.."
Bro: "Please loh, CF bonnet somemore.. Take out lah.."
Me: "I like mah.. Cute leh.. I call it Doraemobile!"
(Bro shakes head..)
(Me laughing away.. Hahahahaha..)
Then today went to have dim sum with some of the ATR gang guys and family members;
ATR1: "Wah.. CF bonnet leh.. Sibey fierce liao!"
Me: "Ok lah.. Not so bad lah.."
ATR2: "1st white to have CF bonnet right"
ATR3: "Yupe! But 2nd in ATR to have CF bonnet"
ATR4: "Steady liao.. Fast hand fast leg leh.. Hahahah.."
Me: "No lah.. Got then buy loh.. Anyway not suppose to be mine but they know I need a bonnet so let me have it first."
ATR1: "Wah piang eh brudder.. Simi Doraemon.. Kaoz.."
ATR2: "Hahahaha.. Doraemon.. You like Doraemon huh?"
Me: "Yah lah.. If not I put for what.. My friend buy for me so put loh.."
ATR3: "Take out lah.. Your friend dunno wan mah.."
ATR4: "Bo ya lah.. Car so fierce, so many ang kong kia.."
Me: "Mai lah.. I like leh.. Somemore gift leh.."
(ATR1,2,3,4 shakes head..)
(Me laughing away.. Hahahahaha..)
And here I present to you all, DORAEMOBILE!!! Muahahahahaha.. ;)

(Will sure to post the fierce side of my car!)
To be continued...
Got most of these Doraemon stuff from my beloved. Love the tissue box most cos the ones we saw are really ugly. Not forgetting it took plenty of time and leg muscles to find this one and only tissue box which is hidden in the store, not displayed!
Yes, it's worth it! Very worth it! Kakakakakaka.. ;)
My brother saw my car commented;
Bro: "Wah piang eh! Your car so fierce and nice hor, go and put what Doraemon!"
Me: "Too fierce liao, so must neutralized it mah.."
Bro: "Please loh, CF bonnet somemore.. Take out lah.."
Me: "I like mah.. Cute leh.. I call it Doraemobile!"
(Bro shakes head..)
(Me laughing away.. Hahahahaha..)
Then today went to have dim sum with some of the ATR gang guys and family members;
ATR1: "Wah.. CF bonnet leh.. Sibey fierce liao!"
Me: "Ok lah.. Not so bad lah.."
ATR2: "1st white to have CF bonnet right"
ATR3: "Yupe! But 2nd in ATR to have CF bonnet"
ATR4: "Steady liao.. Fast hand fast leg leh.. Hahahah.."
Me: "No lah.. Got then buy loh.. Anyway not suppose to be mine but they know I need a bonnet so let me have it first."
ATR1: "Wah piang eh brudder.. Simi Doraemon.. Kaoz.."
ATR2: "Hahahaha.. Doraemon.. You like Doraemon huh?"
Me: "Yah lah.. If not I put for what.. My friend buy for me so put loh.."
ATR3: "Take out lah.. Your friend dunno wan mah.."
ATR4: "Bo ya lah.. Car so fierce, so many ang kong kia.."
Me: "Mai lah.. I like leh.. Somemore gift leh.."
(ATR1,2,3,4 shakes head..)
(Me laughing away.. Hahahahaha..)
And here I present to you all, DORAEMOBILE!!! Muahahahahaha.. ;)
(Will sure to post the fierce side of my car!)
To be continued...
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Was out in the morning doing my wheel alignment, and follow by doing some stickers at Queensway. Was suppose to meet 1 of the devils for lunch but received a call from 2 other devils who are in JB. And they brought me good news! They'd found a CF bonnet and knowing my bonnet is dented and let me have it first. Am so excited about it, went straight away after the stickers are done.
Yet, all excitements are washed away by another summon in JB! KNN! These fucking TPs in JB so on meh! NBZ... Got a fine for parking at double yellow line, and just because I went to change some ringgit, which took less than bloody 2 mintues! What the fuck... My previous trip I just got a summon for using the mobile phone, and this time I had the ear piece on, thinking I should be ok. Since I usually park my car there to change money, it shouldn't be a prob since it take less than 2 minute! But who knows! KNN... Talk about efficiency in Msia, this is the best! Malaysia Boleh!
Whatever, met up with the 2 devils and went straight to see the CF bonnet! DAMN! It's a beauty! Though there are some tiny flaws, nothing is perfect! Got it fixed up immediately and left the dented one for them to repair. It's been a long day for me when it's 1600hrs after everything is more or less done. Left our cars for our ritual car wash, and went to the Spa since we all had a long day and truly deserve this, moreover it's much cheaper than S'pore. Left the Spa at 2030hrs, and it's dinner time. 2330hrs is home sweet home.
Gosh.. It's been a long day after finally reaching S'pore at 0015hrs. BUT, the day has not ended! Got a call to fetch someone from the airport. Turned down a supper appointment, cos I know this trip to the airport is gonna be worth it! And worth it was!! WoooooHooooo...
(To be continued...)
Here's a pic of the CF bonnet and sticker I did. Some say it's fierce, some say it's beng. Wait till my next blog and it will neutralize the beng-ness to another level of ride in my car!! Muahahahaha... ;)

List of items added on!
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires
2. Eyebrows
3. Spoiler (Winglet)
4. Tien springs
5. Hurricane open pod filter
6. Bonnet damper
7. Apexi N1 exhaust
8. Carbon fiber exhaust guard
9. Samco hoses
10. Stainless steel intercooler
11. De-cat
12. Visors
13. RalliArt Titanium pedals
14. Evo 8 MR Cam shafts
15. Marine clamps for samco hoses
16. Steel braided brake lines
17. Wheel alignment
18. ATRacing stickers
19. Carbon fiber bonnet
List of items gonna be added on!
1. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
4. Diffuser - Fabricating
5. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating
6. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
Yet, all excitements are washed away by another summon in JB! KNN! These fucking TPs in JB so on meh! NBZ... Got a fine for parking at double yellow line, and just because I went to change some ringgit, which took less than bloody 2 mintues! What the fuck... My previous trip I just got a summon for using the mobile phone, and this time I had the ear piece on, thinking I should be ok. Since I usually park my car there to change money, it shouldn't be a prob since it take less than 2 minute! But who knows! KNN... Talk about efficiency in Msia, this is the best! Malaysia Boleh!
Whatever, met up with the 2 devils and went straight to see the CF bonnet! DAMN! It's a beauty! Though there are some tiny flaws, nothing is perfect! Got it fixed up immediately and left the dented one for them to repair. It's been a long day for me when it's 1600hrs after everything is more or less done. Left our cars for our ritual car wash, and went to the Spa since we all had a long day and truly deserve this, moreover it's much cheaper than S'pore. Left the Spa at 2030hrs, and it's dinner time. 2330hrs is home sweet home.
Gosh.. It's been a long day after finally reaching S'pore at 0015hrs. BUT, the day has not ended! Got a call to fetch someone from the airport. Turned down a supper appointment, cos I know this trip to the airport is gonna be worth it! And worth it was!! WoooooHooooo...
(To be continued...)
Here's a pic of the CF bonnet and sticker I did. Some say it's fierce, some say it's beng. Wait till my next blog and it will neutralize the beng-ness to another level of ride in my car!! Muahahahaha... ;)
List of items added on!
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires
2. Eyebrows
3. Spoiler (Winglet)
4. Tien springs
5. Hurricane open pod filter
6. Bonnet damper
7. Apexi N1 exhaust
8. Carbon fiber exhaust guard
9. Samco hoses
10. Stainless steel intercooler
11. De-cat
12. Visors
13. RalliArt Titanium pedals
14. Evo 8 MR Cam shafts
15. Marine clamps for samco hoses
16. Steel braided brake lines
17. Wheel alignment
18. ATRacing stickers
19. Carbon fiber bonnet
List of items gonna be added on!
1. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
4. Diffuser - Fabricating
5. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating
6. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Devils outing (Episode 1)
5/10 of the devils met up today to visit the spa, for jacuzzi. Hot and cold pool, sauna and cool room. Not forgetting thai massage. Went in the day, left in the night. Pretty good massage but then I prefer my regular massage at WanYang. Talk about it, been some time I visit WanYang for foot reflexology and back massage. Anyway, met up with the other 5 devils at club momo to have dinner and then it's party time!! Spa in the day, party at night!! What a day it has been!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Mission XDD, again!
Here are some clearer pics of the XDD stuff. Also re-positioned the holder higher for better reach.

Monday, October 17, 2005
Cam shafts is finally in!
Spent the whole day, or rather more than 11 hours at Powershop today to get my Evo 8 MR cam shafts fitted in. Was at Powershop since 10.30am, after getting the marine clamps for the samco hoses. Alex was suppose to get it done in the morning but his wife who is pregnant need to visit the doctor.
Instead Leong and Ivan dismantle the engine block and other parts linked to it first and leave it till Alex is back to do the springs since he's the only one that has experience in doing cams.
Leong and Ivan have not changed cam shaft before but from what I see, it's rather easy. Only thing is to be precise and not be careless, in case of any parts that might fall into the engine block, then that's it!
Anyway, did hang around and helped out abit and see how they get it done, learning a few tricks and asked some stuf regarding the engine. But most of the time is sitting in the office chatting with who ever is in the office and ,anaged to took a few shot naps as well since I didn't sleep much since last night and had to wake up early in the morning to run some errands.
Finally everything is fixed up at around 9pm. And it's way beyond their working hours but then they're used to it anyway.
Everything seems fine and the engine is running smoothly for now. Need to let the cam shafts, springs and retainers run abit before giving it a full throttle to test out the performance.
So now is to pussy foot and not step on the pedal to hard and rev too high. Slowly and steady does it! ;)
List of items added on!
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires
2. Eyebrows
3. Spoiler (Winglet)
4. Tien springs
5. Hurricane open pod filter
6. Bonnet damper
7. Apexi N1 exhaust
8. Carbon fiber exhaust guard
9. Samco hoses
10. Stainless steel intercooler
11. De-cat
12. Visors
13. RalliArt Titanium pedals
14. Evo 8 MR Cam shafts
15. Marine clamps for samco hoses
List of items gonna be added on!
1. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
2. Steel braided brake lines - Waiting for Group Buy
3. Wheel alignment - When I'm free
4. Diffuser - Fabricating
5. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating
6. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
7. Carbon fiber bonnet - Coming in from Hong Kong end of October
Instead Leong and Ivan dismantle the engine block and other parts linked to it first and leave it till Alex is back to do the springs since he's the only one that has experience in doing cams.
Leong and Ivan have not changed cam shaft before but from what I see, it's rather easy. Only thing is to be precise and not be careless, in case of any parts that might fall into the engine block, then that's it!
Anyway, did hang around and helped out abit and see how they get it done, learning a few tricks and asked some stuf regarding the engine. But most of the time is sitting in the office chatting with who ever is in the office and ,anaged to took a few shot naps as well since I didn't sleep much since last night and had to wake up early in the morning to run some errands.
Finally everything is fixed up at around 9pm. And it's way beyond their working hours but then they're used to it anyway.
Everything seems fine and the engine is running smoothly for now. Need to let the cam shafts, springs and retainers run abit before giving it a full throttle to test out the performance.
So now is to pussy foot and not step on the pedal to hard and rev too high. Slowly and steady does it! ;)
List of items added on!
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires
2. Eyebrows
3. Spoiler (Winglet)
4. Tien springs
5. Hurricane open pod filter
6. Bonnet damper
7. Apexi N1 exhaust
8. Carbon fiber exhaust guard
9. Samco hoses
10. Stainless steel intercooler
11. De-cat
12. Visors
13. RalliArt Titanium pedals
14. Evo 8 MR Cam shafts
15. Marine clamps for samco hoses
List of items gonna be added on!
1. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
2. Steel braided brake lines - Waiting for Group Buy
3. Wheel alignment - When I'm free
4. Diffuser - Fabricating
5. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating
6. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
7. Carbon fiber bonnet - Coming in from Hong Kong end of October
Dent on the bonnet that is caused by the accident... :(

The cost to get it repaired and re-sprayed will be rather substantial, so I intend to change to carbon fiber bonnet instead. Since it's part of the plan to cut up the bonnet to allow more ventilation to the engine bay, which eventually wil cost about SGD300-SGD500. Dennis is kind enough to let me have the CF bonnet he got from Hong Kong, so might as well take his offer. But that will take come time to arrive.
The cost to get it repaired and re-sprayed will be rather substantial, so I intend to change to carbon fiber bonnet instead. Since it's part of the plan to cut up the bonnet to allow more ventilation to the engine bay, which eventually wil cost about SGD300-SGD500. Dennis is kind enough to let me have the CF bonnet he got from Hong Kong, so might as well take his offer. But that will take come time to arrive.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Mission XDD!
Today is Mission XDD!
Went to search for some XDD stuff with my beloved, and got a multi holder, a hook and a new sign to put in my car. The other day got a XDD which the eyes can move to have 5 different kinds of eyes, so the expressions are different. Initally I have no thoughts of turing my car into a XDD mobile. but then cannot resist the temptations to put them in.
Actually I do need the holder to hold my mobile phone and walkie talkie. And the hook is to hang some stuff, like food or drinks, or anything that need to be hooked on. The XDD which the eyes can move is just amusing, since it has 5 different eyes to switch around, it can also keep me awake while driving and play around with it to amuse myself! I've got a XDD sign already on the back of the car that reads "Baby in car". But this new one reads "Doraemon in car", which I think is more appropriate lah! Muahahahaha... :P
Here are some pics I took with my mobile at night with the night mode. Not too clear but good enough lah. When I got the time, then I will take a port-folio of my car! Hehehe... :)
Multi holder


XDD with 5 different eyes/expressions. Only this the clearest. Willl take pics of the other 4 next time and post again. ;)

"Doraemon in car"
Went to search for some XDD stuff with my beloved, and got a multi holder, a hook and a new sign to put in my car. The other day got a XDD which the eyes can move to have 5 different kinds of eyes, so the expressions are different. Initally I have no thoughts of turing my car into a XDD mobile. but then cannot resist the temptations to put them in.
Actually I do need the holder to hold my mobile phone and walkie talkie. And the hook is to hang some stuff, like food or drinks, or anything that need to be hooked on. The XDD which the eyes can move is just amusing, since it has 5 different eyes to switch around, it can also keep me awake while driving and play around with it to amuse myself! I've got a XDD sign already on the back of the car that reads "Baby in car". But this new one reads "Doraemon in car", which I think is more appropriate lah! Muahahahaha... :P
Here are some pics I took with my mobile at night with the night mode. Not too clear but good enough lah. When I got the time, then I will take a port-folio of my car! Hehehe... :)
Multi holder
XDD with 5 different eyes/expressions. Only this the clearest. Willl take pics of the other 4 next time and post again. ;)
"Doraemon in car"
Friday, October 14, 2005
Bad luck? Carelessness? WHAT THE FUCK!!
I dunno what the hell is wrong.. Or am I just in a bad luck streak..
Last evening, 13th Oct, while on my way out of the house, along upper east coast road, where coffee club and cafe cartel is, I was travelling straight towards katong and these 2 young male pedestrians is trying to jay walk across. Upon seeing their actions, I drove my car out to the right most lane, half of my car along the centre marker of the road so as to avoid this young chap. They actually saw me coming and his friend grab onto his hand and tried to pulled him back. But he managed to shake it off and dash across, with hesitation and second thoughts to dash or not! WHAT THE FUCK!!
At that moment when I saw him trying to make a gamble, my foot was already on the brake but it just couldn't stopped in time when he suddenly make a dash for it and stopped in the middle of the road! I had to serve to the left to avoid him, cos he had dash across and was standing on the centre divider, looking out for traffic on his left!! I couldn't serve to the left in time and hitted him on the right side of his body against my front right bonnet. Caught him in his right leg and he flew onto the bonnet which explains the reason why the dent is on the bonnet but not the bumper. He was flung like 2m away from my car. Surprisingly, the bumper got no dents but the bonnet was rather slightly dented.
That moment actually send chills down my spine. Next moment I can think of is alight from my car, and give assistance to the injured. His friend was shocked cos he was right in front of where the accident happened. Thanks god this young chap is still sitting up and able to talk. I was apologetic and wonder why he make a dash when he saw my car. He actually said that he's ok, and it is his fault for running across. His colleagues came out to check him out and they are actually working in this Japanese restaurant next to Cafe Cartel. He was on his way back to the restuarant. This young chap had quite a bad fall and I reckon it was not due to the impact of the car. More like when he landed on the road, it caused him to have a cut on the right side of his head and he was bleeding. There were some superficial wounds on his right shoulder, other than that, he's sitting up conciously.
I was more concern on his wounds than the car, as I know a machine can be repaired by a human body is more vunerable. The ambulance came within 5 mins and he was sent to the hospital. The poilce didn't come till 15mins later and to think that the NPP is just 200m away from the accident area. Finally the traffic police came alone. Wrote down some particulars and made some measurements on the scene. And since he's alone, I've to help him to hold the tape. After noting down the particulars and some neccessary details, I was told to make a report to the IO at Ubi.
To think that at 5.30pm, 2 hours away to a wedding dinner and I'm stuck at the TP station waiting for the IO to come back and attend to me. Have to wait till 6.45pm cos he had to go through the statement of another driver. Anway, gave him all the details and what happend. Done in 30min, so enough time for me to join the rest for the wedding dinner. While walking back to my car, saw a summon on my wiper. And the fine is for not parking within the parking lot. WHAT THE FUCK!! It's a one way road and my bumper is just out of the box by 10 cm and I'm not even causing any hinderance to traffic! What worst could happen. Although it's just a $20 fine, but this is really rubbing salt into wound consider what happend eariler.. God damnit!
Wedding dinner wasn't great partly I'm bothered by what happened. And my ATR bros are trying to cheer me up but then I just got no mood to joke around. Decided to go home after dinner while some of them headed to JB to pump petrol and some stay around to enjoy red wine in the lobby. I went home, took a bath and went to bed. Woke up in sweat in the morning. This is what happened to me for a period of time when I was so stress with certain issues that happened to me last December. It's been some time I woke up in sweat and it really don't feel good at all.
Had no mood to work and told my RM that I would like to leave at 10am to go make report at my insurance company. Got it done by noon and went to Imperial Powershop to hang around for a while, before going to Y2K to collect my exhaust guard.
The guard wasn't done yet, so I went to the Goddess of Mercy's Temple to give prayers. It's been some time I went to the temple and since I'm on a bad luck streak, best to give some prayers. Bought 6 packs of flowers to wash the bad luck away from my car and myself. Hopefully this will change my luck and make it turn good.
Went back to Y2K to get the exhaust guard fixed up and headed to Imperial Powershop to hang around till 8pm. Drove around wondering what to eat for dinner and Dennis called since he's around the area, so went to 5 star chicken to have dinner. And now, home, ranitng about what happened and how bad my luck was for this week. And decided not to head up to KL this time. Somehow just don't feel good about this trip anymore.
Looking back for the week, really cannot believe how bad one's luck can be.....
Monday, went in to JB, got a sms regarding come changes in the roster and made some calls to check. And for this, got booked by JB's TP for using mobile while driving.
Tuesday, while on the way back on the BKE, already very tired so didn't notice I was driving that fast, at 110km/h, didn't notice there was a speed camera, got snapped.
Thursday, knocked into a jaywalker, got summon while parking in a lot. And the offence is for not parking in the lot.
What else can happen... I really don't dare to think about it... When one's luck is down, it really sucks to be in that kind of situation... I've to agree my carelessness does play a part for what happened this week. Then again, in one week? Bad luck? Carelessness? WHAT THE FUCK!!
Last evening, 13th Oct, while on my way out of the house, along upper east coast road, where coffee club and cafe cartel is, I was travelling straight towards katong and these 2 young male pedestrians is trying to jay walk across. Upon seeing their actions, I drove my car out to the right most lane, half of my car along the centre marker of the road so as to avoid this young chap. They actually saw me coming and his friend grab onto his hand and tried to pulled him back. But he managed to shake it off and dash across, with hesitation and second thoughts to dash or not! WHAT THE FUCK!!
At that moment when I saw him trying to make a gamble, my foot was already on the brake but it just couldn't stopped in time when he suddenly make a dash for it and stopped in the middle of the road! I had to serve to the left to avoid him, cos he had dash across and was standing on the centre divider, looking out for traffic on his left!! I couldn't serve to the left in time and hitted him on the right side of his body against my front right bonnet. Caught him in his right leg and he flew onto the bonnet which explains the reason why the dent is on the bonnet but not the bumper. He was flung like 2m away from my car. Surprisingly, the bumper got no dents but the bonnet was rather slightly dented.
That moment actually send chills down my spine. Next moment I can think of is alight from my car, and give assistance to the injured. His friend was shocked cos he was right in front of where the accident happened. Thanks god this young chap is still sitting up and able to talk. I was apologetic and wonder why he make a dash when he saw my car. He actually said that he's ok, and it is his fault for running across. His colleagues came out to check him out and they are actually working in this Japanese restaurant next to Cafe Cartel. He was on his way back to the restuarant. This young chap had quite a bad fall and I reckon it was not due to the impact of the car. More like when he landed on the road, it caused him to have a cut on the right side of his head and he was bleeding. There were some superficial wounds on his right shoulder, other than that, he's sitting up conciously.
I was more concern on his wounds than the car, as I know a machine can be repaired by a human body is more vunerable. The ambulance came within 5 mins and he was sent to the hospital. The poilce didn't come till 15mins later and to think that the NPP is just 200m away from the accident area. Finally the traffic police came alone. Wrote down some particulars and made some measurements on the scene. And since he's alone, I've to help him to hold the tape. After noting down the particulars and some neccessary details, I was told to make a report to the IO at Ubi.
To think that at 5.30pm, 2 hours away to a wedding dinner and I'm stuck at the TP station waiting for the IO to come back and attend to me. Have to wait till 6.45pm cos he had to go through the statement of another driver. Anway, gave him all the details and what happend. Done in 30min, so enough time for me to join the rest for the wedding dinner. While walking back to my car, saw a summon on my wiper. And the fine is for not parking within the parking lot. WHAT THE FUCK!! It's a one way road and my bumper is just out of the box by 10 cm and I'm not even causing any hinderance to traffic! What worst could happen. Although it's just a $20 fine, but this is really rubbing salt into wound consider what happend eariler.. God damnit!
Wedding dinner wasn't great partly I'm bothered by what happened. And my ATR bros are trying to cheer me up but then I just got no mood to joke around. Decided to go home after dinner while some of them headed to JB to pump petrol and some stay around to enjoy red wine in the lobby. I went home, took a bath and went to bed. Woke up in sweat in the morning. This is what happened to me for a period of time when I was so stress with certain issues that happened to me last December. It's been some time I woke up in sweat and it really don't feel good at all.
Had no mood to work and told my RM that I would like to leave at 10am to go make report at my insurance company. Got it done by noon and went to Imperial Powershop to hang around for a while, before going to Y2K to collect my exhaust guard.
The guard wasn't done yet, so I went to the Goddess of Mercy's Temple to give prayers. It's been some time I went to the temple and since I'm on a bad luck streak, best to give some prayers. Bought 6 packs of flowers to wash the bad luck away from my car and myself. Hopefully this will change my luck and make it turn good.
Went back to Y2K to get the exhaust guard fixed up and headed to Imperial Powershop to hang around till 8pm. Drove around wondering what to eat for dinner and Dennis called since he's around the area, so went to 5 star chicken to have dinner. And now, home, ranitng about what happened and how bad my luck was for this week. And decided not to head up to KL this time. Somehow just don't feel good about this trip anymore.
Looking back for the week, really cannot believe how bad one's luck can be.....
Monday, went in to JB, got a sms regarding come changes in the roster and made some calls to check. And for this, got booked by JB's TP for using mobile while driving.
Tuesday, while on the way back on the BKE, already very tired so didn't notice I was driving that fast, at 110km/h, didn't notice there was a speed camera, got snapped.
Thursday, knocked into a jaywalker, got summon while parking in a lot. And the offence is for not parking in the lot.
What else can happen... I really don't dare to think about it... When one's luck is down, it really sucks to be in that kind of situation... I've to agree my carelessness does play a part for what happened this week. Then again, in one week? Bad luck? Carelessness? WHAT THE FUCK!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
My wife's new look (Episode 2)
Just some updates on the latest add on. ;)
Fixed up the bonnet damper and now it's an ease to open the heavy bonnet.
List of items added on!
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires
2. Eyebrows
3. Spoiler (Winglet)
4. Tien springs
5. Hurricane open pod filter
6. Bonnet damper
7. Apexi N1 exhaust
8. Exhaust guard
9. Samco hose
10. Stainless steel intercooler
11. De-cat
12. Visor
13. RalliArt Titanium pedals
List of items gonna be added on!
1. MR cams - Monday
2. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
3. Steel braided brake lines - Waiting for Group Buy
4. Wheel alignment - When I'm free
5. Marine clamps - When I'm free
5. Diffuser - Fabricating
6. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating
7. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
8. Carbon fiber bonnet - Coming in from Hong Kong end of October
Fixed up the bonnet damper and now it's an ease to open the heavy bonnet.
List of items added on!
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires
2. Eyebrows
3. Spoiler (Winglet)
4. Tien springs
5. Hurricane open pod filter
6. Bonnet damper
7. Apexi N1 exhaust
8. Exhaust guard
9. Samco hose
10. Stainless steel intercooler
11. De-cat
12. Visor
13. RalliArt Titanium pedals
List of items gonna be added on!
1. MR cams - Monday
2. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
3. Steel braided brake lines - Waiting for Group Buy
4. Wheel alignment - When I'm free
5. Marine clamps - When I'm free
5. Diffuser - Fabricating
6. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating
7. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
8. Carbon fiber bonnet - Coming in from Hong Kong end of October
Sunday, October 09, 2005
My wife's new look (Episode 1)
This is how my wife looks like now. From the list of stuff which I wanna do, almost half were accomplised. And also, some new items to add. Got my car lowered and add on an open pod hurricane filter. And before I head up the NSHW this comeing weekend. Some stuff to be tune for this trip. Kakakaka... :P
Am gonna keep a list so I have an idea how much was spent.. And it seems the list is becoming longer... Hahahaha... :P
1. WORK emotion CR rims with Dunlop ES Sport tires - Done!
2. MR cams - Monday, after coming back from the trip
3. Eyebrows - Done!
4. Spoiler (Winglet) - Done!
5. Brembo brakes. 4pots front, 2pots back - Waiting for sponsors! $3,000 will be good! :P
6. Steel braided brake lines - Waiting for quotations on group buy
7. Tien springs - Done!
8. Hurricane open pod filter - Done!
9. Camber kit - Before this weekend trip
10. Bonnet damper - This Tuesday
11. Marine clamps - Need to buy and switch with current stock clamps
12. Diffuser - Fabricating
13. Apexi N1 exhaust - Done!
14. Exhaust guard - Fabricating this Tuesday
15. Heat shield and air intake box - Fabricating this Wednesday
16. Samco hose - Done!
17. SS intercooler - Done!
18. Decat - Done!
19. Visor - Done!
20. Strut bars - Waiting for shipment. Need sponsors too! $2,000 will be good! :P
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Just can't get enough... (Episode 1)
It's been sometime I realised this. I need more sleep. I need more time. It just seems that 24hours a day is not enough for me. Maybe I didn't manage my time properly. But at times when I have enough time, I try to catch up with more sleep. But when I have too many things on hand to do, I tire myself out, feeling so tired and so lack of sleep. On the average, I'm only able to achieve 4 hours of sleep in 24 hours. So many friends to catch up with, but time is just not on my side to be able to meet up with all of them.
Few days back, I was having a haircut at the salon and I doozed off in less than 5 mins (which most of the time I do). The hair stylist has to hold on to my head to prevent me from knodding. While washing my hair, I doozed off as well. The best was while having my eyebrows timmed (yes, I do trim my eyebrows), I went to slumberland while the stylist was waxing and tearing off pieces of tape, repeating the procedures. As I'm still able to sense the hot wax and the tearing off the tapes while I was alseep, the pain doesn't matter to me anymore as my body and brain is so tired that I was totaly "switch off", then be bothered by the hot wax n tape. All these interval of naps make me felt like I had slept for hours, but it is never enough. The stylist was amazed that I just dozed off like that, sound alseep during the process of trimming my eyebrows.
The other such encounter was during my weekly foot and back massage. Usually most of my sessions are with sharp pain and I will be wide awake cos of the pain. And usually the areas that hurt most are the areas which diagnose that I'm lack of sleep and my head, shoulders and calfs are stiff. There was this once which I practically slept through the whole foot massage session. In the beginning it was painful and bearable. After a while, the pain turned to numbness as I was into my nap. I had to be woken up when the massager is done with the foot massage. Then come the back massage, and same thing, concussed in the massage chair.
I've never been so tired before in the past at all. This year has been a tiring year. Been through hypertensions, going through the stresess, overcoming problems occurring time and time, climbling over obstacles, putting oneself to the limit. All these issues somehow did get better, hopefully it will be better. Even with so many achievements in life, it's never enough to fulfill all the wants and needs in life. When one chapter closes, another begins. When one door closes, another open. Life is a vicious cycle. What goes around comes around. We are all selfish beings. We always want the best of both worlds. We always wanna choose what is beneficial to us at that moment of time, but we never thought of what will happen later. We always ask for more when we're given what is sufficient. We are never easily satisfied. Or is it just me?
Time is never enough... Just can't get enough...
Few days back, I was having a haircut at the salon and I doozed off in less than 5 mins (which most of the time I do). The hair stylist has to hold on to my head to prevent me from knodding. While washing my hair, I doozed off as well. The best was while having my eyebrows timmed (yes, I do trim my eyebrows), I went to slumberland while the stylist was waxing and tearing off pieces of tape, repeating the procedures. As I'm still able to sense the hot wax and the tearing off the tapes while I was alseep, the pain doesn't matter to me anymore as my body and brain is so tired that I was totaly "switch off", then be bothered by the hot wax n tape. All these interval of naps make me felt like I had slept for hours, but it is never enough. The stylist was amazed that I just dozed off like that, sound alseep during the process of trimming my eyebrows.
The other such encounter was during my weekly foot and back massage. Usually most of my sessions are with sharp pain and I will be wide awake cos of the pain. And usually the areas that hurt most are the areas which diagnose that I'm lack of sleep and my head, shoulders and calfs are stiff. There was this once which I practically slept through the whole foot massage session. In the beginning it was painful and bearable. After a while, the pain turned to numbness as I was into my nap. I had to be woken up when the massager is done with the foot massage. Then come the back massage, and same thing, concussed in the massage chair.
I've never been so tired before in the past at all. This year has been a tiring year. Been through hypertensions, going through the stresess, overcoming problems occurring time and time, climbling over obstacles, putting oneself to the limit. All these issues somehow did get better, hopefully it will be better. Even with so many achievements in life, it's never enough to fulfill all the wants and needs in life. When one chapter closes, another begins. When one door closes, another open. Life is a vicious cycle. What goes around comes around. We are all selfish beings. We always want the best of both worlds. We always wanna choose what is beneficial to us at that moment of time, but we never thought of what will happen later. We always ask for more when we're given what is sufficient. We are never easily satisfied. Or is it just me?
Time is never enough... Just can't get enough...
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Woooo Hoooo!!
Went out with the bros last night and just got back now *looks at the clock*, 5am!! I'm still wide awake for staying up since 10.30am.. If YK hadn't called me that he's waiting for me at the workshop, I would have slept through the day.. Went out the night before and was only home at 4am.. Slept till 10.30am and whole day till now then home again.
Finally got the exhaust installed, fixed up the weather guard/visor, eyelids and spoiler. Spend the day getting all these done
Wooooo Hooooo!! Now my baby looks much nicer and sounds more bassy!! I LIKE! The sound of the exhuast is damnnnn loud! It's bassy and when reved, gosh..... I LOVE IT!! It goes, 'pot pot pot pot pot pot' when stationary and 'porrrrrrrr porrrrrrrr porrrrrrrr' when I step on the accelerator! The sound is music to my ears!!
These few weeks really busy with my baby since I got her back.. Follow by "outings" with the rest of the gang.
The eyelids made my baby looked a bit fiercer and the spoiler which is just a thin lip goes on well. The weather guard/visor made my baby looks more muscular as well!
Geesh... So many things done since the 1st of October and I've already spent a super big hole.. So many projects, so little money... I NEED SPONSORS!! WHO WANNA SPONSOR ME?? I NEED A SUGAR MUMMY!! Hahahahaha.... :P
When I get back some sleep and rest which I owe my body, I will take photos of my baby! Now it time to sleep.. *looks at the time again*... Don't think need to sleep liao... Going towork soon anyway! Another long day ahead.. :(
(Anyone know of any sugar mummy, please inform me!)
Finally got the exhaust installed, fixed up the weather guard/visor, eyelids and spoiler. Spend the day getting all these done
Wooooo Hooooo!! Now my baby looks much nicer and sounds more bassy!! I LIKE! The sound of the exhuast is damnnnn loud! It's bassy and when reved, gosh..... I LOVE IT!! It goes, 'pot pot pot pot pot pot' when stationary and 'porrrrrrrr porrrrrrrr porrrrrrrr' when I step on the accelerator! The sound is music to my ears!!
These few weeks really busy with my baby since I got her back.. Follow by "outings" with the rest of the gang.
The eyelids made my baby looked a bit fiercer and the spoiler which is just a thin lip goes on well. The weather guard/visor made my baby looks more muscular as well!
Geesh... So many things done since the 1st of October and I've already spent a super big hole.. So many projects, so little money... I NEED SPONSORS!! WHO WANNA SPONSOR ME?? I NEED A SUGAR MUMMY!! Hahahahaha.... :P
When I get back some sleep and rest which I owe my body, I will take photos of my baby! Now it time to sleep.. *looks at the time again*... Don't think need to sleep liao... Going towork soon anyway! Another long day ahead.. :(
(Anyone know of any sugar mummy, please inform me!)
Monday, October 03, 2005
Flu.... God damnit....
Damnit... I'm down with flu again... Must be the lack of sleep and went out early to the bank, then C&C to report the minor problems on the dashboard. Send the eyebrows and spolier lip to be sprayed, and spent the whole afternoon in the workshop while Ivan fix up my BOV, Samco hoses, and made a scoop for better air intake for my air box. Suppose to fix my MR cams but they don't have the valve spring remover to remove the springs, so have to wait till Wednesday to get it installled, with my N1 exhaust. Went to search for a set of weather guard but bo stock for ATR. Need to wait till Wednesday. Everything will be done by Wednesday! It's gonna be an exciting Wednesday!! :)
Got a box of mooncake from Clarene. So kind of her to keep it for me even though I hadn't been to the workshop for weeks.
Still taste as good, and since no stomach ache, it should be fine. Hahaha... :P

Now is to take a rest after taking a Sudafed pill.. ZzzZzzZzzzzZzzz...
Got a box of mooncake from Clarene. So kind of her to keep it for me even though I hadn't been to the workshop for weeks.
Still taste as good, and since no stomach ache, it should be fine. Hahaha... :P
Now is to take a rest after taking a Sudafed pill.. ZzzZzzZzzzzZzzz...
Seafood, PG and lamb chop!!
Went to Perling with my ATR gang for seafood and then to PG for drag race and finally lamb chop at our usual car wash place.
Chief was late cos he went to pick up a babe. Happen that this babe is someone I know! This shows how small Singapore is! Actually I saw her during one of our meet ups when she came to pick chief in her BMW. But couldn't really confirm cos it's been years I'd seen her. Gosh.. She's still a stunner after all these years. :P
Seafood was cheap as usual, and delicious of cos! RM270 for the 9 of us with 8 dishes! The frog leg with essence, XO prawns and black pepper crab are simply marvelicious! Forgotten to take photos of the food cos am too engrossed in the food! :P
After supper, we headed to PG to check out the drag race. Dennis went on track while the rest didn't wanna participate in the race. Met up with Thomas, Eric and Chzin inisde and the four of them competed with each other. While other cars are of different catogeries, they had fun among themselves, and I got to sit in Dennis car, which I reckon my weight slowed down his car. Hahahaha.. :P
This is one night where we see all different colours of ATR in an outing! Alex is the only blue ATR and he don't usually join us on our outings. Tonight is different cos he's out to try out the speed cut he wired up on his ATR. He managed to hit 185km/h which his speedo is at 175km/h. Somehow it's convincing cos while my speedo can go beyond the 180km/h mark and still picking up speed. I think he needs to do another test again.
A pity only got my hp, and the night mode is not so good. But still worth the try. We had white, blue, red, silver, gold and black, all 6 colours!

After PG, it's to the car wash and lamb chop for supper! Mr Foo actually joined us at 2.30am!! Everyone was surprise when I told them that Mr Foo called me and will be joining us for lamb chop! Partly cos his wife is outstation, so he's "free" for these few nights. Left Malaysia at about 4am after the usual petrol stop. Eventually reached home at 5am. Dead tired and knocked out within 15 mins.
Woke up at 12noon cos my niece came over. She always surprises me with her thoughts and talks! She's really cute I must say! I love it when she greeted me, "Big JIu JIu!" loudly! Now I'm waiting for my nephew to start talking, so I can hear the both of them greet me! Next week is my nephew's 1st birthday! Gosh.. Time flies.. And now have to think of a present for him.
Chief was late cos he went to pick up a babe. Happen that this babe is someone I know! This shows how small Singapore is! Actually I saw her during one of our meet ups when she came to pick chief in her BMW. But couldn't really confirm cos it's been years I'd seen her. Gosh.. She's still a stunner after all these years. :P
Seafood was cheap as usual, and delicious of cos! RM270 for the 9 of us with 8 dishes! The frog leg with essence, XO prawns and black pepper crab are simply marvelicious! Forgotten to take photos of the food cos am too engrossed in the food! :P
After supper, we headed to PG to check out the drag race. Dennis went on track while the rest didn't wanna participate in the race. Met up with Thomas, Eric and Chzin inisde and the four of them competed with each other. While other cars are of different catogeries, they had fun among themselves, and I got to sit in Dennis car, which I reckon my weight slowed down his car. Hahahaha.. :P
This is one night where we see all different colours of ATR in an outing! Alex is the only blue ATR and he don't usually join us on our outings. Tonight is different cos he's out to try out the speed cut he wired up on his ATR. He managed to hit 185km/h which his speedo is at 175km/h. Somehow it's convincing cos while my speedo can go beyond the 180km/h mark and still picking up speed. I think he needs to do another test again.
A pity only got my hp, and the night mode is not so good. But still worth the try. We had white, blue, red, silver, gold and black, all 6 colours!
After PG, it's to the car wash and lamb chop for supper! Mr Foo actually joined us at 2.30am!! Everyone was surprise when I told them that Mr Foo called me and will be joining us for lamb chop! Partly cos his wife is outstation, so he's "free" for these few nights. Left Malaysia at about 4am after the usual petrol stop. Eventually reached home at 5am. Dead tired and knocked out within 15 mins.
Woke up at 12noon cos my niece came over. She always surprises me with her thoughts and talks! She's really cute I must say! I love it when she greeted me, "Big JIu JIu!" loudly! Now I'm waiting for my nephew to start talking, so I can hear the both of them greet me! Next week is my nephew's 1st birthday! Gosh.. Time flies.. And now have to think of a present for him.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
WORK Emotion CR
Went out early morning to C&C with my baby, with some alignments problem with the console. End up monday still have to go back to them. Left C&C at 0930am and it's still early for the powershop opening hours. Went around searching for rims instead. Headed down to Kaki Bukit since Paya Ubi's rims shop yet to be open. Checked out SouthEast Tyres, but couldn't find the designs I like, and the ones that I want (Prodrive) would take about 1 month to come in.
So went to Ray's, and end up with one hole in my bank account! He happen to have a set of white WORK Emotion CR rims which he wanna clear, so accepted his offer and some Dunlop tire, that came off new from a Lexus. Came home excited about it and fix on the stickers. Kakakakaka.. I like my rims alot.. But I don't like the numbers on my bank account.. Anyone wanna subsidise my rims?
Yet to take any pics, cos am very tired sitting under the hot sun putting up the stickers. Spent about an hour doing it. Had quite a good tan as well.. Hahahaha... Anyway, here are the pics to the rims I got of the internet. Will take some photos of it on my car when I got more energy. Have to rest for a while before heading to Kulai and PG with the rest of the gang later in the evening.

So went to Ray's, and end up with one hole in my bank account! He happen to have a set of white WORK Emotion CR rims which he wanna clear, so accepted his offer and some Dunlop tire, that came off new from a Lexus. Came home excited about it and fix on the stickers. Kakakakaka.. I like my rims alot.. But I don't like the numbers on my bank account.. Anyone wanna subsidise my rims?
Yet to take any pics, cos am very tired sitting under the hot sun putting up the stickers. Spent about an hour doing it. Had quite a good tan as well.. Hahahaha... Anyway, here are the pics to the rims I got of the internet. Will take some photos of it on my car when I got more energy. Have to rest for a while before heading to Kulai and PG with the rest of the gang later in the evening.
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