It began as a chinese phrase,
So to put it in simple words, "Be like a Chamelon".
Why suddenly this phrase came to my mind? Somehow alot of things happened lately and that's the reason why I have this phrase pulled out from the back of my head. Not only things that happened, also on some things that I've heard.
I was so disappointed when I hear what I was afraid will happen. It didn't come to me as a shock cos I knew it will happen one day if the wrong step is taken. Why I say I was disappointed, cos I had tried ways to make a person understand that it's never easy to manage a group of people when you're given the authority to. Once you are in a higher position which empowers you to manage a group of people, it's about being people-oriented. I've given reading materials to enrich and yet it seems that all these efforts are wasted. I wouldn't dare say my efforts are of great amounts. But my thoughts were there and I had even given advices on what to avoid and what to look out for when managing people. Also to watch what steps were taken and how to handle situations.
After hearing so many stories about what happened to oneself in the past and what encounters were came upon, also knowing one's characters, the nightmare somehow did happened. Karma is back to hunt, and so true it was, that what I've said actually came true. It was indeed a vicious cycle and now it is happening right in front. Knowing that it will happen if one don't change one's attitude, it will definitely start to come back to hunt!
The last I knew was quitting. Quitting, to me is only when one has given up totally on oneself, and not wanting to change to accept the truth and blend into the environment and try to work things out! The reason I've heard on quitting is not about onself, rather on the envrionment. And we all know it's not the environment that's encouraging one to quit. It's one choose not to change and choose to quit, to avoid, to get away from these problems, not wanting to change to face it, and handle these situations! From what I've know so far, the working environment may not be a pleasant one, but it was not that bad to an extend where one will thought of quitting. And from what I know, things were changing for the better already, so why choose to quit?
Can't handle the truth? Or can't change oneself to handle the situation? No matter how one's attitude and character is, I always believe one can change if they choose to. I for one, was a very hot-tempered person and I always jump the gun, shooting myself in the foot. After a period of my life was changed, I learnt to be more open-minded and be more careful in what I do. My temper has changed since and it helped me alot in understanding one's feeling and character. Partly also the degree I'm studying now, teaches me how to handle management issues. And all these helped to enrich my life.
And to know that someone needed my help, I didn't hesistate to impart what I know. Althought I was turned a deaf ear on, and I got some ignored responses, I didn't stop there. I know this person needed to know all these skills to excel in the area that was needed to be covered. But now it seems like all that I've done to help to enrich a person has gone to waste. Simply because one choose to listen to oneself and not heed advices?
If one really choose to quit, it would be so so so disappointing...
Is it so difficult to change? Is it so difficult to swallow one's pride? Is it so difficult to learn how to understand management level of working? Is it so difficult to communicate with each other?
"Some men have thousands of reasons why they can't do what they want to. When one reason they can is, Attitude!"