After some contemplating, we went.. This car really mean alot to me, I was actually saying sorry to her in my heart and patting her... I feel the pain in my heart to see her in the state she was... I already told the advisor at C&C when I sent in my car since day 1, no matter how much it's gonna cost my insurance company, be sure to do up my car as good as new and give it a good shine. Change whatever is needed to be changed, time is not a factor as long it's in tip top condition. After one month in the workshop, the parts are finally in from Japan. I should be getting my "wife" back in 1 week!!
Here are the pics to the damages.... :(
I have a list of stuff to be done on my "wife" with more to come. This wil get it going and with better performance and looks! Gonna cost me another 5 grand.. Sponsors and donations are welcome! ;)
1. Enkei EVO8 rims with better tires
2. MR cams
3. Eyebrows
4. Spoiler
5. Brembo brakes
6. Braided brake lines
7. Tien suspension
Aiyoh.. when your wife is back from her hospital stay, you better be more gentle with her hor..
Tsk tsk tsk.. you hor, so chor lor, don even know how to take care of your wife.. I am so disappointed in you siah!!!
You think I want meh... Don't worry lah... I will be gentle with you wan. ;)
Still not gentle enough leh...
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