Was suppose to have breakfast at Cartel @ PS cos I'd such good compliments of them, thus decided to have breakfast again. Thought they might have it @ SIglap's Cartel since we will be going to Parkway Parade to check out mobile phones. But we thought wrongly. Thought maybe only @ PS then they serve breakfast everyday, we went to PS. Thought wrongly, again! It's only on the weekends then they serve breakfast. So now we know. After travelling to town, going through SGD6.50 of ERP, then to Siglap, then to PS, we decided to go Parkway Parade and have Ya Kun instead. Since I've intention to check out some mobile phones. After all these driving, we're back to where we were. Hahahaha...
Breakfast @ Cartel PS I took the last time I ate there

Breakfast @ Ya Kun

After breakfast @ Ya Kun, when to check out the N70 and N90, which I've been eyeing for sometime. After checking out a few stores, finally decided to go for the N90. Only think is I can only upgrade my present phone in December when the present contract ends. If not I'll have to pay another SGD100 as "penalty". Had to leave the store empty handed. Anyway need my brother to be there since the number I'm using is under his name.


When to Singtel to check out the phones as well and see what kind of plans they have. Guess what I saw..... Sony Ericsson Doraemon J300i (Limited Edition) mobile phone!! It's only SGD228, without any contracts!! I would have bought it if I wasn't stopped by her. Hahahaha... :P
Sony Ericsson Doraemon J300i (Limited Edition)

A nicer pic. Here they have it in pink. Only saw the blue at Singtel. Not sure if they have pink.

Left the store empty handed, again. Walked into Nokia, just to see see look look. And saw a friend who's working there. Complain to him about the 3230 I'd bought from the them months back and It's been giving me problem ever since. Which is why I'm insearch of a new phone. He suggested that I upgrade the software and try again. No harm trying, just need to spend another hour at PP. Left the phone for upgrade and went to Eyesite to chit-chat with my friends there. Since we dunno where to have lunch and what to do, went there to chit-chat instead. And she's complaining she would have been home asleep instead of spending another hour in PP. Not only has she not slept for the night, I'd also stayed up the night as well. Likewise I'm kindof sleepy too. Fetch her, drove around just cos she wanna try the Cartel breakfast and she still dare to complain! Hmph! Hahahahaha.... :P
Collected my phone, and since we dunno what to have for lunch, headed for home since we're both tired. But then, the day has not ended for me. Sent her home, and I went back home to bathe and met up with some of the Devils for lunch. After lunch went to KTV before going for the meet-up. When we were there at 2030hrs, no one was there, so we switched to MB instead. Sat there till 2330hrs and all of us decided to go Seletar reservoir.
One devil didn't stop in time for the hump and the impact caused one piece of his bodykit to drop. Wasn't an issue since it can be screw back easily. Also proven that this bodykit he made in Malaysia is impact resistant. And this DAMD bodykit is the one that most of us will be changing to.
Soon, my car will like this. Fierce eh. Hehehe.. :P

Here are the 6 if us parking along the road to check the damage.

And here are the 6 of us enjoying ice-cream (yes, there's an ice-cream motorbike selling ice-cream)

One of the devil did this himself. Designing, cutting and sticking all these up by himself.

I will be putting up this design soon along the side of my car. From the front door all the way to the back. Gonna make it big and a statement! NIce?

On our way back, another devil and I raced against each other. From a stationary point, another gave 3 horns to signal us off. The exciting part is when we are about to reach a bend, he slowed down and braked. And because I'm still running on stock brake, while his is Brembo, I had to drive on and brake slowly. The speed that I achieved caused the car to screech when I hit the bend and the car understeered abit. I can't brake immediately, if not I would have skidded off. So I just had to let go of the accelerator, steer back the car in position slowly and stepped on the accelerator to pull the car off the bend. The other 2 behind me almost freaked out and they thought I was about to skid off road. When we all stopped along the road, they told me they almost freaked out and thought I was about to skid off road! And seeing the way I dash through without stopping, they had to give it in to my daring act! Relax lah bro! It's all under control! Hehehe... ;)
Left Seletar at around 0045hrs and all of us headed home. I'm all burned out after not sleeping for more than 24hrs. Moreover I still have 2 papers the following day. Reached home at 0130hrs and go through my notes for a while before sleeping at 0400hrs. Woke up at 0900hrs for my papers. The tireness start to eat into me then. Dragged myself to take my papers, and boy was I shacked out. Thank god these papers are not that tough. And in between both papers, I can still catch some sleep and do some revision. All ended at 1600hrs, went down to MW and collect some documents for my store. Sent my RM and another staff home since I'll be on the way. Now I got the whole evening to rest but they asked me out for Korean food. And since she's not seen me for some time, I have to meet her if not she'll miss me. Hahaha.. :P
It was still early till the time to meet her so I decided to have my lunch. Yes, my lunch. Damn hungry, so had the famous Punggol Nasi Lemak which has an outlet at Katong. The chicken wings is the BEST! *drool....* While I'd reached Katong, received an sms to have coffee at Alexandra. Damn good timing! When I just left that area and reached Katong, then they send me sms for coffee! Even send me mms of a babe, saying they wish I was there. Then again, where I am ain't short of any babes! Took 2 pics and make them wonder where I am and also wish they were here! They thought I was having dinner with some babe and didn't ask them along! Yes, having dinner with babes, but different tables! Hahahaha... :P
2 pics I took to make them "regret"

After my "lunch", pick her up and on the way to the Korean restaurant, the sunset was gorgeous! Can't resist taking pictures while driving, and I so regret not having my D70 with me. And we went to Kent Ridge park to view sunset. Gosh.. It's been some time I'd seen sunset and the evening's sunset is really beautiful! It's her first time seeing sunset at KRP, so quite asight for her.
Here are the pics taken while on the road

And here's one of the pic that turned out to be the best. The rest are kindof blur... :(

Left for the Korean restaurant at 1930hrs. Enjoyed the dishes greatly and I shall let the pics do the talking! ;)


Back of the menu. Wanna know more of this picture, read on. ;)

Wet towel which turns big after absorbing water. It looked like panadol tablets initially.

Pandora's box?

Nope. Switch for the gas to grille food. Looks like some game pad eh. :P

Stainless steel chopsticks and spoon. The chopsticks are thin and heavy, using it was quite a task. Cos it's kindof thin and slippery and heavy. Can be rather tiring. Hehehe.. :P

Here are the side dishes!

Cold seaweed sour soup! It's really sour and it's cold! Taste like plum juice! Hahaha.. :P

Brocolli, bean sprouts and kang kong. Bean sprouts is nice. I like. :)

Salad with diced peanuts and thousand island sauce, Ikan bilis and lettuce. Didn't eat the lettuce, like the other 2 dish. ;)

Cold toufu. Nice. Left bottom is the grilled pork. Delicious!

The Korean popular dish. Kimchi. Cold, spicy and quite tasteless. Somehow a weird taste to the tounge. Don't like.

Grilled chicken. Not as nice as the pork.

Here's the best! Seafood soup. There are prawns, mussles, plenty of cuttlefish, golden needle mushrooms, pickles, lettuce, flower crabs, and some other stuff which I'm not sure. Soup is a bit spicy. Overall not bad. Quite like it. ;)

Me testing to see if the soup is poisonous with my "silver" chopstick! Hahahaha... :P

No prize for guessing which is male and female. ;)

Desert was Ginger tea with cinnamon. Not bad, but can skip. :P

And here's the story to the picture behind the menu.

[Bek Se Ju story.
Long ago, a gentleman was riding into town when he ran into a most unusual sight. A young man was beating an old man! The genleman halted his horse and order to berate the young man! "How dare you hit the helpless old man!" The young man turned and replied, "This is my son who was born when I was 80 years old!" "I told him to drink the wine but he didn't take my advice. Now he has grown old before I have!" The gentleman bowed down in humlity before the young man asking what miraculous drink might be. He was told about Bek Su Ju and that it was made out of 10 kinds of oriental herbs including Ginseng Radix.]
Overall, I would give a 8/10 for this Korean Restaurant. Since it's the first time I had Korean food, it didn't leave me with a bad impression. ;)
After dinner, we went to HV for some desert @ NYDC. Forgotten to take pictures of what we ate cos I was busy updating the pictures taken eariler on into my ibook. Nonetheless, we enjoyed ourselves at NYDC.
Got a message from her in Darwin that she met with an accident! She got knocked from the side by a salon car directly hitting her on the driver's door and the impact caused her car to overturn and land on the roof top! She was quite traumatized by the accident when she called me later on after coming back from the police station. She couldn't sleep and reckon is still in a bit of shock. Thank god she's fine, just maybe a bit of bruises. Again asking me if I will be going over to visit her. And she actually don't mind paying for my air tickets. :P
Anyway, we drove to town to see the christmas light. We're all disappointed by the decorations and it's really just putting up for the sake of christmas. Here are some pics. Judge for yourself. Hehehe.. :P