She's down with a sore throat and cough as well. Told her to buy some honey and squeeze some lemon into the cuppa honey. Should help in soothing the sore throat. But the forgetful her, forgot to buy from the supermarket. That's what I did when I got a really bad throat which I lost my voice. It was my course mate who got me honey and lemon then I know about this "antidote". If not for her "prescription", I think my voice wouldn't have recovered so early and the sore would have killed me. Really glad to have such good course mates.
Knew it was her who called cos my mobile didn't show a number. And I knew obviously she's not able to sleep. Told me about her past few days activites, her encounters with people at her workplace and how she's been after shifting into the new apartment. If I am to be alone in a 3 room apartment, I think I will freak out. Hahahaha.. :P Imagine sleeping alone in with 2 other rooms empty. Least she knows to leave her room door open in case of anything that might happen. Told her to rest for a while since there's like another hour before she goes to work. Will give her a morning call incase she overslept. Anyway I just woke up at 0100hrs. Can't get to sleep, and suppose to do some revisions. But of cos, couldn't get myself started. Have a breakfast appointment later anyway. So if I am to sleep, sure cannot wake up. Better get some notes done after this.
Just smacked a mosquito! Bet it has sucked my blood before getting killed by me! Bloody fat mosquito! It's been raining and the weather is cold, thus didn't on my aircon. This blood sucker been flying around in my room! Finally fell into my hand! Ok... Better start revising!
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