Finally after spending like 90 mins looking for the restaurant, we sat down into 2 tables and order as much food that were available. And we had Yu Sheng (Lou Hei) before we start our dishes.
Here's a clip on our Lou Hei!
(Cut and paste link to view)
Getting ready to Lou Hei!
M was so hungry, she downed 4 bowls of rice! (Nah.. We purposely left it next to her cos she's been complaining whole evening she's very hungry and to serve her rice with soy sauce first before the dishes arrive! Hahahaha..)
All cleared!
Everyone looks satisfied after eating!
When everyone is happy and done with the dinner, we went to the field next to the restaurant to play with the fireworks that Devil D bought in JB. It's my first time handling pyrotechinis and it was really fun! The ladies as usual been ladies stand far far away from the fireworks and Sis S took down almost an hours of video clips of us playing with fireworks. We were like kids that night and boy did we had fun!
Left for our car wash at around 0030hrs and by the time we're done with the fireworks, most of us are in sweat. We'll be coming back a week later to have another round once Devil D managed to buy the fireworks again! We reached the car wash at arounf 0100hrs and by then, most of us are very tried already, Sis S especially. Somehow she's been feeling tired when I picked her up from home, and she isint' her usual energetic, chirpy self the whole night. Must have been the drinks and alcohol she had for the past nights.
Anyway, she was the target of the night for me and I've been teasing her whole night, partly to energize her. And she complained that she will not sit in my car again and will hop to Chief's car. But then Chief's suspension is to hard and the ride is too bumpy which she don't like. Also she don't wanna be a hinderance since Chief brought along a female friend and Sis S don't wanna be in the way. But I told her, she is in M and my way! Hahahaha... She simply got it from me that night. Bad me! Hehehe... :P
Another person who got it from us was Devil A. Cos Sis A came alone and this is her 1st trip with up in the convoy. So Chief actually wanted Devil A's brother, Bro M to sit with Sis A, also to "create" an opportunity for him. But before we know it, Devil A is already in her car! He explained that his bro doesn't wanna be her VC (Vehicle Commander), so he hopped on. But we didn't believe him! Hahaha...
We're done by 0200hrs and everyone's energy is wearing out, so we head home straight. Didn't even went for supper. Reckon cos we're too tired that we didn't think of it. Only till I sent Sis S and M home, then I mentioned to M online, which is when she said she's hungry as well! But by then it's already too late at 0330hrs, so we went to sleep instead.
Sweet dreams...
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