All thanks to wednesday's night bachelor party and thursday's night partying with the other bros. Got a warning from the groom, that we better wake up in time, and now this happened! Hahahaha..
I was of cos the last to reach and thank god there is still some time to take a breather and breakfast. The groom just got himself dressed up and we went through some details before leaving. In an hours time, we checked the traffic at the Woodlands customs, all clear to go and left to pick up the bride! Yupe, in JB. ;)
We reached the bride's place, as usual tradition, bargaining of ang pow price before letting the groom in. Devil L managed to snatch the main door keys, but there's still the bedroom to pass. Eventually we didn't wanna miss the auspicious time, so the groom did get his bride afterall. Tea ceremony was next, followed by some photo taking, we took some rest and left for Spore at 1230hrs.
On the way back driving along the highway, we made some formations for the video man to take some shots. Quite a scene when we took the whole of the highway. Preventing vehicles from behind to past us. But that was only for a while.
Back to the groom's house, we waited for his parents to come over, while the bride get changed, we sat around chit chatting. Discussing what to do for the dinner. I left at around 1500hrs cos I got some important stuff to do. So my photo taking ended there.
(My photos are with the company that they employed so at the moment there are not much pictures to show. Only some from my mobile during the dinner.)
Come dinner, met the rest of the bros before heading to the hotel. Attended the solemization, followed by coctail, and then dinner started at about 1930hrs. M and S were late, as usual being ladies, they need time to make up and dress up. Only for S, she came after a meeting. By the time M arrived, she didn't miss a dish cos the dinner started quite late, as usual, similiar to other weddings.
Gosh, M was really gorgeous that night! She was dressed in this beige gown, bared back, high heel shoes, hair bunned up and she look so tall! I felt intimidated standing next to her! S commented we're quite a match! Hmmmm... :P
S herself dress up in a tube dress and she carried the dress very well too. When I picked her up, I was caught by this dress she worn. Very pretty. Me, just a pair of jeans, my AF1 shoes, blue shit and jacket. Simple does it. ;)
Dinner was ok, the food had nothing to shout about. Whereas the video that the groom had this company to do was good. They showed the whole process of what he did in the morning to prepare the stuff for his proposal to his gf. And what we did in his house to decorate it up for the moment. Followed by a video of their younger days and their love life. Then finally it's the video of the wedding day, from morning trip to JB to fetch the wife, and back to his house. The presentation is very nicely done and it's very different from what I use to see at wedding dinners.
Took some pictures of M, Sis S and S since they're sitting next to me, and requested by S.
Got someone to take a pic of us as well.
This is the mixture we've prepared for the groom to drink!
We have our chef, Devil A to prepare this special drink for him!
Here's a short clip!
Finally this is the last dish dessert, yam with ginko nuts and coconut milk! DELICIOUS!
We left just after midnight. Dead tired and some of them still wanna party on. I'm drained since the morning and hadn't been sleeping much lately. So I headed home, while M and S went to Zouk. Just too tired to join them and the other bros to party on.
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