Anyway, this is what I've been doing for the last one week.
14th July
Had lunch with my boss and as usual went to Genki Sushi. They've changed their menu and we're the first to try out their new dishes.
Went home after work and was clearing the shoes in my car boot. So took a pic of the collection of shoes I have. Most of them were worn before except for 1 or 2 pairs which I've not even worn more than a day. Bought them and kept them in the rack till now.
I guess for a guy, this is consider quite a number of shoes already. Hehehe :P
Slept the whole evening away soundly.
15th July
Busy day at work. Gotta get all the work stuff done before I go for my leave to study for my exams.
Changi Airport is celebrating 25yrs annivesary. Plenty of events going on and they've done up one area with memories of Changi Airport since day 1 it start operating.
Had supper with my staff and it's been some time I've been to coffee shops. And ever since the government implemented the no smoking rule in coffee shops and most eateries, leaving only 20% of the area for smokers. And that area need to be painted with yellow lines around it, thus "Yellow box" name was given. Just like what we had in the army. Yellow boxes to indicitat that area is for smoking and no one is allowed to smoke beyond the yellow box.
How irritating it is when thinking that after army, you wouldn't need to comply to the smoke only in the yellow box rule. And now the government implemented this. What crap...
16th July
Slept the whole day away. Felt so groggy after long hours of sleep. Woke up to find my brother's girlfriend helping him pack his room and clean the walls. So funny to see my brother instructed her to do this and that. She is sure one obedient girl. Tell her what, do what. I'd always like to tease her whenever I see her. And of cos I won't let my chances slip this time. Hahaha... :P
17th July
Was early when I reached Suntec City. Am meeting my insurance agent to collect my policies. So while waiting for her at NYDC, had a drink and cake. Jedi Mudster and Lime Shiver.
Finally it's all in a neat order and I've a clearer picture of what my insurances are. It will be easier for me to keep a list if I were to work overseas next year. Hopefully everything works out well and I should be going over in September to have a look at the operations first, then go through the final details.
Things are going smooth on the Malaysia project and finally we're seeing some confirmations on details. Then again it's not as smooth as we thought. Somehow the way they work and their culture in Malaysia is different from Singapore. Things have already dragged for so long and it just keep dragging. Least now the picture is clearer on what will be going on.
While at Suntec City, saw a few TPs parked alongside the zig zag line. When there are zig zag lines, no vehicles are supposed to be parked there at all! While the law is against motorists to park their vehicle there, the law is not abiding the law themselves. WTF!
18th July
Had lunch with some of the ATR guys at Marina South. After lunch, went to get my errands done. Went to Clementi book store to get some book which a friend needs in Australia. Damn those books are sure expensive. Those authors must have earned alot from selling such textbooks, and every year students will buy them for their studies for sure!
Meet the ATR guys for coffee since I was at C&C to check on this pinon bush which my alignment mechanic said the bushing have gone bad, need to change. So went to C&C to get it checked. The advisor at C&C knew me well cos I go there often to get my car checked cos it's still under warranty. So issues to do with some parts that are still under warranty, I will go back to C&C. And this guy Gene always attend to me, moreover I always look for him cos he's helpful and friendly. Never ask me twice on my complains and helped to order the parts I need even though I just told him I got it checked outside. I guess it's easier for him and his mechanics it helped in a way as well. Save time and effort for them to check the problems. He would just order the parts for me and inform me when they've arrive. Go back and just swap it. ;)
Since I already got the books, arranged to pass the books to my friend's mum so she can send them over to Australia before the term start. As compared to Australia, it's cheaper by almost 20% and this 20% can help to subsidise the shipping cost.
Went home and didn't go out anymore. Just slack away the night. Only to go out for supper with my staff again.
19th July
Received 2 letters from the Traffice Police. 2 notices to tell me the accident I had months back with this young chap that jay-walked and I knocked into him.
Just a warning letter for me to inform me about the accident and be cautious on the road, also another letter to tell me that the pedestrain is given a stern warning on his offence.
Thank god there isin't any summons or deductions on my driving license points!
Went to my friend's workshop to check things out since it's been some time I visited them. Patrick went to Japan and came back with this Hard Gay toy! Went Japan and didn't tell me! I would have told him to get me a Hard Gay keychain!
Had a go at the toy and it's really interesting. This Hard Gay character has been the talk out the town lately and videos of this character has been going around the net. Damn funny fellow!
Went to JB in the night with ATR guys. Jason swop his bonnet with my CF bonnet cos he wanna have an idea how would the CF bonnet looks like on his Ralli Art bodykit. Some actually commented that the silver bonnet on my white car is quite nice and the contrast is making it look fierce too. But of cos, nothing beats a CF bonnet.
Went to Alan's house to take pictures of his spoiler. He is the only one with this Griffen spoiler which he ordered from Japan. And we're gonna use his design to mould and do a CF spoiler. He didn't know we're visiting him and since we know where he parked his car, took some pictures of his spoiler.
Reached home very late. Super tired after a long day. But stayed up till 0500hrs. Couldn't sleep somehow. Must have been the late nights I've been keeping and now I'm use to sleep at 0500hrs.
20th July
Woken up by some phone calls. Bloody hell. Always got woken up by phone calls. Next time will just put my phone on silent mode.
Picked Maddie up for lunch at Tampine Mall. The last time I went to the food court was during my secondary school days! Everything changed. Lunch was pretty good.
She has to get her toe nails done after one night of clubbing where lots of people stepped on her toes and cause the nail polish to peel off. While she did her pedicure, I went to get the CD which I've gave to Tereza the last time she was here. She like the music on the Ministry of Sound Dance Nation 2006 which I've bought some time back. Went to a few music stores but couldn't find them anymore. Instead saw a new album by T'ang Quartet, Made in America. I remembered Yu Ying sent an email out saying their new album is out. But I forgot about it till I came by it today.
And here's the link for T'ang Quarter official site
Saw this cute Doraemon toy as well. But I didn't purchase it. Dunno where to display it. But cute it is.
Nail polishing kiosk which Maddie had her toe nails done.
Sent her home and went to meet the ATR guys at Gillmen Village. Turn out was good today. Left at around 2230hrs. They asked me to go clubbing with them, but I told them I've to go home and study for my exam tomorrow, which I've not touched on any of my notes at all.
But now, I'm actually writing my blog. Hahaha... Actually I'm watching a progamm which I like so multi-task with watching tv and updating my blog. After the show ends, really have to go through the notes.
Well, that's all for today. Maybe will have to wait till next week for me to update my blog again. Got another week of exams to go. Sighz..........
I love the way the silver CF hood looks on the white car. Very sexy! Now go and study!
The silver is not CF. It's stock silver bonnet. I quite like the silver look as well. Now back to my black CF already. Tomorrow willl be finalising the design of my new CF bonnet. ;)
Back to study!!
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