Saturday, November 25, 2006
Song from Vivian
This song is from Vivian. She wanted me to listen to this song and sent it to me though I've not heard of this singer before. Rather nice song I would say.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Divine lots
Was the temple with M and after coming back from Shanghai, I decided to draw a divine lot again.

Open your hear and distinguish yourself; A change of career will bring abundance of wealth. In front a wide path is open to you. Give all you can to cause of Charity.
Explantion of the lot:
A wide road leading to prosperity and position lies in the future. Everything will progress smoothly and in your favour. Surging in an open boundless sea, the ship will sail with a favourable wind. Whatever you have in mind to do, go ahead boldly and give not a second thought.
Cause and action:
- Whatever you wish will come true
- Your home will have peace and happiness
- Business is smooth
- Marriage is good
- A boy will be born
- Sickness will go away
- Ancestral graves has no problem
- Good luck and blessing will never desert you
Open your hear and distinguish yourself; A change of career will bring abundance of wealth. In front a wide path is open to you. Give all you can to cause of Charity.
Explantion of the lot:
A wide road leading to prosperity and position lies in the future. Everything will progress smoothly and in your favour. Surging in an open boundless sea, the ship will sail with a favourable wind. Whatever you have in mind to do, go ahead boldly and give not a second thought.
Cause and action:
- Whatever you wish will come true
- Your home will have peace and happiness
- Business is smooth
- Marriage is good
- A boy will be born
- Sickness will go away
- Ancestral graves has no problem
- Good luck and blessing will never desert you
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Back In Singapore
14th Nov
Bought Vivian a bath robe which she likes when she was at Tereza's house the other night. End up I was "tasked" to buy her the robe. Picked Tereza up at Takashimaya and went to Mohd Sultan for lunch where she like the Tom Yam soup. We had coffee at Starbucks Fullerton, where it looks out to the bay. Talk over things about her life and the friends around her.
We went to Suntec to do some light shopping before sending her back to the hotel. Anthony is meeting her for dinner while I'm meeting Sammie to accompany her to buy some stuff at IKEA. While Sammie got some stuff for her house, I got myself 2 IKEA shopping basket. :P
I "smuggled" them out and use them for my car. Come to good use for putting the wine glasses and liquors in it and also to keep things in place.
Helped Sammie on the stuff she bought and I dozed off on her sofa. Left at about 0100hrs for home. Still getting use to my bed. Haven't been sleeping well since I got back.
15th Nov
Went to the school to meet the principle and hear from him on Long Sheng's progress. Went to the hostel to settle some payments as well. Brought her to lunch at MS where we usually meet for lunch. Was tired got we woke up rather early for breakfast at Tiong Bahru market, so decided to head back home to rest before meeting up for dinner in the evening. She'll be going back tomorrow so tonight will definitely end late.
We had dinner at AML building, had some cold crabs and stuff. Sammie came along and after sending LS back to his hostel, we went to Sammie's place to continue the drinking. As usual, the teasing has been going on and talked about my trip in Shanghai, and what are my plans for my career.
Finally, it all ended at 0230hrs. After sending Tereza back to her hotel, Anthony and I continue to have coffee at Macdonalds. Called it a day at 0430hrs. Got home and finally went to bed at 0500hrs.
16th Nov
Tereza wanted to extend her stay in Singapore for one more day but all seats were full till next week. She couldn't extend too long cos she still got some business dinner and she will be on a trip few days later. So she had to go back no matter what. Anthony had to rush her to the airport then. We met for dinner while Anthony is getting his car stripped. He's scraping his car to replace it with an E9. So he's selling the parts he got in his car.
Was too tired to hang around so went home to sleep instead. Woke up at 0100hrs and couldn't sleep anymore.
17th Nov
Am home the whole day. Was suppose to accompany Sammie to the supermarket and help her with the groceries cos she's having a steamboat dinner with her colleagues at her place. Instead I slept through the day and forgotten about her.
I'm really stoned for the day and I practically stayed home the whole day and in a daze, going to sleep and waking up feeling dazed. Anyhow, I finally went out at 0030hrs to get a bite. Tereza called while I was having my coffee and Vivian was with her. The line was cut out due to connection problem. I called Vivian back on her mobile after I had my coffee. We chatted for almost an hour! I think this woman is really onto me in a way... I guess a new relationship is starting soon. We'll see... I'm still half hearted about committing into a relationship when my career is not stable yet.
Called it a day at 0300hrs.
18th Nov
Another day at home, sleeping, dazing, stoning. Got out at 2230hrs to pick Maddie up at Suntec after she end the car show. She got this assignment as a Race Queen for Subaru since this motorshow started on the 1st of November, ending tomorrow.
Thank god I picked her up today. If not she's gonna "complain" that I agreed to pick her after work everyday. At least I pick her up for one day. Initally I agreed to pick her everyday when she ask if I minded. But cos I extended my stay in Shanghai, and was busy when Tereza was in town, I only managed to have time tonight to fetch her.
Seems like I'm in a situation where I'm caught between 2 woman, but in different countries. Hahaha...
Anyway, dropped her friend Simone home and we went for supper, told her about my trip in Shanghai and stuff. Finally got home at 0200hrs and me back to my dreamland again.
Bought Vivian a bath robe which she likes when she was at Tereza's house the other night. End up I was "tasked" to buy her the robe. Picked Tereza up at Takashimaya and went to Mohd Sultan for lunch where she like the Tom Yam soup. We had coffee at Starbucks Fullerton, where it looks out to the bay. Talk over things about her life and the friends around her.
We went to Suntec to do some light shopping before sending her back to the hotel. Anthony is meeting her for dinner while I'm meeting Sammie to accompany her to buy some stuff at IKEA. While Sammie got some stuff for her house, I got myself 2 IKEA shopping basket. :P
I "smuggled" them out and use them for my car. Come to good use for putting the wine glasses and liquors in it and also to keep things in place.
Helped Sammie on the stuff she bought and I dozed off on her sofa. Left at about 0100hrs for home. Still getting use to my bed. Haven't been sleeping well since I got back.
15th Nov
Went to the school to meet the principle and hear from him on Long Sheng's progress. Went to the hostel to settle some payments as well. Brought her to lunch at MS where we usually meet for lunch. Was tired got we woke up rather early for breakfast at Tiong Bahru market, so decided to head back home to rest before meeting up for dinner in the evening. She'll be going back tomorrow so tonight will definitely end late.
We had dinner at AML building, had some cold crabs and stuff. Sammie came along and after sending LS back to his hostel, we went to Sammie's place to continue the drinking. As usual, the teasing has been going on and talked about my trip in Shanghai, and what are my plans for my career.
Finally, it all ended at 0230hrs. After sending Tereza back to her hotel, Anthony and I continue to have coffee at Macdonalds. Called it a day at 0430hrs. Got home and finally went to bed at 0500hrs.
16th Nov
Tereza wanted to extend her stay in Singapore for one more day but all seats were full till next week. She couldn't extend too long cos she still got some business dinner and she will be on a trip few days later. So she had to go back no matter what. Anthony had to rush her to the airport then. We met for dinner while Anthony is getting his car stripped. He's scraping his car to replace it with an E9. So he's selling the parts he got in his car.
Was too tired to hang around so went home to sleep instead. Woke up at 0100hrs and couldn't sleep anymore.
17th Nov
Am home the whole day. Was suppose to accompany Sammie to the supermarket and help her with the groceries cos she's having a steamboat dinner with her colleagues at her place. Instead I slept through the day and forgotten about her.
I'm really stoned for the day and I practically stayed home the whole day and in a daze, going to sleep and waking up feeling dazed. Anyhow, I finally went out at 0030hrs to get a bite. Tereza called while I was having my coffee and Vivian was with her. The line was cut out due to connection problem. I called Vivian back on her mobile after I had my coffee. We chatted for almost an hour! I think this woman is really onto me in a way... I guess a new relationship is starting soon. We'll see... I'm still half hearted about committing into a relationship when my career is not stable yet.
Called it a day at 0300hrs.
18th Nov
Another day at home, sleeping, dazing, stoning. Got out at 2230hrs to pick Maddie up at Suntec after she end the car show. She got this assignment as a Race Queen for Subaru since this motorshow started on the 1st of November, ending tomorrow.
Thank god I picked her up today. If not she's gonna "complain" that I agreed to pick her after work everyday. At least I pick her up for one day. Initally I agreed to pick her everyday when she ask if I minded. But cos I extended my stay in Shanghai, and was busy when Tereza was in town, I only managed to have time tonight to fetch her.
Seems like I'm in a situation where I'm caught between 2 woman, but in different countries. Hahaha...
Anyway, dropped her friend Simone home and we went for supper, told her about my trip in Shanghai and stuff. Finally got home at 0200hrs and me back to my dreamland again.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Day 13 in Shanghai!
Due to last night's farewell party, had too much to drink and couldn't get to sleep after talking to Tereza and Vivian till 0400hrs. With only 3 hours to sleep, I stayed up all night and was really stone in the morning when we depart for the airport.
Won't be seeing this city for some time I reckon.

Finally boarding the flight back to Singapore.

Reached Singapore at about 1700hrs. Can really feel the heat in Singapore, and beginning to sweat already. I miss Shanghai! The weather is so cooling in Shanghai! Nelson and Anthony picked us up. While Anthony sent Tereza to her hotel, Nelson sent me home.
We met up for dinner with Thomas, Anthony, Tereza, Long Sheng and Me. After sending Long Sheng back to his hostel, and Thomas went home, the rest of us went to Sammie's place to have a drink. I brought along the champange I bought at the duty free and the wine glasses Tereza gave me.
We finished the champange, had some red wine from Sammie's place as well. Finally called it a night at 0200hrs. Finally I can rest from being teased by them! Anthony knew what happened during the farewell party between Vivian and Me and I've been getting from him since 1900hrs. But I've been teased at by Tereza since 0700hrs till I sent her back to her hotel at 0230hrs.
I believe the days she'll be in Singapore, I am gonna be teased everyday!
Won't be seeing this city for some time I reckon.
Finally boarding the flight back to Singapore.
Reached Singapore at about 1700hrs. Can really feel the heat in Singapore, and beginning to sweat already. I miss Shanghai! The weather is so cooling in Shanghai! Nelson and Anthony picked us up. While Anthony sent Tereza to her hotel, Nelson sent me home.
We met up for dinner with Thomas, Anthony, Tereza, Long Sheng and Me. After sending Long Sheng back to his hostel, and Thomas went home, the rest of us went to Sammie's place to have a drink. I brought along the champange I bought at the duty free and the wine glasses Tereza gave me.
We finished the champange, had some red wine from Sammie's place as well. Finally called it a night at 0200hrs. Finally I can rest from being teased by them! Anthony knew what happened during the farewell party between Vivian and Me and I've been getting from him since 1900hrs. But I've been teased at by Tereza since 0700hrs till I sent her back to her hotel at 0230hrs.
I believe the days she'll be in Singapore, I am gonna be teased everyday!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Day 12 in Shanghai!
Farewell party is tonight!!
While I'm reluctant to leave Shanghai, I'm looking forward to this party cos I know it's gonna be fun!
We had brunch at my favourite Hong Kong cafe, Xin Wang. Tereza have to had her nails done before she leave for Singapore so we went to her shop. While Vivian is on her way to the shop since she has not been to the shop before. After she had looked around, we went out for Tea on our own, while Tereza will join us later.
We had tea and chatted for about 2 hours before Tereza met up with us.

Tereza suddenly asked me how I felt about her cousin! Well, I gotta say she's naive and straightforward for her age. And her thoughts on life is really simple. Overall, a simple and naive woman, who can get conned easily! She warned me, her cousin is no those who are out to play! Hahahaha...
Anyway, we shopped for flowers for her house and collected some stuff from her mum to bring over to her brother in Singapore. We passed by the Xiao Yang Sheng Jian Bao and stopped for a few before heading home to prepare for the rest to arrive.
While the ladies do the preparations, I sat there watching.

Her mum gave her more of the hairy crabs and we have a few before her friends arrive, if not there wouldn't be enough to share.

First to arrive is Emily and her boyfriend Raymond, followed by Zhang Ze their cousin, MIchael and Angel, finally Ronnie. Tony , his partner and Le Qing couldn't make it cos they have a friend coming down from other provinces.
Liquor is definitely on the list, some finger food and chips. Games were not left out. It was quite a night and I had a bit too much to drink as well. It's amazing that I never use to drink cos of my allergy and cos I drive in Singapore. From the first day I reached Shanghai, I've been drinking and slowly all these built up and sort of curb my allergy.
It was all fun and laughter especially with Michael around. He's really the king of jokes!
Vivian trying to see how comfortable it would be when I'm a sofa.

Now here's a proper shot.

Now this is where I got high already. The Mango Vodka is the killer! All freezed up with concentrated liquor only!

With the different kinds of liquor in my stomach and have quite a dinner eariler on, I vomitted out a toilet bowl full of "Pizza"! After the vomit, I felt better but not a bit less high. We took some photos as rememberance.
Michael, Angel, Me, Tereza and Vivian. (By then Emily and Raymond have left already. They drunk alot and need to drive so left early)

Zhang Ze and Me.

Vivan and Me.

Another group shot.

Tereza, Me and Vivian.

Me taking a rest on the sofa. Yupe, high high high!

After taking a short nap and being snapped, we continued to drink and played games. Finally I flagged the surrender flag and I couldn't go on anymore. As it was late as well, it's about time they leave too. And now the best thing of the night is only about to begin!
Vivian suddenly said that, she still wanna gimme a good bye kiss cos I'm leaving tomorrow but seeing I'm so high, she scrapped the thought. While the rest heard this, they teasingly made their way to the door, leaving us alone! Though I'm high, I do know what is happening. So I said, I will go back to my room then with Vivian. I was joking but she followed behind me!
Back in my room, she closed the door! I locked the door! Well, we spent 10min in the room. I guess there's no need for more details. ;)
When we walked out of the room, the rest have left already. Tereza winked at me and she went back to her room to wash up. Vivian wanted to go home cos it's late and that's also why we only spent 10mins in the room. Tereza manged to convinced her to stay over the night and go to work from her place.
While Tereza was in her room washing up, I had a bit of chat with Vivian as well. When Tereza is done, it's Vivian's turn to wash up and prepare for bed. Tereza finally asked me what happened between Vivian and me. Anyway, even if I didn't say much, she knew what went on behind the closed doors.
She also asked me about the days I've spent in Shanghai. That's where the 3 of us chatted for another 2 hours and I gave a recap and feelings of Shanghai.
Finally it's time for bed cos we need to wake up at 0700hrs for our flight at 1010hrs.
While I'm reluctant to leave Shanghai, I'm looking forward to this party cos I know it's gonna be fun!
We had brunch at my favourite Hong Kong cafe, Xin Wang. Tereza have to had her nails done before she leave for Singapore so we went to her shop. While Vivian is on her way to the shop since she has not been to the shop before. After she had looked around, we went out for Tea on our own, while Tereza will join us later.
We had tea and chatted for about 2 hours before Tereza met up with us.
Tereza suddenly asked me how I felt about her cousin! Well, I gotta say she's naive and straightforward for her age. And her thoughts on life is really simple. Overall, a simple and naive woman, who can get conned easily! She warned me, her cousin is no those who are out to play! Hahahaha...
Anyway, we shopped for flowers for her house and collected some stuff from her mum to bring over to her brother in Singapore. We passed by the Xiao Yang Sheng Jian Bao and stopped for a few before heading home to prepare for the rest to arrive.
While the ladies do the preparations, I sat there watching.
Her mum gave her more of the hairy crabs and we have a few before her friends arrive, if not there wouldn't be enough to share.
First to arrive is Emily and her boyfriend Raymond, followed by Zhang Ze their cousin, MIchael and Angel, finally Ronnie. Tony , his partner and Le Qing couldn't make it cos they have a friend coming down from other provinces.
Liquor is definitely on the list, some finger food and chips. Games were not left out. It was quite a night and I had a bit too much to drink as well. It's amazing that I never use to drink cos of my allergy and cos I drive in Singapore. From the first day I reached Shanghai, I've been drinking and slowly all these built up and sort of curb my allergy.
It was all fun and laughter especially with Michael around. He's really the king of jokes!
Vivian trying to see how comfortable it would be when I'm a sofa.
Now here's a proper shot.
Now this is where I got high already. The Mango Vodka is the killer! All freezed up with concentrated liquor only!
With the different kinds of liquor in my stomach and have quite a dinner eariler on, I vomitted out a toilet bowl full of "Pizza"! After the vomit, I felt better but not a bit less high. We took some photos as rememberance.
Michael, Angel, Me, Tereza and Vivian. (By then Emily and Raymond have left already. They drunk alot and need to drive so left early)
Zhang Ze and Me.
Vivan and Me.
Another group shot.
Tereza, Me and Vivian.
Me taking a rest on the sofa. Yupe, high high high!
After taking a short nap and being snapped, we continued to drink and played games. Finally I flagged the surrender flag and I couldn't go on anymore. As it was late as well, it's about time they leave too. And now the best thing of the night is only about to begin!
Vivian suddenly said that, she still wanna gimme a good bye kiss cos I'm leaving tomorrow but seeing I'm so high, she scrapped the thought. While the rest heard this, they teasingly made their way to the door, leaving us alone! Though I'm high, I do know what is happening. So I said, I will go back to my room then with Vivian. I was joking but she followed behind me!
Back in my room, she closed the door! I locked the door! Well, we spent 10min in the room. I guess there's no need for more details. ;)
When we walked out of the room, the rest have left already. Tereza winked at me and she went back to her room to wash up. Vivian wanted to go home cos it's late and that's also why we only spent 10mins in the room. Tereza manged to convinced her to stay over the night and go to work from her place.
While Tereza was in her room washing up, I had a bit of chat with Vivian as well. When Tereza is done, it's Vivian's turn to wash up and prepare for bed. Tereza finally asked me what happened between Vivian and me. Anyway, even if I didn't say much, she knew what went on behind the closed doors.
She also asked me about the days I've spent in Shanghai. That's where the 3 of us chatted for another 2 hours and I gave a recap and feelings of Shanghai.
Finally it's time for bed cos we need to wake up at 0700hrs for our flight at 1010hrs.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Day 11 in Shanghai!
After 10 days in Shanghai, it finally hit me that I've only 2 days left before I board the plane on 13th morning. The weekends been all planned out! I've fallen in love with Shanghai!
Feeling down and stoned knowing I'm going back to Singapore soon.

We shopped for flowers cos the ones in her shop are dying soon. Seems like most of the things in China are really cheap. Flowers are like only less than S$10 for a bouquet.

Tereza arranging the flowers.

Ronnie wanted to treat me to dinner knowing that I'll be leaving soon. We settled for Four Season Hotel and he brought a female friend along to introduce to Michael, Angel and Tereza cos their business can be interlink in one way or another.
After dinner, we headed to her god-grand father's pub, drink, dance and played dice. Ronnie has to send his female friend home and Angel has a bit too much to drink and they left eariler, leaving only Tereza, Vivian, her cousin and me.
This is the first time I've met Vivian cos she was busy with her work during the weekdays, so only during the weekends she's free to meet. She's not the sort that like the nigh life maybe cos she's been there done that. While Tereza is enjoying herself in the pub with her god-grand father, Vivian and I took a walk along Xin Tian Di and had some small chats. She's quite a nice person to talk to and we've made a date for tea the next day before going back to Singapore. She even offered to bring me around Shanghai on Sunday.
Anyway, we parted ways and head for home after seeing her god-grand father sang a few songs. We were suppose to go to Steven birthday party bash but we decided it's too late for us and tereza ain't keen to go. Instead we went for supper at Xiao Cheng Gu Shi.
Finally head home at 0300hrs and it's sweet dreams for us.
Feeling down and stoned knowing I'm going back to Singapore soon.
We shopped for flowers cos the ones in her shop are dying soon. Seems like most of the things in China are really cheap. Flowers are like only less than S$10 for a bouquet.
Tereza arranging the flowers.
Ronnie wanted to treat me to dinner knowing that I'll be leaving soon. We settled for Four Season Hotel and he brought a female friend along to introduce to Michael, Angel and Tereza cos their business can be interlink in one way or another.
After dinner, we headed to her god-grand father's pub, drink, dance and played dice. Ronnie has to send his female friend home and Angel has a bit too much to drink and they left eariler, leaving only Tereza, Vivian, her cousin and me.
This is the first time I've met Vivian cos she was busy with her work during the weekdays, so only during the weekends she's free to meet. She's not the sort that like the nigh life maybe cos she's been there done that. While Tereza is enjoying herself in the pub with her god-grand father, Vivian and I took a walk along Xin Tian Di and had some small chats. She's quite a nice person to talk to and we've made a date for tea the next day before going back to Singapore. She even offered to bring me around Shanghai on Sunday.
Anyway, we parted ways and head for home after seeing her god-grand father sang a few songs. We were suppose to go to Steven birthday party bash but we decided it's too late for us and tereza ain't keen to go. Instead we went for supper at Xiao Cheng Gu Shi.
Finally head home at 0300hrs and it's sweet dreams for us.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Day 10 in Shanghai!
Visited one of the village on the outskirt of Shanghai, where they still keep the looks of the older buildings built hundreds of years ago. Together with her parents and aunt, we spent the late afternoon and evening in Qing Pu. It's a tourist attraction with many shops selling accessories and food stalls.
All of us in a small boat. It was shaky!

Pig trotters and pork wrapped in leaves and boiled over and over in thick sauce.

Pickles of all sizes and tastes.


A young lady using her skills in embroidery. Those pictures you see on the wall are embroideried!

We had dinner in the village restaurant which serves local delights. This is not a frog, it's a toad..... There are other dishes which I'd never eaten in Singapore. These are the wild life of Shanghai and they seem to love it a lot. I'm not used to it for sure.

Hairy crab. Not as nice as the ones I had the other day.

Red lanterns. A view out from the restaurant.

After dinner, some of their parents friends brought us to KTV. It may seemed to be a village but are the further end of the village, there are so many neon lighted buildings you thought you are in Las Vegas. They are in fact KTVs. We finally found the one which their friends desinated.
When I walked in, I was greeted by 2 rows of waiteresses. What a way to welcome their guests.

The interior design of the place is so grand and luxurious! Big rooms, big TVs, and it's very cheap!

Of cos these KTVs got girls to accompany you through the night. With the parents and aunt around, it's not appropriate though they got me a girl to sit next to me. The whole night I was so teased by Tereza and her parents. I will never forget a night in KTV with elders in the room and with a KTV girl next to me. Hahahaha... Tereza had all the fun teasing me for the night. We had supper together and she even teased me to bring her back, or I can stay the night here, she can come pick me up tomorrow. Now that's so thoughful of her.
Anyway, we headed home and finally hit the sack at 0200hrs.
All of us in a small boat. It was shaky!
Pig trotters and pork wrapped in leaves and boiled over and over in thick sauce.
Pickles of all sizes and tastes.
A young lady using her skills in embroidery. Those pictures you see on the wall are embroideried!
We had dinner in the village restaurant which serves local delights. This is not a frog, it's a toad..... There are other dishes which I'd never eaten in Singapore. These are the wild life of Shanghai and they seem to love it a lot. I'm not used to it for sure.
Hairy crab. Not as nice as the ones I had the other day.
Red lanterns. A view out from the restaurant.
After dinner, some of their parents friends brought us to KTV. It may seemed to be a village but are the further end of the village, there are so many neon lighted buildings you thought you are in Las Vegas. They are in fact KTVs. We finally found the one which their friends desinated.
When I walked in, I was greeted by 2 rows of waiteresses. What a way to welcome their guests.
The interior design of the place is so grand and luxurious! Big rooms, big TVs, and it's very cheap!
Of cos these KTVs got girls to accompany you through the night. With the parents and aunt around, it's not appropriate though they got me a girl to sit next to me. The whole night I was so teased by Tereza and her parents. I will never forget a night in KTV with elders in the room and with a KTV girl next to me. Hahahaha... Tereza had all the fun teasing me for the night. We had supper together and she even teased me to bring her back, or I can stay the night here, she can come pick me up tomorrow. Now that's so thoughful of her.
Anyway, we headed home and finally hit the sack at 0200hrs.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Day 9 in Shanghai!
Visited Desmond's factory today and also got to know more about the operations of his facotry, plus knowing more about the industry he's in. Really interesting and it strike an interest in me. As we were on the topic of his work, also got to know more about the othe sister company under him. Besides his core business, there are also a few distributorship under him.
Well, we had lunch together, as he have to leave for Hong Kong later in the evening. Won't be seeing him after today cos he won't be back from this business trip till the 16th. And we'll be in Singapore on the 13th.
Had dinner with Tereza at this Thai restaurant. Nicely decorated restaurant.

After dinner, we went to Shangrila level 36 to have a drink. One of her friend a chief designer for GAP is there with his other friends and he bought us Moet Rose. We chatted the night away and got to know an editor of this popular magazine of Hong Kong anf Shanghai. She was a bit tipsy and start to sit closer to me. I was in my sweater cos the weather is a bit chilling, plus my flu as well. She start pulling my sweater and ask ,me why I'm wearing so much when the weather is not so cold. Even she's in lesser clothing than me. I had a feeling if I stayed longer she would have dragged me back to her hotel. I didn't know I attract older woman... Hahaha... Maybe she's drunk and "thirsty" for the day.... :P
We dropped Steven to another pub in Xin Tian Di, and we went home instead of joining him. Went to Xiao Cheng Gu Shi for supper and as usual, we chatted the night away. It seems like we've so much to talk about and it was really interesting to listen to her stories in life and what's she's been through.
Well, we had lunch together, as he have to leave for Hong Kong later in the evening. Won't be seeing him after today cos he won't be back from this business trip till the 16th. And we'll be in Singapore on the 13th.
Had dinner with Tereza at this Thai restaurant. Nicely decorated restaurant.
After dinner, we went to Shangrila level 36 to have a drink. One of her friend a chief designer for GAP is there with his other friends and he bought us Moet Rose. We chatted the night away and got to know an editor of this popular magazine of Hong Kong anf Shanghai. She was a bit tipsy and start to sit closer to me. I was in my sweater cos the weather is a bit chilling, plus my flu as well. She start pulling my sweater and ask ,me why I'm wearing so much when the weather is not so cold. Even she's in lesser clothing than me. I had a feeling if I stayed longer she would have dragged me back to her hotel. I didn't know I attract older woman... Hahaha... Maybe she's drunk and "thirsty" for the day.... :P
We dropped Steven to another pub in Xin Tian Di, and we went home instead of joining him. Went to Xiao Cheng Gu Shi for supper and as usual, we chatted the night away. It seems like we've so much to talk about and it was really interesting to listen to her stories in life and what's she's been through.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Day 8 in Shanghai!
Went to get some spa CDs for her new shop and came upon this Hummer.

Shanghai's Parking Attendent.

Had light dinner at home before going to Coffee Bean to have coffee before meeting Desmond at Moon's Steakhouse which belongs to Tereza's god-grand father.
I Coffee You.

Desmond is having his dinner there while Tereza and I had dinner already at home. The purpose of going to Moon's is to meet her god-grand father to discuss about some issues reagaring La Villa Rouge which her god-father wanna give his shares to Tereza.
So we spent the rest of the night at his Steakhouse and chatted till 0230hrs! We didn't expect it to end so late but her god-grand father have quite a fair bit to talk and discussed about the issues on La Villa Rouge.
We reached home at about 0300hrs and finally all of us headed for bed after all the drinking earlier on.
Shanghai's Parking Attendent.
Had light dinner at home before going to Coffee Bean to have coffee before meeting Desmond at Moon's Steakhouse which belongs to Tereza's god-grand father.
I Coffee You.
Desmond is having his dinner there while Tereza and I had dinner already at home. The purpose of going to Moon's is to meet her god-grand father to discuss about some issues reagaring La Villa Rouge which her god-father wanna give his shares to Tereza.
So we spent the rest of the night at his Steakhouse and chatted till 0230hrs! We didn't expect it to end so late but her god-grand father have quite a fair bit to talk and discussed about the issues on La Villa Rouge.
We reached home at about 0300hrs and finally all of us headed for bed after all the drinking earlier on.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Day 7 in Shanghai!
Decided to walk around and see more of Shanghai while Tereza is in her new shop. It would be rather boring for me to be there just to see her do her things anyway.
You won't wanna count the numbers of bicycles parked along the pavement.

Went to Shanghai Urban Planning Hall to know more about Shanghai and what the government have in plan for Shanghai in the next 5 years. Was an educational trip to know the past, present and future of Shanghai. Amazingly, Shanghai will be the next top 5 cities in the world to come. And to think they have such facilities to let the people know what the government have in plans. Was worth the trip as recommended by Desmond. (Photos were accidentally deleted)
After the 2 hours walk in the Urban Planning Hall, walked around the shopping malls and saw this Chinese horoscopes designed Zippos. It's a pity they don't have the Dragon design anymore...

Was called back to the shop cos Mary, her cousin whom we visited in the hospital was at her shop to do up her nails. Intention was to have dinner together but her mum already cooked dinner so she has to go home for dinner instead. But had some chat with her at the shop before she leaves.
We had Wan Tons in the shop since I haven't ate anything since I started my day. Also while waiting for Desmond to come to the shop. We went home to take a rest before going to a Japanese restaurant to have our dinner at 2100hrs. Wanted to asked Michael and Angela to drink with us on the bottle of Sake which Desmond choses, but the restaurant closes at 2300hrs, and by the time they reaches, it wouldn't be long till be leave.
Called it a day at 0030hrs. Been walking the whole day. Am tired, and finally slept early for once.
You won't wanna count the numbers of bicycles parked along the pavement.
Went to Shanghai Urban Planning Hall to know more about Shanghai and what the government have in plan for Shanghai in the next 5 years. Was an educational trip to know the past, present and future of Shanghai. Amazingly, Shanghai will be the next top 5 cities in the world to come. And to think they have such facilities to let the people know what the government have in plans. Was worth the trip as recommended by Desmond. (Photos were accidentally deleted)
After the 2 hours walk in the Urban Planning Hall, walked around the shopping malls and saw this Chinese horoscopes designed Zippos. It's a pity they don't have the Dragon design anymore...
Was called back to the shop cos Mary, her cousin whom we visited in the hospital was at her shop to do up her nails. Intention was to have dinner together but her mum already cooked dinner so she has to go home for dinner instead. But had some chat with her at the shop before she leaves.
We had Wan Tons in the shop since I haven't ate anything since I started my day. Also while waiting for Desmond to come to the shop. We went home to take a rest before going to a Japanese restaurant to have our dinner at 2100hrs. Wanted to asked Michael and Angela to drink with us on the bottle of Sake which Desmond choses, but the restaurant closes at 2300hrs, and by the time they reaches, it wouldn't be long till be leave.
Called it a day at 0030hrs. Been walking the whole day. Am tired, and finally slept early for once.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Day 6 in Shanghai!
Woke up in the late afternoon and soon realise my rashes is getting onto me. Also the weather which is cold and dry, it adds on to the effect.

Knowing my return air ticket is on the 8th, and it's not enough for them to bring me out in Shanghai, also there were more plans awaiting for me in Shanghai, I called up the airline to extend my stay in Shanghai till the 13th. And since Tereza will be flying back with me to visit her brother.
More fun awaits me in Shanghai and it's all planned out already! Woooohooooo!
One of Shanghai's older houses.

Had this mixed noodle for brunch, a bit spicy though.

Anyway, while she's busy with her stuff at her shop, I walked around town on my own. Went to visit Panerai store and got myself a catalogue for free.

When back to the shop cos it's dinner time and Tereza brought me to this small street which sells the popular "Xiao Yang Sheng jian Bao".

And along this street, there were other food vendors, DVD vendors, also those that sells bags and accessories.

We went home with some food for Desmond as well, but he couldn't finish what we bought so some of the Sheng Jian Bao was left over. I couldn't sleep early in the night and was chatting away with some friends on msn. Felt hungry and finished the rest of the Sheng Jian Bao. All in all, I had 13 of the Baos in a day! And that's where my tummy felt satisfied and I finally went to bed.
Knowing my return air ticket is on the 8th, and it's not enough for them to bring me out in Shanghai, also there were more plans awaiting for me in Shanghai, I called up the airline to extend my stay in Shanghai till the 13th. And since Tereza will be flying back with me to visit her brother.
More fun awaits me in Shanghai and it's all planned out already! Woooohooooo!
One of Shanghai's older houses.
Had this mixed noodle for brunch, a bit spicy though.
Anyway, while she's busy with her stuff at her shop, I walked around town on my own. Went to visit Panerai store and got myself a catalogue for free.
When back to the shop cos it's dinner time and Tereza brought me to this small street which sells the popular "Xiao Yang Sheng jian Bao".
And along this street, there were other food vendors, DVD vendors, also those that sells bags and accessories.
We went home with some food for Desmond as well, but he couldn't finish what we bought so some of the Sheng Jian Bao was left over. I couldn't sleep early in the night and was chatting away with some friends on msn. Felt hungry and finished the rest of the Sheng Jian Bao. All in all, I had 13 of the Baos in a day! And that's where my tummy felt satisfied and I finally went to bed.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Day 5 in Shanghai!
It was her new shop's grand opening so we spent most of the afternoon in the shop preparing some stuff and waiting for her friends to arrive. Took some pictures around the new shop as well.

Tereza love this shot the most and had this on her PC's wallpaper and msn.

Ada and I

Me and the chauffeur

We had dinner at a nearby restaurant for celebrations and had my first encounter on the well known hairy crab.

This is the "Huang Jiu" to go along with the crabs.

A good combnination of the crabs and the "Huang Jiu"! It's quite a chore to eat the crabs, but the roe of the crabs is simply delicious!
After dinner, we headed for La Villa Rouge (Xiao Hong Lou), a place co-owns by her god-father. He's a Malaysian and happen to be in Shanghai over the weekend with his insurance company directors. And it's once in a while they see each other plus some of her firends also know him, thus we continue the party at La Villa Rouge.
Took a pic of Ada and me.

And Ada alone.

We ended the night at about 0200hrs, or rather they ended the night. After Tereza, Desmond and I got home, Desmond hit the sack while the 2 of us went to "Xiao Cheng Gu Shi" to have some dessert and chat the night away about some of her personal stuff and the friends around her.
Tried the famous peanut crushed ice. Fantastic!

We left when the restaurant closes at 0400hrs. We walk home since it's about only 30mins away and the night is really cooling to have a walk. Also I guess she's bothered by some stuff which she would felt better after a walk in the night.
Tereza love this shot the most and had this on her PC's wallpaper and msn.
Ada and I
Me and the chauffeur
We had dinner at a nearby restaurant for celebrations and had my first encounter on the well known hairy crab.
This is the "Huang Jiu" to go along with the crabs.
A good combnination of the crabs and the "Huang Jiu"! It's quite a chore to eat the crabs, but the roe of the crabs is simply delicious!
After dinner, we headed for La Villa Rouge (Xiao Hong Lou), a place co-owns by her god-father. He's a Malaysian and happen to be in Shanghai over the weekend with his insurance company directors. And it's once in a while they see each other plus some of her firends also know him, thus we continue the party at La Villa Rouge.
Took a pic of Ada and me.
And Ada alone.
We ended the night at about 0200hrs, or rather they ended the night. After Tereza, Desmond and I got home, Desmond hit the sack while the 2 of us went to "Xiao Cheng Gu Shi" to have some dessert and chat the night away about some of her personal stuff and the friends around her.
Tried the famous peanut crushed ice. Fantastic!
We left when the restaurant closes at 0400hrs. We walk home since it's about only 30mins away and the night is really cooling to have a walk. Also I guess she's bothered by some stuff which she would felt better after a walk in the night.
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