I managed to get it down to about 30kg and couldn't care more about the limit for luggage. Who knows when I check in my luggage, it only weighs 13kg! WTF! I had to leave quite a far bit of stuff behind and decided not to bring my DSLR since my main purpose is not to go sightseeing. And my faithful N73 would be able to do the job.
Anyway, shopped around in the airport before boarding. Bought some stuff for Tereza's parents and also her hubby. Pretty difficult to buy them things since not too sure what they would like. So got some simple stuff instead.
Smokers die younger? For hell we stay so old for what? Hehehe... :P
Boared the plane, finally can get some sleep. Reached Shanghai at about 1730hrs. During the flight, had to squeeze with an old lady. But she was kind enough to get the stewardess to put her to another seat which is not occupied so I can sit comfortably. Yah... I'm too big for the airplane sit... :P
She's really kind. We chatted for a while before she was allocated to another seat. When we reached PuDong Airport, we chatted along the way till we got our luggage and we parted ways when her daughter-in-law came to pick her.
Was told by Anthony to try the MagLev. This train that travels on magnetic force. Damn this thing is really fast! The fastest it went was 401km/h!
Yupe, that's my super stoned face...
Tereza's chauffeur picked my up at Long Yang station, which is more convenient for him rather than travelling to the airport. Moreover I get to sit on the MagLev, experience the speed!
The sun was setting already at 1745hrs. The day turns day earlier here.
1st stop is to her new shop. Very nice place with Gui Hua tree. Where the flowers can be used to make Gui Hua tea. (Not sure what's the english name for Gui Hua). The fragrant from the tree can be smelt from a distance.
Then it's to her another store which has been around for some time.
She sent her chauffeur and one of her staff to IKEA to buy some stuff for the new shop. We took a cab to have dinner. Cab is Volkswagen Santana, which are used by the Shanghai cabs. Pretty neat. Has a small TV that shows the channels they watch at home.
Had diiner at Xiao Cheng Gu Shi. A restaurant that closes at 0400hrs! Superb food! Very delicious! The flavours snow ice is very popular. And I wonder why the straw so long. :P
After dinner, she brought me to Xin Tian Di, a tourist attraction where hordes of pubs and restaurants are.
Tereza checking out a wine store at Xin Tian Di.
After a stroll in Xin Tian Di, she got a few friends to come over her place for a drink. Plus her husband is comng back from Hong Kong tonight. This friend of hers, Le Qing, damn funny! He may be a gay, but really can't see it too obviously.Very funny and lovable fella.
This is the amount of liqour we had for the night before we called it a day. There was Tony (gay as well), Le Qing, Tereza and her husband, Desmond and me. We finished a bottle of Macallan, Shao Jiu (Some kind of Japanese liquor), a bottle of whisky from Brazil, half a bottle of Jack Daniel's, and a few shots of Mango Vodka which was frozen in the fridge! The Vokda got into me after 2 shots of it. Cos it was frozen, thus the wate content became ice, and the liqour stayed liquidfied! Thus making the alcohol content higher! It tasted sweet in the beginning cos of the Mango flavour, but the feel of liqour came in just in a few minutes!
Just my 1st day in Shanghai, had so much to drink already. Called it a day at 0200hrs, walked myself to the study room which they prepared for me, slumped myself onto the sofa bed even before I changed. Yes, I'm high already. My head is throbbing, only able to sleep an hour later.
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