1st time to DAISO, with Sammie. Everything is $2. Plenty of stuff!
At JDM with the gang, and we met another fellow ATR with curtains. Nicely done curtains!
Daniel from JDM gave me a pair of this Bosch boneless wipers, for free! ;)
Finally I'm installing all the bars and getting my car ready for track! Need to re-do the exhaust for this particular piece of bar.
My favourites among all the bars. These side bars makes the car move together and the pull of the car is much better!
Ivan had a hard time installing the side bars cos the seats have to be dismantled and carpet needs to be removes to tighten the bars up.
Here's Ivan testing out the room bar to see it's secured.
Left with a rear strut bar and lower rear bar to install but we ain't got much time cos made an appointment to stick up my car with Texas Lubricants design. Spent the night seeing them stick up the car.
Not the final outlook. Still got some more design to change and add on.
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