We left for Pagoh to meet Valentine and we head up to KL together to have Valentine's car done up. Swop his road tires to the set of semi slicks, and his stock exhuast to free flow exhuast. We had lunch while leaving his car at the workshop. Once lunch was done, the Z-monster begin to haunt me. Feeling very tired by the time we reached Sepang.
I done the first few warm up laps and the next round I had Thomas to track with my car. We did our track time alternately. Thomas had a tough day, doing almost 27 laps in total, with my car, Valentine's and Unc Foo's Evo Wagon. I only did like 12 laps of the 22 laps done on with car.
Without disappointing me, I knew Thomas can do below 2:50min with my car. The best he did was actually 2:54min, while I did my personal best of 2:53. He was about to give up till I pester him to do a few more laps since there weren't much car on the track at that time. My pestering and pressure paid off! He came back with a 2:49.279!
Valentine did his personal best of 2:44, and Thomas did a 2:43 with his car. Unc foo did 2:54 for his evo wagon, and Thomas did a 2:47 for him! Thomas was the champ of the day! Setting 3 records in a day with 3 different car! Our next track day will be on 3rd March. This time, he won't be tracking with out car cos his Evo 9RS is ready by then! After he demodded his monster ATR, he has been tracking in Valentine's ATR, setting record every track day.
This is the time sheet for the day.
Track day ended at 1700hrs, everyone was happy with the results. While Unc Foo and Alex went home first, Valentine, Thomas and me went back to the workshop to swop the stuff back to Valentine's car. With all the tracking done, this is what happened to Valentine's semi slicks which was used for sme time already.
The rubber is practically torn off showing the wires that is holding the tires. Hard core driving!
Once done with the swop, we had dinner and took a slow drive home. We stopped at JB to meet GQ cos Thomas need to pass him the F-con which GQ is buying from him. It was till we had our car washed up then we head back to Singapore. By the time I'm home, it's already 0300hrs. Gosh... 22 hours of keeping awake, 3 hours of track, 9 hours of driving!
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