Even my young cousins also help in decorating the wrappers.
Final outcome of the wrapping! Hahahaha... :P
The birthday cake she got. Madagascar! 'You got to move it move it!'
Waiting for phototaking. Last year she's a white angle and this year her outfit is a pink angle.
Waiting to distribute the cake.
This is the small gift that was given out to those who attend her birthday party. And I got one too! Hehehe.. :P
Awhile just after my niece's party, I headed on to another celebration with my friends whom I'd know for almost 10 years. They're actually schoolmates of my previous girlfriend from NUS. Every year we'll celebrate Xmas/NYE and CNY. Also celebrate birthdays among this group of friends. Ever since they started this tradition, it is without fail that we'll organise such events for all to gather and update each other on our daily life.
After the countdown, went to meet up my ATR gang in town. They were at Flare bar enjoying themselves. We went out for supper but before that, we made our rounds, driving around in town. Saw some fellow car friends as well. Had supper and went home to rest. Next day still need to go to the chalet and have bbq!
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