M, me, Sis S and chief
After finishing the bottle of whisky among ourselves, we head on to have our supper, Lok Lok! I've seen it around but never tried it, not even in Singapore. There were really nice! Total the 6 of us ate about 60 sticks and RM85 worth of Lok Lok! We created havoc at the Lok Lok truck and we were so having fun among ourselves and with other of their customers.
M posing at the Lok Lok truck
Sis S and M wolfing sticks and sticks of Lok Lok
Chief and Sis S having a Lok Lok competition
And here's a video clip of M "hosting", with Sis S. Hahahahaha :P (Copy and paste the link).
After spending 1 hr and RM85 at the Lok Lok truck we head on to enjoy our tea tariks, which we head back to the hotel, and by then it's already 0430hrs. It's time chief and I get some sleep, since we've to wake up at 0800hrs for track the following day, with only about 3 hrs of sleep. And guess what! Sis S and M decided to pop 1 of the 3 bottles of champagne that chief brought along. End up all of us went over to their room and continue our partying with champagne.
Finally we emptied the 2 bottles in no time and it hit 0630hrs after the drinking and chatting. Left 1 hours for chief and I to get some rest for the track day later at 0900hrs. Well, obviously we overslept, woke up at 0830hrs, rushed and reack Sepang at 0930hrs. The rest joined us later cos they're not tracking and had helped to buy some breakfast for chief and I.
Track day wasn't that fantastic, being that there were some superbikes and Formula 3000 cars testing the track and tires, thus they've taken up all the pits. We're left to this compound to ourselves and it's very cramp. Still all of us managed to co-operate and head on to track. The unexpected happened when Bro R's E8MR's engine gasket blew during the 1st CCT, and cause the track to be spilled with engine oil, causing the track to be closed cos it's too dangerous to track with oil on the track, and a DC5 skidded on the oil patch and knocked into an E9 which was in the gravel already. What luck for both the drivers.
Good thing before the CCT, I went done for like 15 laps and this time I controlled my car better and followed the lines which Bro A taught me during the last track day. Devil T sat next to me and gave me good tips on where to look our for and where to luanch off! And the oil cooler I installed helped to cool down the engine oil by 20 degrees! Thinking that the track is closed for good, we did our packing and got ready to move off. But then suddenly the track is available again, but we were told to keep away from the oil. And after I'd change to my casual gear, they open up the track again..... Anyway, Devil T had a go of about 5 laps with my car, with everything in the boot and at every corner, all the stuff flew from one side to the other. Devil T really pushed my car hard and I'm amazed by how he handled my car! I did a timing on the laps and we did slightly less than 3mins on every lap! Consider that with me in the car, and all the load behind, my car would have done better! I'm happy with my car's performance! Next track day, I'm gonna do all the settings right and hit the track with all I can!
After pushing it hard, it's time to rest the car after the 5 laps. We hang around the track for a while and Dennis Lian was there to show us some drifts which the Lotus can do! Devil D an the mad china boy get to sit in his ride while he do the drifts!
Here's the link to the video (Copy and paste the link).
Some pics to share I took!
Bro A with his camera on the dashboard to record his tracking!
Sis S still as chirpy, cos she got wakie!
M ain't so lucky, cos chief took her wakie! And she's been groggy for the whole morning! :P
But she still managed to smile!
M and Sis S checking out on the cars in CCT!
Devil D TRYING to drift with his car like how Dennis Lian does to his Lotus. Hehehe.. :P
Sis S trying to record the F3000 car zooming on track!
Track was hot and sticky! Brake dust very thick also! My white rims now bedded with brake dust.. Very difficult to wash away..
We left to fetch Chief's friend Mila after Dennis Lian's ride. Mila is a TV presenter for Malaysia dunno which channel. Apparently, she's in charge of the coverage of the rumoured Big foot in JB. And we head for lunch/dinner at this kampung. We're so hungry and tired, and as usual chief ordered a feast, gone in 10 mins!
Yum Yum!
After lunch/dinner, we drove up to Fraiser Hill and it was one helluva ride! Here's a video of it.
(Cut and paste the link, download 'Fraiser Hill' and view)
In the middle of the hill, we came upon this stall that sells pisang goreng, fried banana. We stopped for a rest, sip some teh tariks and downed some pisangs.
Pisang Abu Stall!
HUGE Pisang Goreng!
Bro D and Cutie having a moment to themselves!
Sis S talking a bite! Hahaha.. :P
We left about 30mins later and head back to check in to this motel in town, take a rest before we head up the hill again and trek to this waterfall which Mila gonna's bring us to. Before heading to bed, we went for dinner/supper.
Loved the cheese chapati!
Another feast of ours!
They have MOS in the small town! Happening eh! Hahahaha.. :P
After dinner/supper, it's bed time. Need to get ready for next day's jungle trekking to see the waterfall!
To be continued....
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