Meet Teo, Jac and his wife at Woodlands custom. We'll be using the woodlands custom since they stay in Woodlands, and we'll have breakfast before meeting Kwok, Elaine and Suyin at the toll before heading straight to Malacca. The drive took less than 2 hours and once we reach Malacca, we had lunch at the popular Hoe Kee chicken rice.
Welcome to Malacca!
Hoe Kee chicken rice.
Managed to find a parking space just right outside the shop.
This is how pack it is.
Mug of drink?
Nope! Chilli!
Chicken rice balls. Suyin thought why we ordered so many fishballs! Hehehe...
Helped myself to the rice balls! Had 8 fishballs! I mean chicken rice balls!
The spread! I love the soup and the chicken feet in it!
The number of people account for the number of chicken rice balls.
We got some peanuts. Pretty delicious.
Once we're done with lunch, head down to the hoteh which Suyin had booked.
Scenery around the hotel.
Elaine and Kwok trying to pile on top of me.
Once all of us settle down, we got ours ready for a walk around town and did some sight seeing. Suyin was dying for a cuppa and we got ourselves some coffee, and I saw this nun who is quite high tech. :P
Kwok has been to Malacca before and she brought us to this place called Farmosa. And I saw this doraemon, in PINK! NEw version? Hahaha....
We walked over to this used-to-be church that was turned into a fort.
Trishaws all decorated with colourful flowers!
Group photos.
Some pics on the fort(church).
Malaysia's National day is coming, and we see flags flying around.
Christ Church Malacca.
My t-shirt is all sweated up in the afternoon sun!
Elaine was bugging for the popular chendol and all of us join in to satisfy her craving! I gotta say it's really nice!
I got a video of the chendol making process as well. Look closely, it's not electric powered! It's those olden days kind of machine.
We saw some buskers that had snakes and lizards for tourist to take pictures with.
We went to check out this war ship as well.
On the way back, we saw this pair of tourist police on horses.
And we pass by this place that sells lottery and since it's my birthday, might as well give it a try. Bought my car number and our room number.
We shopped around Mahkota Parade shopping centre before we head back to the hotel and change, then head down to Jonker street, the night market.
1st stop is this store called Madam Goh. Dunno got any affliation with our GCT wife or not. Hehehe... :P
And they sell this werid looking thing, which is actually a kind of cucumber, dried up, and it is used for cleaning plates and stuff. It's like a sponge for washing! Feels really soft and rough. Should have bought one home to try. But I don't do house chores. :P
There is some stage performance going on as well. This event is for the police and the people to exchange some conversations or stuff. The chinese wordings too difficult for me to understand.
Came by a few dialect clans house as well.
The Hokkien clan
The Hainanese clan. Which is also my dialect, but I dunno how to speak! Hehehe... :P
Some pictures of the stalls in Jonker Street.
Dim Sum
BBQ Cuttlefish
Doraemone Uno Cards!! Regret not buying!
Elaine bought one of this ship that she liked alot.
We had dinner at this stall.
Our spread.
The so spicy curry!
And I was giving a speech! See how serious they are listening to me! Hehehe... :P
On the way back to our hotel, we sort of lost our way. And with the ship that Elaine bought, it took up quite a space and with 4 of them squeezing at the back of my car and Teo in the boot.
I stopped at the petrol kisok to ask for direction and also to shift the box to the boot. That's Teo sitting comfortably in the boot.
Finally we reached our hotel, and I got a surprise from them. We all know it's my birthdaym but I didn't expect them to celebrate for me just before the clock strike midnight. I also didn't expect them to buy me a cake or anything. Bascially the day's been too tiring and all I want is a good rest.
Elaine, Kwok and Suyin actually stayed in the carpark to wait for me and Elaine to finish our smoke. I didn't realised that Teo, Jac and his wife have already gone up to prepare the surprise. They actually kept the whole plan tight lipped. They got an ice cream cake, and also Teo had one of the group photo we took to be developed, put it in a Winnie the Pooh photo frame.
When we were at Mahkota parade shopping centre in the afternoon, I actually bumped into Teo while walking back to meet the other. Elaine was actually with Teo but when they saw me, they splited ways cos Elaine was holding the cake! Teo actually told me she got a stomach ache and need to go back to the hotel. I wanted to follow Teo cos I've already waited an hour for them sitting on the sofa, for Kwok and Suyin to get their hair done in the salon. So I wanted so much to go back to the hotel to nap and since key is with Teo, I should follow her. But she kept telling me Jac and his wife are waiting for me, and her stomach is really bad so she gotta run. She ran off and I didn't even suspect a thing. Such good actors they are! During this, Elaine actually walk around the corner and I didn't even see her!
Once I entered the hotel, lights were dimmed, and the cake is already on the table, with the Winnie the Pooh photo frame.
NOW! This surprise doesn't end here. As we know it's an ice cream cake, it was starting to melt, while we're all taking photos. And when I mentioned that the cake is melting, Kwok thought I was saying the candle is melting. Of cos the candle melts, cos it's burning! Guess what! Kwok just went closer to the candle and BLEW MY CANDLE!!! KWOK BLEW MY CANDLE!!! AH KWOK ACTUALLY BLEW MY CANDLE! Even before I made a wish or anything. I looked at her in shocked! All of us paused for a second! They saw my expression! I was still for like 3 seconds looking at Kwok!
She finally realised what a grave mistake she made! And I'm gonna haunt her for the whole year till I get to blow my next birthday candle! The whole night, I kept bugging her on blowing my candle! And till now, I'm still harping to her for blowing my candle!
This is just for photo taking sake. The candle is re-lit and this time I got to blow the candle. But.... AH KWOK BLEW MY CANDLE!
After eating the cake, we wanted to play mahjong. But we're all too tired, all went to bed.
hahahhaa...very very entertaining. been waiting for u to post these up u know. great job pal! and Happy birthday again though ah kwok blew your candle!
Thank you guys again for all these! Especially to kwok!!! :P
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