Banners sponsored by New York Club (NYC)
It was suppose to be an exciting day cos we're organising our first drag event. Yet mother nature ain't helping us by causing quite a downpour in the late afternoon when things were about to get started. We had the tentage up, the marshall, time keepers, crowd control, almost everything that's suppose to be in place up and ready to go. Just too bad, it started to rain and we've to postpone the event to next day morning.
While some competitors' drag cars were towed over, it would be pointless for them to tow them back to their workshop and back again the next day. We had a few cars parked under the tentage. And someone is has to be there to look after the cars. Since we've to be back again the next day early in the morning, it's wiser for us to stay over the night, so we spent the night over at Nusajaya.
While Dennis is waiting for his gf, his cousin and his gf to meet him, Nelson and Cutie this couple are going home to Woodlands to wash up and return to spend the night. Whereas for Thomas and I, we head to town for dinner, had a short rest, then head back to gather again at the shed.
While waiting for the couple to come back, as Dennis went home to wash up, only Thomas and I were tasked to look after the place. Pretty spooky consider it's the Chinese 7th month, and the place is pitch dark, except for the shed. As a matter of fact, nothing was there except for those light bugs flying around.
The N&C couple were back about 0030hrs, and to kill time, we played dai dee and chatted the night away, cracking silly jokes and poking fun at each other, till Dennis is back with supper, which by then is already about 0330hrs. Everyone is tired after the day's work, so we decided to call it a night, get some sleep in our cars and wake up early in the morning to prepare again.
Took some pictures to kill time.
30th July
This is how I slept through the night. Took out all four head rests from the seat, latch them down to make it flat, and slept comfortably through the night. Took me some time to figure a way out to make myself comfortable and I'm quite amazed by how the seats can be levelled and accomodate my height of 1.85m, with more then enough room to spare. I love my car more, day by day to know what my car can do!
Woke up at about 0830hrs. Good weather. Nice sunshine. I actually took a peek at the sky at about 0630hrs to catch the sunrise, but it wasn't much of a sight, probably cos I'm too tired to be bothered by it. Wash up, prepare the stuff needed for the day. We made some changes to the barriers and cones, shifting them to make room for a service road. Brief through what is suppose to be done for the day.
This time mother nature helped us out abit by keeping the early afternoon sunny. And we had the participants doing some trail runs on the drag strip with the newly done up Xmas light that Valentine brought home to improve on. Just before the sky turns dark again, we've already started the competition. But mid way through the event, it rained for a moment, more like a short drizzle, not really affecting the drag strip.
Here are some videos which I took.
Anyway the whole event ended well. It was our first event and we couldn't complain much as we're learning. We got plenty of feedbacks from the participants and now we've a list of stuff to ensure that it is being replaced to make our future events more successful. It all ended at about 1700hrs, which 6 winners in 2 different class of competition, prize money totalling up to RM4,400.
It sure was a super tiring day, all of us dead beat and tanned. Went through certain details before leaving the place after we've packed up. We could have left early, but because of some fella's car was parked in the skid pan, we don't know where he went to so we locked the gates leaving the car there while we were discussing over what was our thoughts for the day.
Since the keys were with me, I couldn't care less to this fella when he came over to us asking how he would be able to leave the place. I told him the guy with the keys have left the place, so there's no way we could open the gate for him, and he'll just have to think of a way out. Amazingly, he managed to drive up on the terrain in his Honda Civic, not without causing some scratches to the bottom of his bumper. He thought he would be out of the place after going through the terrain. But we've also locked the other gate. Hahahahahaha... :P
He came to us again, telling us the gate is locked! I acted as if I don't know anything and gave him the shocked look to know the gate is locked as well. So to say, we're all stucked together with him!! Hahahaha.... :P Well, since the show is on, we've to continue the act. I told him the guy with the keys is suppose to leave that gate unlocked and after we leave the place, we will lock it. He actually though it could be some of the spectators lingering around who locked it since we left the lock unlock there. Hehehehe... :P
The reason his car was parked in the skid pan is because he was there to watch his brother riding in the terrain with his scrambler. Early morning there were a group of scramblers using the place as well. And one of the organiser of their group has the key. So instead, I got him to call the fella with the key and help us open the gate. We had to stay with him though the keys were with me. He was with his father and gf. His gf was quite a looker but too bad she stayed in the car all the while. his father actually said we had the keys but we don't wanna open. Then again, we stayed and left together, what has he got to say then! Hehehehe... :P
Well, without this episode, wouldn't have gotten acquaintance with this chap. Quite a nice fella I would say. Not in any frustration to think he would be in this situation. We exchanged numbers before parting ways and whle waiting, we chatted about what was going on and how this place would be done up in future, while the rest of the guys we packing the drinks up to our cars. We left for Dennis's home to drop the drinks, then had dinner before leaving for Singapore, of cos a car wash before we head home.
I bought these banna fritters in between the event when I leave to pump petrol for my car. It's RM1.00 for 7 pieces! 1 piece is half of a banana. And it's still very cheap!
Dinner! Enough to feed the 8 of us consider that we didn't had lunch. In fact some of them didn't had breakfast and lunch!
Dozed off while waiting for our cars to be washed, vacuumed and wiped dry. Finally, home sweet home at about 2230hrs. Went to bed immediately.
31st July
Woke up at 1400hrs feeling groggy. Hangover from yesterday's event. Looked at my phone, 7 missed calls! 1st miss call start from 0930hrs, and it's a private call. Good thing I switched my phone to silent mood. If not this idiot who called so early in the morning gonna get a good lecture from me for waking me up.
Finally back to work after 2 weeks of leave. Need to get the hang of going back to work and start the daily routine. Didn't do much for the day at work except for stock taking after we closed the store at 0100hrs. All done and home at 0300hrs.
1st August
Woke up late afternoon for work again. Gotta worked alone for the night cos my staff screwed up the roster that they tried to planned. Well, not the first time working alone, not such a big deal.
Saw Simon on MSN. Been some time I chatted with him and been almost 1 year I last saw him. Since we're both awake at 0500hrs, I picked him up at this place for supper, or you can say breakfast. Talked about how he's been doing, what were his plans since he has already completed army. Having not met him for more than a year, I realized he has become more mature than before. More sensible and began to make plans. It's really good to see him this way.
Sent him home at about 0700hrs, and bumped into his mum who is on her way to work, instead gave her a lift to work. Anyway I've not talked to her since last Chinese New Year on the phone and since I've bumped into her, might as well. Chatted a bit during the trip to her workplace. Just come usual words of concern about Simon's dad and grandma whom I've visited in Muar during her birthday 2 years back. Or is it 3, I forgot.
Anyway, dropped Simon back home, I finally slept at about 0900hrs. While most people are at work, I'm going to bed.
2nd August
Met some of the SMAC guys for lunch as usual at MS. This evening got a meeting with Thomas, Dennis and Nelson in JB, with regards to the event we done few days back. Need to sort out all the expenditures and go through some details about Singapore Lancer Club (SLC) wanting to rent the place from us for a one day event.
Ran my errands after lunch, met up with Nelson in JB at about 1700hrs. He's in there to do his exhaust, while I'm free, went there to see see look look. Meeting began at 1800hrs at a cafe. Took us so long to go through every thing and to brainstorm on what we need to do for the next event we're gonna organise. We can really talk through the night and it's time for supper.
The infamous curry noodle for supper! There are char siew (sliced roast pork), fishballs, fried bean curd, clams and vege. Spicy hot but delicious!
Reached home 0400hrs. All dead tried of the brainstorming and discussion.
3rd August
Maddie's birthday! Smsed her last night while she's iat MOS. Was suppose to go Zouk with her but the meeting with the guys is more important. Anyway she got a bunch of friends to celebrate for her. Since I'm meeting her today to go to the temple with her before she leave for Jarkata to celebrate her birthday with her Jarkata friends.
Pick her up at 1230hrs, went to the temple, have lunch and reached airport 1430hrs. Her flight is 1530hrs more than enough time for them to check in if her friend were to come on time. But her friend was late, thus they are unable to board the flight I've booked for them. Cos check in has to be 40mins before flight departure. They check in 30mins before......
Good thing the customer service guy is kind enough to place them on the next flight without any additional charges. Who can resist the pitiful look on their face, right! Hahahaha... :P
Took this picture when she's at DFS to buy cigarette. Like those chocolate stick that comes in bigger packing, bigger sticks.
Left her with her friend so the 2 ladies can have their girls talk. Pretty inconvenient with me around. Anyway need to leave for the usual Thursday meet up at GV. There was a new stall selling Bak Kut Teh so a few of us try this new stall and see how good their food is.
We had the standard pork ribs. Ordered vinegar trotters and salted vege with roast pork. The vinegar trotters is highly recommended. Whereas the Bak Kut Teh nothing to shout about. Soup is too diluted and the taste of the soup has too much of herbal smell.
Nelson took a picture of this sign. Did some photoshop to it and it reads, OKT Thomas P/L site office. OKT actually stands for Or Kui Tao, which is in hokkien. It means pimp in english. Hehehe... :P
We hanged around for some time before going for a drink and as usual, some men's talk. Went home about 0200hrs but couldn't sleep. I had to force myself to sleep cos I need to work later at 0600hrs.
4th August
It's really been some time I went out so late and sleep at this late hours and wake up at 0500hrs for work. Really very tired at work in the morning. Took a nap when I end work at 1400hrs. Got a dinner appointment with a new girl I know, so I took a nap before picking her up at her house. At least I got about 2-3hrs of sleep if not I will doze off while driving. We had dinner at Newton since she's craving for chilli crab. Drove around town for a while, and send her back.
Just got home not long ago at 2100hrs to complete this blog for now. Still feeling tired, so am gonna take a nap soon.
Gdnite. ;)
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