Went to the gym after meet up at GV. Reach home just before midnight. Still, couldn't sleep early in the night. Or rather, slept early, at 0600hrs.
8th September
Boring Friday. Went to Thomas's office to spend the late afternoon there. Partly cos the internet connection at home is down. Also there will be a Tire Appreciation session at 2000hrs by Hankook at Toh Guan, organised by SLC, which is pretty near his office. Thought of hanging around after he end work, but followed him to pick up his son at Bukit Gombak MRT, and then to his house, which he will join me for the Hankook session.
BG mrt is a place to hang out in the evening! Alot of eye candies! It's the meeting place for car learners where their instructors are waiting for them. Waited 15mins for his son and I've spotted quite a few of babes! :P
Had home cooked food at Thomas's place. His mum cooked, and though it's just some simple dishes, I've not had home cooked food for months already.
We headed for TG after watching the TV serial. The place is pretty cool for a tyre shop. 1st floor is where the cars changes their tires and do alignments. 2nd floor is the hang out area, with a pool table, a bar and also some racks for rims and some retail product. A very comfortable and cool place I would say.
Here's Vincent explaining to us about the aspects of Hankook tires. Met him a few tims at Sepang during track where he's trying out the new Hankook tires.
Members from SLC.
Actually my purpose is not to appreciate tires. But to collect some money from the moderators of SLC. They will be holding a closed door event at Nusajaya and we're organising this event for them, providing them with the facilities they need. Come 16th September, it's gonna be FUN!
Sent Thomas home and headed home, with a free cap from Hankook and won a polishing wax on a Q&A.
9th September
Had lunch with Thomas and Nelson at Sin Ming. We had the Bak Kut Teh. We were actually boggling on what to have for lunch . We decided on BKT cos I accidentally sent a pic to Thomas, of the BKT which I was recommending to my bro's gf on msn. And thus we decided on eating BKT for lunch.
Best BKT I had in Singapore!
We hanged around for a while thinking of where to go. Couldn't come to a place for us to hang out in the hot afternoon, so headed home to slack.
Met up with the SPUG gang to have Stingray at 2230hrs, in memory of Steve Irwin, the popular crocodile hunter from Australia who got stung by a stingray and died from the poison. Also to return YH his PSP and to pass Chris his lenses. Didn't ate anything cos I was still full from the dinner I had at home.
Went in to JB after the supper. Had my car washed and pumped petrol. Home by 0200hrs.
Still can't sleep at night.
Saw this Kancil with super long antenna.
10th September
Rainy Sunday. Home the whole day. Slept the whole day.
Only out at night to have coffee with Peter, Nelson and Cherry at Serangoon Garden's CBTL.
1st time meeting Cherry. She just joined out club. A young sweet girl.
Home before midnight, the rest need to work the next day.
Still can't sleep at night.
11th September
Met with with Anita at her office. She called me in the morning and asked me about what Nelson smsed her on borrowing her her from her for 5 mins. Woke me up in the morning and hanged up, knowing I would still be sleeping. Called me noon time again and I'm still sleeping. Hahaha.. :P
We reached her office at 1545 to have coffee first, then proceed to check on her car's ECU. Couldn't read her car's map, so couldn't do much to tune her car. Too bad....
Saw this Hyundai Getz with green bodykits, logos, door handles, twin exhaust, etc. Really outstanding!
Reminded me of a quote in Fast and Furious Tokyo drift.
Han: The Red Evo's yours
Shawn Boswell: What do you mean?
Han: You're representing me now. What you think, I'm gonna let you roll in a Hyundai?
Maybe I should just stick the last quote on my car and piss those Hyundai owners. Naughty naughty.. Heheheh.. :P
Met up with Alex and Peter at Changi Beach. They are there to re-tune Peter's car. On the way to Changi, a Nissan Cefiro was on the lane where I was about to exit. He high beamed at me but I was able to pull away from him so that he don't need to slow down. While I was cruising on the 1st lane, he sped past me, I guess he's asking for a game. I caught up with him, overtook him and micheviously waited for him to follow up, and I pulled away from him again. Now he's getting the signal that I'm playing with him. I managed to pull away from him for a distance, but then, it won't be fun to see him on my rear mirror. Let him overtook me and I followed behind him, closely. We were driving at 150km/h and once we hit the highway, we're going on about 180km/h.
I kept sticking close to his rear end and pressing forward to pressure him to go faster. He zig-zagged on the highway, while I took my chance to block him from entering the same lane as me. Overtook him while he was cutting lane and him being caught behind slow vehicles. Let him overtook me again, and I continue to push him. All ended while he exited the highway. Which I think he didn't want to cos he was tyring to cut inbetween lanes till he got stuck to the lane for exit, which there were lorries blocking him to join back the highway.
Well, it was quite a thrill. And would be more fun if he didn't exited, unwillingly. :P
Headed back to meet up with the rest. Waited for Louis to pass me the Texas Lubricants umbrella for this coming 16th event.
We had dinner at Changi Village before I head home to take a nap and then to gym at night.
Tonight's gym is more tedious. Did some weights and really feel the pull on the muscles. As usual, couldn't get to sleep in the night. Must be the gym session which is keeping me wide awake. Couldn't get to sleep so went to JB to wash car and pump petrol. Back home at 0800hrs and finally I slept at 0900hrs.
Jam at Singapore customs. PLENTY of bikes at the custom at 0700hrs.
12th September
Woke up at 1700hrs. Slacked the whole evening at home. Never been a day I didn't go out at all. Hahaha.. :P
Me forcing myself to sleep at 0540hrs.
13th September
My nocturnal nights making me wake up late in the afternoon.
Did some errands and back home to have lunch and then took a nap.
Woke up for dinner, watch some TV, and dozed off.
Was suppose to go to gym but overslept.
Had supper with a friend. Salted bean curd drink. 1st time eating this. Not bad.
Really slacked the whole day doing nothing much.
Now? 0520hrs, still wide awake.
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