Slept at 0900hrs, woke up at 1200hrs. Rained heaviily the whole afternoon and it's really nice to be able to slack at home in this weather. Nelson ask me out for coffee, and since I got the intention to go JB later to check things out for Singapore Lancer Club (SLC) close door event. Need to check that everything is in place for this event tomorrow.
The weather ain't helping much and Dennis is not in JB to assist me when I go in. So I dropped the idea and head home to rest and pack for tomorrow's trip. Also to get come rest before I head for gym in the night. Don't really feel well, but then don't wanna miss gym just because of a slight flu.
Gym was tiring today. Colin put me into a string of weights training and it really pulled my muscles alot! My whole body is beginning to ache after gym. Went in to JB to pump petrol and wash my car. Drove by this place that sell Wan Ton noodle. And being a sucker for Wan Ton noodle, I couldn't resist to not give it a try.
The noodle is indeed chewy although it tasted quite plain. but the bite of the noodle already compensate the tasteless sauce. Maybe cos I didn't order it with chilli. They do sell buns and I suddenly got craving for Kong Ba Pao. It's actually a big piece of stew pork with fats wrapped in a bun. DELICIOUS!
Finally home by 0230hrs. Received a free CD from Heineken. Some groove music. Went to bed early. It will be a long and hectic day tomorrow.
16th September
Woke up at 1000hrs to pick M up. She wanna tag along with me for this SLC event. We had lunch at Gelang Patah which is near Nusajaya. Had Bak Kut Teh. Initially plan was to have BKT at JB then head to Nusajaya. Sammie was suppose to come along with her friend Julia, but Julia got some contest to go to and Sammie didn't gave me an answer the night before. Used to her last minute changes already.
Anyway, brunch was so so. The BKT ain't that nice as compare to the one in JB.
After lunch, head striaight to Nusajaya to get the equipments up and ready. SLC members will be here in about an hours time. There were 26 cars and 39 people in total. They met at the toll and drove in together.
They didn't hesitate much after I brief them on the place and started to use the drag stripe.
They were suppose to use the skid pan but the weather isin't helping and started to have a heavy downpour. Everyone drove to the shed and instead drove on the drift track which poses more challenge as compared to the skid pan which is used more for drifting. Their initial plan was to do some handbrake tunrs and some technical driving. Since the downpour started at about 1600hrs, They couldn't do much on the drag stripe cos of the rain water as well.
Everyone got cosy under the shed and some started to felt hungry. I went out to town to get some food, and the heavy downpour caused some part of the road to be flooded. I wasn't careful of the flood and my exhuast had some rain water going in, which caused the car to stall. Had to park along the road and begin to crank the car again and again. Finally after an hour, everything start to work fine.
Pack some food for them, had some bite with Nelson and M. When all is done, we head back to Nusajaya, and to see some of them already having fun on the drift track.
One of them actually had a minor accident. He skidded on a corner where most drivers tend to be careless on and drove straight into the tyres. Good thing we had tyres there, if not his car would have went into the drain. Nothing much happened to his car except for the front bumper which went a bit off alignment.
As the day about to end at 1830hrs, some of them start packing and putting back their sub-woofers back.
And here are some Lancers with full body stickers and fierce bodykits.
Of cos before we leave the place, a photo shoot is a must.
While SLC members headed their own way, Dennis, Nelson, M and I went for dinner, after dropping some stuff at Dennis's place.
Funny looking jars used as cups.
We had some toasted bread as well. Traditional way of baking and toasting the bread.
We had a chat on our future plans regarding the drag stripe and skid pan. Also to discuss some collabration with other workshops and car clubs that are keen on this place we have. Left for Singapore at 2200hrs.
On the way home, saw this police truck with metal barriers on it. Used for riots cos of the IMF events here.
Finally home at 2300hrs. What a day it was. And feeling a bit unwell. Must be the sun and rain.
17th September
Maddie called me in the middle of the night at about 0430hrs, when I'm deep in my sleep. But surprisingly I heard her call and answered it. She was in pain and vomitting, suspecting she got food poisioning. I pulled myself out of bed and sent her to the hospital. To date, she's the 4th person I've sent to the hospital. Or rather 3rd, 1 time is her dog.
Doctor gave her a jab, and sent her home to rest. Too bad my hp went dead on me and I forgot to charge it while I was on the way to pick her up at her place. If not I would have taken some pics of her horrible state. She was quite pissed that I was loafing at her condition, but happy that my hp went dead. Hehe..
I bought breakfast home to eat while reading the papers. Head back to sleep after taking some pills. But only to enter dreamland at 1100hrs.
Woke up at about 1530hrs with a flu worse than the day before. Seems like the lemsip I bought is not working well. Had dinner, took the pills again and went back to dazed land.
18th September
Woke up at 0600hrs, went out to get some breakfast, read the papers, had the pills and went back to bed. Woke up 1200hrs, and felt groggy, so went back to bed again. Woke up in the evening, still feeling bad. Now Maddie is feeling ok, but I'm down with flu.
Had my dinner, ate some pills and back to sleep again. Never have I felt so tired before. Woke up in the middle of the night, feeling hungry. So went out for supper and bought a different kind of pills. Seems like the lemsip ain't helping much, after eating 8 of them. Bought Panadol for cold instead. Popped 2 down and went back to bed.
19th September
Again, woke up at 0600hrs. Feeling better, partly cos I sweat out myself. Bought breakfast home, read papers, ate 2 more pills and went back to bed. This time, I slept better and woke up at 1700hrs feeling better. But my pillow, blanket and bedsheet are wet due to my sweat. Had dinner, at 2 more pills and went back to bed again. Sweat myself out more this time, waking up at 0000hrs. Felt much much better after taking the Panadols.
20th September
And this time, slept too much, couldn't get back to sleep anymore. Am so awake, I decided to go to JB and have the Wan Ton noodles I had the other day. Also to get a taste of the Kong Ba Pao, since now my taste bud is getting back to normal.
Moreover I need to go to C&C to replace some parts for my car, which have been here for some time already. Also, water is entering my right head lamp causing the fuse to blow, and need to replace them too.
Had breakfast in JB, came out at about 0700hrs, and reached C&C at about 0830hrs. Decided to wait at C&C for my car. Don't think it's wise to take a cab home and back again when my car is done. Since I brought my iBook along, I spent the whole day at C&C. Had lunch with a friend who works at KIA. Used the iSymphonic massage car at C&C and dozed off.
Mitsubishi launched this new car. Forgot what's it's called. Very small.
This is the pinnon bush that they've changed.
Also, changed the head lamp. Gonna change the righ tie rod, and also the turbo, cos there are slight leak of oil on the turbo.
Finally all is done by 2000hrs. Saw some ants on my car and I suspect it's because I usually park my car under this tree of my neighbour and the leaves are always on the windscreen. Thus the reason those ants got into the roof rack of my car.
Anyway, reach home at 2100hrs, after having dinner at Katong's Punggol Nasi Lemak. Went to bed early. Woke up at 0400hrs now. I doubt I can get to sleep later. Will be going out to get some breakfast.
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