Saturday, December 31, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday blues
Monday may be the 1st day of work for most people. But for me, it's Tuesday, since Monday is my off day. Couldn't get to sleep the night before and stay awake whole night, reading forums, surfing, watching TV, and msn-ing, and I thought I would be the only 1 awake at the wee hours. Surprisingly there is still 1 friend that I chatted till the wee hours of the morning before I head to work.
Felt like a zombie at work, downed a cuppa and we were busy in the morning. Thought I could take a nap when my staff comes to work, but only till 0930hrs then we're free. Took a short nap and back to work at 1015hrs, least better than nothing. From 1030hrs onwards, my mobile kept ringing and also I was practically on the phone for almost 3 hours, on off.
Went to IP and collect my new CF bonnet to be delivered to the workshop that's repairing my car. Not till 1700hrs then we're able to loan the van from CS. My mechanic, his friend and I went together to deliver the CF bonnet over, and we went skiv abit and went to cartronics to look for Kumiko and check out what are the latest car parts she has brought in from Japan. Safely reach back to IP at 1815hrs! My mechanic actually played drift with the van, and I'm gald to be back alive! Firs titme I sat in a van and have someone drove so "violently". Will take a pic of the van next time and post it up.
Had dinner with my mechanic and his friend at this seafood restaurant called "Seafood Paradise" at Defu Ave 1. Fabulicious!! Yum Yum!! Highly recommended!! My mobile out of battery, if not I would have taken picutres of the dishes! Reach home at 2130hrs, do some stuff and finally forced myself to sleep at 0245hrs. And sleep wasn't enough.. Now stoning..
Felt like a zombie at work, downed a cuppa and we were busy in the morning. Thought I could take a nap when my staff comes to work, but only till 0930hrs then we're free. Took a short nap and back to work at 1015hrs, least better than nothing. From 1030hrs onwards, my mobile kept ringing and also I was practically on the phone for almost 3 hours, on off.
Went to IP and collect my new CF bonnet to be delivered to the workshop that's repairing my car. Not till 1700hrs then we're able to loan the van from CS. My mechanic, his friend and I went together to deliver the CF bonnet over, and we went skiv abit and went to cartronics to look for Kumiko and check out what are the latest car parts she has brought in from Japan. Safely reach back to IP at 1815hrs! My mechanic actually played drift with the van, and I'm gald to be back alive! Firs titme I sat in a van and have someone drove so "violently". Will take a pic of the van next time and post it up.
Had dinner with my mechanic and his friend at this seafood restaurant called "Seafood Paradise" at Defu Ave 1. Fabulicious!! Yum Yum!! Highly recommended!! My mobile out of battery, if not I would have taken picutres of the dishes! Reach home at 2130hrs, do some stuff and finally forced myself to sleep at 0245hrs. And sleep wasn't enough.. Now stoning..
Monday, December 26, 2005
No more liquor!
Geesh.. I slept so much on xmas. Came home from the party at about 0500hrs, woke up at 1230hrs, had lunch and slept till 1800hrs, prepared myself for work. Am so tired and my rashes start to develop. The itch wasn't that bad till now, beginning to feel the itch getting into me. There were red spots on my chest, stomach and back. I look like a lobster! Hahahaha... :P
No more liquor for me! Just 2 mug and I'm in this state! Hehehehe... :P
Had sashimi for dinner, then back to work. Reckon I slept too much and so awake. After work went to meet the Devils at MB, had supper there and Devil L gave me a lift home. KO at 0430hrs and when Devil J called this afternoon, I was still asleep. They went for lunch and wanna ask me along. Woke up at 1330hrs. Bro A, L, and N asked me out for coffee near my place. Went home to nap for a while before leaving for my staff's wedding dinner.
Dinner wasn't that fantastic but not much to ask for since it's not a 4 or 5 star hotel. It's a restaurant at Lion City hotel. Reach home from dinner @ 2300hrs, took a bath and scratch my rashes abit, now going to sleep, for work tomorrow. Need to go down to the workshop and go through some issues about my car with the workshop. Time for bed. ZzzZzzzzZzzz...
My sashimi dinner!

Here's a rather funny pics I took. "Missing Baby" Hehehe... :P

Free foot massage!

World strongest mop!
No more liquor for me! Just 2 mug and I'm in this state! Hehehehe... :P
Had sashimi for dinner, then back to work. Reckon I slept too much and so awake. After work went to meet the Devils at MB, had supper there and Devil L gave me a lift home. KO at 0430hrs and when Devil J called this afternoon, I was still asleep. They went for lunch and wanna ask me along. Woke up at 1330hrs. Bro A, L, and N asked me out for coffee near my place. Went home to nap for a while before leaving for my staff's wedding dinner.
Dinner wasn't that fantastic but not much to ask for since it's not a 4 or 5 star hotel. It's a restaurant at Lion City hotel. Reach home from dinner @ 2300hrs, took a bath and scratch my rashes abit, now going to sleep, for work tomorrow. Need to go down to the workshop and go through some issues about my car with the workshop. Time for bed. ZzzZzzzzZzzz...
My sashimi dinner!
Here's a rather funny pics I took. "Missing Baby" Hehehe... :P
Free foot massage!
World strongest mop!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!
It was an enjoyable xmas eve at Bro E's pub at Le Meridian! He warmly invited the ATR gang to his pub on xmas eve! About 30 of us turned up and we made such a mess at his pub with foam sprays and confetti sprays we can get hold of! We had beers, Martel, Johnnie Walker and Coke. Plus chilli sauce, wasabi, mix nuts, fruits and mayonnaise as punishment for the one with the lowest number on their poker card. We're to pick a card and place it on our forehead, not allowed to see what number we have, we're to take the risk and take turns put what ever ingredients we wish into the mug! The one with the lowest points will drink the whole mug!! Hahahaha... :P
It began with only beer, and I wasn't punished for almost 7-8 rounds, till someone suggested wasabi and fruits! I had to down the beer mixed with wasabi and fruits! Goddamn it tasted real weird! Partly being I don't drink, cos of allergy which I may have rashes. But since it was such a wonderful night, I don't wanna be a spoilsport. I downed almost half of it while Devil L n Devil AG helped to drink a mouthful of it. Few rounds later, someone brought along Martel and Johnnie Walker and mix nuts! I got punished with a cup filled with 1/4 of Martel, 1/4 of Johnnie Walker, beer and mix nuts! Geesh, this mug is the killer! It's been years I drank so much liquor, or rather I don't drink at all and with such weird mixtures, I start to feel it kicking into my system and my face turned red immediately! Slowly it began to subside, but the taste of wasabi and mayonnaise are still in my stomach! Yucks! The last time I drank so much was like 8 years ago when I completed my Basic MIlitary Training and a group of my camp mates and me went celebrating at Boat Quay. At that time I was so drunk and had rashes all over my body, I stopped myself from drinking then. Tonight wasn't so bad since I didn't really drink that much. Still sober now! ;)
All hell broke loose when Bro J bought cans of foam sprays and confetti sprays! We had the count down and most of us got ambushed by him when the clock strikes 0000hrs! We took revenge as we went to buy like 30-40 cans of spray! All of us attack each other and even the ladies weren't spared! Basically all of us were wet by the foam sprays! Devil A came back after picking his wife and all of us ganged up to ambush him! He was totally foamed! Even Devil D and his girlfriend were ambushed by us! Covered by foam all over! Hahahaha.. :P
It was a great evening and xmas celebration! We ended the day after having supper at Lau Pa Sat. It great fun and everyone enjoyed themselves. Everyone was sporting and game! Now I just got home, took a bath and washed away the foam that has stained my hair. vomitted my supper and the liquor I had. It's 0400hrs now and it's time to hit the sack, plus some of the liquor I drank are still in my system. *burp*
I enjoyed myself and I bet everyone did!! Thanks to Bro E for hosting us and a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to everyone!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
A picture says a thousand words
Got this while driving on the AYE. Driver is a lady.. Hehehehe... :P

Something about women.. Hehehehe... :P

"Strap on and see what I can do that your wife or girlfriend can't?"

What size of chickens and pizzas are they delivering?

Why would they need CCTV in a chicken rice store?

This is one cute ride Changi Airport customer service is using.. They actually ride it around the airport and passengers can stop them to ask for help.

'No smoking beyond the yellow line'
Like who would wanna stand beyond the yellow line, stand in that small area near the glass and smoke..

I'm sure he's not a fan of ManU. :lol:
If a lady wears this, a ? after U, would be funny.. :razz:

Big stick?

EZ linked.. ;)
The ez link card was actually between their hands and when I wanna take the shot with my hp, the lady took the card away with her left hand.. If not it would be nice.. :o

Julian Beever is an english artist who’s famous for his art on the pavement of england, France, germany, usa, australia and belgium. It’s particularity ? Beever gives to his drawing an anamorphose, his images are drawn completly diforms which give a 3D image when viewing on the righ angle… see for yourself it’s amazing!!!

This is how it looks like when not seeing it at the correct angel.

This is the correct angel.
Something about women.. Hehehehe... :P
"Strap on and see what I can do that your wife or girlfriend can't?"
What size of chickens and pizzas are they delivering?
Why would they need CCTV in a chicken rice store?
This is one cute ride Changi Airport customer service is using.. They actually ride it around the airport and passengers can stop them to ask for help.
'No smoking beyond the yellow line'
Like who would wanna stand beyond the yellow line, stand in that small area near the glass and smoke..
I'm sure he's not a fan of ManU. :lol:
If a lady wears this, a ? after U, would be funny.. :razz:
Big stick?
EZ linked.. ;)
The ez link card was actually between their hands and when I wanna take the shot with my hp, the lady took the card away with her left hand.. If not it would be nice.. :o
Julian Beever is an english artist who’s famous for his art on the pavement of england, France, germany, usa, australia and belgium. It’s particularity ? Beever gives to his drawing an anamorphose, his images are drawn completly diforms which give a 3D image when viewing on the righ angle… see for yourself it’s amazing!!!
This is how it looks like when not seeing it at the correct angel.
This is the correct angel.
'Excuse', Jie Kou
Heard this song over the TV and caught my attention, and it sounds familiar. Realised it's by Jay Chou, and I had it in my iTunes. Been listening to it ever since and went in search for the lyrics. Looking at the lyrics, it sure brings back memories of the pasts. Moreover it was this time of the year that had things going off the rail.
Between love and hate, it's just a very thin fine line. The amount of love you put into a person will result to the same amount of hate, or even more. When one's love for another is sincere and faithful, then the trust is betrayed, and choose to give excuses on their actions, the amount of hate will be so great that it hurts the most. All the love, faith, sincerity, trust and beliefs that were given will just burn deep into the heart, leaving a mark so deep that hate will overtake all issues.
Excuses will always be excuses when one's actions were uncalled for. Excuses will always be excuses when one choose to ignore what has happened and had done to betray all these. Excuses will always be excuses when one starts to whine and push the blame to the other, thinking they're not in the wrong at all. Excuses will always be excuses when one is in denial. Excuses will always be excuses when one thinks that forgetting the past will help in moving on. Excuses.
The actual fact is, remembering the pasts will make one a stronger person. Remembering it will teach one a lesson on what happened. Remembering the pasts will make one not to repeat the same mistakes. Rememberance brings back memories, memories bring back thoughts, thoughts bring back senses.
People change cos they learn their lessons. People change cos they start to realise that what was done is wrong and unforgiving. People change cos they know what should be done in the correct manner. When one choose not to change and stick to their own stubborness and ignorance, thinking that they are always right in a way, excuses will be what they are best in.
This song strikes a cord in my heart. It's not because of the betrayal I'd encountered, it's the excuses that was given. It's the excuses that made issues look ridiculous and out of point. Excuses.
It's a very thin fine line between love and hate. When you love a person wholeheartedly, your sacrifices, your assurances, are so vunerable, and when betrayed, hatred will take over all their places. Why would one not be satisfied with what they have, not been appreciative and yet choose to ignore all feelings?
Is loving a person so difficult? Is opening one's doors of their heart and let one unerstand another so difficult? Is a relationship so difficult to maintain?
Excuses will always be excuses......
Friday, December 23, 2005
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Next time, call me Shuichi Hirohata! Hehehe... :P
Strike 3
Yet again, my 3rd major acccident. 1st was on the way home late at night, I misjudged a corner and my car skidded. Causing my car to be in the workshop for 1 month to be repaired. 2nd was just as I left home, knocked into a jay-walker. Now for the record and 3rd time within 6 months, I knocked into another vehicle. Simply because I doozed off..... Bugger!
This is really my carelessness. I was so tired and kept doozing off the wheel since I drove out from work. I was on the way to send in a pair of glasses to my supplier to get lenses fixed up and drop my old mobile phone to Nokia, have them to trade it in for me. And I was on my way to the agent to get my radio fixed. The last time I went for my servicing, they spoilt the head unit and I've to go back and it re-fitted with a brand new set. While on the way, traffic was heavy and slow, causing me to doze off faster.
After the green light went on, I drove off and immediately, my eyes shut on me and 'BANG', hit into the back of a Citroen. It obviously woke me up and I was still in a daze of what happened, till I saw my bonnet that got dented, and it start to kicked into me that I knocked into another car...
This is how bad my car is...

And this is what happened to the other car...

From the look of my car, it seems like the impact is big. But in fact, the speed at that time was on 20-30kmph. Yet it has caused my bodykit to be in pieces and my CF bonnet dented. The condenser broke, radiator slightly dented and joints of the headlights cracked.
Had to send the car to the workshop and need to discuss with my insurance on how about to do the claim. This is gonna be the worse year I had. 2005 I will always remember! It's just 2 days before Xmas and days before the New Year. 3 times in 6 months since I got my new car and all these happened. I can't wait for the new year to arrive and have a fresh year ahead.
They say that such things happen 3 times in a row, and it won't happen again. I sure hope it's true! Whatever it is, what happened has happened. It would be a warning to me not to keep dozing while driving (yes.. not the first time I'd dozed off while driving..).
It will always be a better day tomorrow, and the sun will still shine the next day. Just like this morning, the sun that shone through the dark clouds!
This is really my carelessness. I was so tired and kept doozing off the wheel since I drove out from work. I was on the way to send in a pair of glasses to my supplier to get lenses fixed up and drop my old mobile phone to Nokia, have them to trade it in for me. And I was on my way to the agent to get my radio fixed. The last time I went for my servicing, they spoilt the head unit and I've to go back and it re-fitted with a brand new set. While on the way, traffic was heavy and slow, causing me to doze off faster.
After the green light went on, I drove off and immediately, my eyes shut on me and 'BANG', hit into the back of a Citroen. It obviously woke me up and I was still in a daze of what happened, till I saw my bonnet that got dented, and it start to kicked into me that I knocked into another car...
This is how bad my car is...
And this is what happened to the other car...
From the look of my car, it seems like the impact is big. But in fact, the speed at that time was on 20-30kmph. Yet it has caused my bodykit to be in pieces and my CF bonnet dented. The condenser broke, radiator slightly dented and joints of the headlights cracked.
Had to send the car to the workshop and need to discuss with my insurance on how about to do the claim. This is gonna be the worse year I had. 2005 I will always remember! It's just 2 days before Xmas and days before the New Year. 3 times in 6 months since I got my new car and all these happened. I can't wait for the new year to arrive and have a fresh year ahead.
They say that such things happen 3 times in a row, and it won't happen again. I sure hope it's true! Whatever it is, what happened has happened. It would be a warning to me not to keep dozing while driving (yes.. not the first time I'd dozed off while driving..).
It will always be a better day tomorrow, and the sun will still shine the next day. Just like this morning, the sun that shone through the dark clouds!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Dong Zhi is the second most important festival of the Chinese calendar.
Celebrated on the longest night of the year, Dong Zhi is the day when sunshine is weakest and daylight shortest. The coming of winter is celebrated by families and is traditionally the time when farmers and fishermen gather food in preparation for the coming cold season. It is also a time for family reunions.
This celebration can be traced to the Chinese belief in yin and yang, which represent balance and harmony in life. It is believed that the yin qualities of darkness and cold are at their most powerful at this time, but it is also the turning point, giving way to the light and warmth of yang. For this reason, the Dong Zhi Festival is a time for optimism.
Dong Zhi is celebrated in style. The longest night of the year is a time to put on brand new clothes, visit family with gifts and to laugh and drink deep into the long night.
Today is Dong Zhi and mum cooked some 'Tang Yuan' early in the morning and she's on her way to the temple as well to give prayers to my grandparents and uncle. Asked me if I wanna bring some to work, but I was kindof in a rush, so didn't bother too.

Got early Xmas present from my boss. Ferrero Rocher chocolate and $50 airport voucher. Took the voucher and bought myself a new handphone strap from Ferragamo. The previous one I got is brown and the string broke. Saw this design and it's in black which will match my N90, moreover I quite like the design.

Oh... And it has come to my attention that my boss reads my blog... *gulp*
Dong Zhi is the second most important festival of the Chinese calendar.
Celebrated on the longest night of the year, Dong Zhi is the day when sunshine is weakest and daylight shortest. The coming of winter is celebrated by families and is traditionally the time when farmers and fishermen gather food in preparation for the coming cold season. It is also a time for family reunions.
This celebration can be traced to the Chinese belief in yin and yang, which represent balance and harmony in life. It is believed that the yin qualities of darkness and cold are at their most powerful at this time, but it is also the turning point, giving way to the light and warmth of yang. For this reason, the Dong Zhi Festival is a time for optimism.
Dong Zhi is celebrated in style. The longest night of the year is a time to put on brand new clothes, visit family with gifts and to laugh and drink deep into the long night.
Today is Dong Zhi and mum cooked some 'Tang Yuan' early in the morning and she's on her way to the temple as well to give prayers to my grandparents and uncle. Asked me if I wanna bring some to work, but I was kindof in a rush, so didn't bother too.
Got early Xmas present from my boss. Ferrero Rocher chocolate and $50 airport voucher. Took the voucher and bought myself a new handphone strap from Ferragamo. The previous one I got is brown and the string broke. Saw this design and it's in black which will match my N90, moreover I quite like the design.
Oh... And it has come to my attention that my boss reads my blog... *gulp*
Amazing "Race" @ PWP
Thinking back, I don't remember shopping at Parkway Parade for a long period of time, walking up and down, round and round the mall. But yesterday was really a "memorable" day! 5 hours of shopping and 30mins of dinner! Walked till my feet hurts and back aches. It's been a long time I felt so tired from shopping. Even window shopping ain't so tiring. We'd practically covered 3/4 of PWP, and walked around every floor at least twice. Having said that, it was quite fun when it's Xmas shopping. She done quite a bit of purchasing and I myself bought quite a few items as well.
It begins with a Bluetooth headset. The clip on my original earpiece broke off and it's quite inconvenient with the wire coiling around in the car and it tangles up easily, which is quite a nuisance. Was reading STUFF magazine while doing some business in the toilet, came upon the Jabra Bluetooth headset. Went to check it out at the electronic store just opposite my store, and made purchase within 10mins. It's something which I should be using for some time and to get rid of those irritating wires.
Jabra BT500

Picked her up at around 1430hrs after I'm done with me work errands and we head to PWP for her Xmas shopping. Was suppose to go to the workshop to re-do the FMIC and tidy up some stuff on my car, but she was complaining I spent too much time in the workshop doing my car. And it's been some time we met up, Thus I "sacrifice" my time to accompany her to do some shopping. Guess she needs 2nd opinions on the stuff she had in mind to buy for Xmas.
Since we're already @ PWP, grab lunch at MOS burger, and also to buy the 3rd and last bear of the collection, to complete my set. Had the usual seafood rice burger, ice milk tea and fries.

Went over to Eyesite and chat with them for a while and while she's the one keen on getting new frames, I end up being the one buying a new frame. She's just too picky and couldn't decide on a nice frame. Moreover there will be more colours coming in next week. Women! Once they're spoilt for choices, they become picky. When they picked the wrong ones, they whine and nag! When they lose it, they regret that they didn't appreciate it enough! Hahahaha... :P
Here's what I got. Funky right! Hehehe... :P

Next, we head on to Isetan. Walked around and found something which I had spend so much time in search of it till I even travel up to KL to search! It's a Braun Baffel Key pouch! I've been using one for years and it's very handy. Even got a few as presents. I've been to boutiques asking them for this key pouch and even went to the ones in Kl to ask around. And of all places, it's their counter at Isetan that has it! They had 4 left, she took one as a Xmas gift, and I took two for my own. Stock them up since I finally found it! She end up paying it, as my Xmas present, and in return, I've to get her the wallet she's been wanting to have! Expensive gift exchange. Hehehe... :P

In fact I found a gift for her, not suppose to be for Xmas, but I took the liberty to regard it as a Xmas present. Afterall, it took me some time to search box by box by box and finally found the correct box, in half and hour! It's a 365 bear, with a birthday on it. Managed to find hers, but not mine and other dates which I had in mine. Anyway, here's how it looks like. ;)

Got myself a USB car charger to charge my BT headset, and a box to keep my fags. Very china, very patriotic! Hahaha.. :P

And OSIM is having a road show, this is their new equipment. I wonder what it's suppose to improve. It's like you're riding a horse. Wonder how many horsepower is there. Or maybe it's just a huge sex toy that the boss always wanna build! Muahahahaha... :P

By now, we're drained of energy, feeling hungry and tired. Had dinner at Crystal Jade, also to rest for awhile before we battle PWP again! We've eaten at CJ before and quite like the set dinner for 2. Comes with 2 soups, bbq combination which comes with chicken and char siew, bass fried with black beans and a specialty dish, which we chose diced chicken with cashew nuts fried in dried chilli. Drool........ :P

After dinner, went to buy for chocolates at Cocoa Tree, got them wrapped and it's end of our Xmas shopping! She called, and talked while I'm shopping. Couldn't really concentrate on talking to her cos was busy walking around the mall. Teased her when she compared me with her friend she knew for 8 years against me whom she knew for like 8 weeks. And when I talked to the counter girl while she's on the phone, she got jealous over the counter girl whom I knew only for 8 mins! Hahahaha... :P Told her I would call her back in 2 hours time so that I wouldn't be distracted and not being able to talk to her in the proper manner. But, when I got home, all tired out and slept through till midnight. Called her and she's alseep already! Hehehe... :P
I will never shop at PWP like how I shop yesterday! I'd been to PWP so often, but never covered so many parts of the mall! What a race, when we're rushing to get what we want and going back to stores again and again to pick up our purchase, and check if the stock has arrived, or if they have stock. We went back to Bodyshop like 4-5 times just to check if their replenishment of the day has what we wanted. They've so many cartons of stock that we decided to wait till the next day have them call me and let me know again.
It begins with a Bluetooth headset. The clip on my original earpiece broke off and it's quite inconvenient with the wire coiling around in the car and it tangles up easily, which is quite a nuisance. Was reading STUFF magazine while doing some business in the toilet, came upon the Jabra Bluetooth headset. Went to check it out at the electronic store just opposite my store, and made purchase within 10mins. It's something which I should be using for some time and to get rid of those irritating wires.
Jabra BT500
Picked her up at around 1430hrs after I'm done with me work errands and we head to PWP for her Xmas shopping. Was suppose to go to the workshop to re-do the FMIC and tidy up some stuff on my car, but she was complaining I spent too much time in the workshop doing my car. And it's been some time we met up, Thus I "sacrifice" my time to accompany her to do some shopping. Guess she needs 2nd opinions on the stuff she had in mind to buy for Xmas.
Since we're already @ PWP, grab lunch at MOS burger, and also to buy the 3rd and last bear of the collection, to complete my set. Had the usual seafood rice burger, ice milk tea and fries.
Went over to Eyesite and chat with them for a while and while she's the one keen on getting new frames, I end up being the one buying a new frame. She's just too picky and couldn't decide on a nice frame. Moreover there will be more colours coming in next week. Women! Once they're spoilt for choices, they become picky. When they picked the wrong ones, they whine and nag! When they lose it, they regret that they didn't appreciate it enough! Hahahaha... :P
Here's what I got. Funky right! Hehehe... :P
Next, we head on to Isetan. Walked around and found something which I had spend so much time in search of it till I even travel up to KL to search! It's a Braun Baffel Key pouch! I've been using one for years and it's very handy. Even got a few as presents. I've been to boutiques asking them for this key pouch and even went to the ones in Kl to ask around. And of all places, it's their counter at Isetan that has it! They had 4 left, she took one as a Xmas gift, and I took two for my own. Stock them up since I finally found it! She end up paying it, as my Xmas present, and in return, I've to get her the wallet she's been wanting to have! Expensive gift exchange. Hehehe... :P
In fact I found a gift for her, not suppose to be for Xmas, but I took the liberty to regard it as a Xmas present. Afterall, it took me some time to search box by box by box and finally found the correct box, in half and hour! It's a 365 bear, with a birthday on it. Managed to find hers, but not mine and other dates which I had in mine. Anyway, here's how it looks like. ;)
Got myself a USB car charger to charge my BT headset, and a box to keep my fags. Very china, very patriotic! Hahaha.. :P
And OSIM is having a road show, this is their new equipment. I wonder what it's suppose to improve. It's like you're riding a horse. Wonder how many horsepower is there. Or maybe it's just a huge sex toy that the boss always wanna build! Muahahahaha... :P
By now, we're drained of energy, feeling hungry and tired. Had dinner at Crystal Jade, also to rest for awhile before we battle PWP again! We've eaten at CJ before and quite like the set dinner for 2. Comes with 2 soups, bbq combination which comes with chicken and char siew, bass fried with black beans and a specialty dish, which we chose diced chicken with cashew nuts fried in dried chilli. Drool........ :P
After dinner, went to buy for chocolates at Cocoa Tree, got them wrapped and it's end of our Xmas shopping! She called, and talked while I'm shopping. Couldn't really concentrate on talking to her cos was busy walking around the mall. Teased her when she compared me with her friend she knew for 8 years against me whom she knew for like 8 weeks. And when I talked to the counter girl while she's on the phone, she got jealous over the counter girl whom I knew only for 8 mins! Hahahaha... :P Told her I would call her back in 2 hours time so that I wouldn't be distracted and not being able to talk to her in the proper manner. But, when I got home, all tired out and slept through till midnight. Called her and she's alseep already! Hehehe... :P
I will never shop at PWP like how I shop yesterday! I'd been to PWP so often, but never covered so many parts of the mall! What a race, when we're rushing to get what we want and going back to stores again and again to pick up our purchase, and check if the stock has arrived, or if they have stock. We went back to Bodyshop like 4-5 times just to check if their replenishment of the day has what we wanted. They've so many cartons of stock that we decided to wait till the next day have them call me and let me know again.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Suki Sushi (Sakura)
Spent the afternoon after work at IP to get some stuff fixed up on my car. They were kind of busy with other cars in the workshop, so just hang around and get myself busy with other little things which I can do myself. Come dinner time, on my way home, Devil A called up and asked me where am I, asked me if I wanna join them for sushi at Far East. Apparently they made a mistake on the location and end up it's at Marine Parade's Suki Sushi, which is also Sakura. To think that the night before I was at the K-Box next door Suki Sushi, celebrating a friend's birthday. Well, the spread now are much better than the last time I visited this place. It's worth the price of $28 for a person and it's buffet style! We had a bottle of white wine to go with the sashimi and oyster too. Yummy!! I shall let the pictures do the talking!
Sashimi Banzai! We had plenty of sashimi and this is just 1 plate of the 5 we ate!

We had about 30 oysters and Devil A alone ate 15!

Bottle of white wine to go with the sashimi and oysters

Devil AG and J ate wasabi like no one's business! If I were to take eat this, I will sure faint on the spot!
Sashimi Banzai! We had plenty of sashimi and this is just 1 plate of the 5 we ate!
We had about 30 oysters and Devil A alone ate 15!
Bottle of white wine to go with the sashimi and oysters
Devil AG and J ate wasabi like no one's business! If I were to take eat this, I will sure faint on the spot!
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