Heard this song over the TV and caught my attention, and it sounds familiar. Realised it's by Jay Chou, and I had it in my iTunes. Been listening to it ever since and went in search for the lyrics. Looking at the lyrics, it sure brings back memories of the pasts. Moreover it was this time of the year that had things going off the rail.
Between love and hate, it's just a very thin fine line. The amount of love you put into a person will result to the same amount of hate, or even more. When one's love for another is sincere and faithful, then the trust is betrayed, and choose to give excuses on their actions, the amount of hate will be so great that it hurts the most. All the love, faith, sincerity, trust and beliefs that were given will just burn deep into the heart, leaving a mark so deep that hate will overtake all issues.
Excuses will always be excuses when one's actions were uncalled for. Excuses will always be excuses when one choose to ignore what has happened and had done to betray all these. Excuses will always be excuses when one starts to whine and push the blame to the other, thinking they're not in the wrong at all. Excuses will always be excuses when one is in denial. Excuses will always be excuses when one thinks that forgetting the past will help in moving on. Excuses.
The actual fact is, remembering the pasts will make one a stronger person. Remembering it will teach one a lesson on what happened. Remembering the pasts will make one not to repeat the same mistakes. Rememberance brings back memories, memories bring back thoughts, thoughts bring back senses.
People change cos they learn their lessons. People change cos they start to realise that what was done is wrong and unforgiving. People change cos they know what should be done in the correct manner. When one choose not to change and stick to their own stubborness and ignorance, thinking that they are always right in a way, excuses will be what they are best in.
This song strikes a cord in my heart. It's not because of the betrayal I'd encountered, it's the excuses that was given. It's the excuses that made issues look ridiculous and out of point. Excuses.
It's a very thin fine line between love and hate. When you love a person wholeheartedly, your sacrifices, your assurances, are so vunerable, and when betrayed, hatred will take over all their places. Why would one not be satisfied with what they have, not been appreciative and yet choose to ignore all feelings?
Is loving a person so difficult? Is opening one's doors of their heart and let one unerstand another so difficult? Is a relationship so difficult to maintain?
Excuses will always be excuses......
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