This is really my carelessness. I was so tired and kept doozing off the wheel since I drove out from work. I was on the way to send in a pair of glasses to my supplier to get lenses fixed up and drop my old mobile phone to Nokia, have them to trade it in for me. And I was on my way to the agent to get my radio fixed. The last time I went for my servicing, they spoilt the head unit and I've to go back and it re-fitted with a brand new set. While on the way, traffic was heavy and slow, causing me to doze off faster.
After the green light went on, I drove off and immediately, my eyes shut on me and 'BANG', hit into the back of a Citroen. It obviously woke me up and I was still in a daze of what happened, till I saw my bonnet that got dented, and it start to kicked into me that I knocked into another car...
This is how bad my car is...
And this is what happened to the other car...
From the look of my car, it seems like the impact is big. But in fact, the speed at that time was on 20-30kmph. Yet it has caused my bodykit to be in pieces and my CF bonnet dented. The condenser broke, radiator slightly dented and joints of the headlights cracked.
Had to send the car to the workshop and need to discuss with my insurance on how about to do the claim. This is gonna be the worse year I had. 2005 I will always remember! It's just 2 days before Xmas and days before the New Year. 3 times in 6 months since I got my new car and all these happened. I can't wait for the new year to arrive and have a fresh year ahead.
They say that such things happen 3 times in a row, and it won't happen again. I sure hope it's true! Whatever it is, what happened has happened. It would be a warning to me not to keep dozing while driving (yes.. not the first time I'd dozed off while driving..).
It will always be a better day tomorrow, and the sun will still shine the next day. Just like this morning, the sun that shone through the dark clouds!
Hey there John.. Saw the picture of your car, my heart also feel pain...
Sighz... Whatever happened has happened. Lets both look forward to the
new year ya? Wish ya all the best for the next year, may prosperity and
fortunes be smiling on you all the way =]
Hi dude,
Thanks for the regards! I just want my car back asap. Damn low morale to go party without a car manz.... I'm sure looking forward to 2006! This year is quite bad for me. Haha.. :P
Thanks again. ;)
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