Got an invite from chief to the launch of BLOW last night at DXO, Esplanade Mall. His Harley Davidson bike is showcased and his groups of Harley bike riders were there as well. They are called the 'War Pigs'. He once explained to me once about how the name came about, but I forgotten about it. Gotta do with the war and the politicians being called pigs. Their harley group are also part of an international group which consist of other sub groups. Kindof confusing when he explained to me.
Anyway, I was down with flu yesterday and wasn't in the right of mind, somehow. Went home straight from work, popped 2 flu pills and concussed till 2130hrs. I actually "AWOL" from meet up, for the first time I joined SMAC. The other 2 occasions which I didn't go are, 1. Cheif's brother's wedding night 2. (Shit... I forgot what is it... My memory is failing me lately... Or is it the flu?). This time, I actually overslept. And I did tell them I will be going. Hahaha... :P
Went to the event but it didn't start till late midnight cos there was another event before this. It was some LOREAL party or something. We thought there must be plenty of babes to oggle at, but to our disappointment, out of 10, there's only like 2. Still, better than nothing lah.. Hehehe... :P
Some shots I took with my N90, at Esplanade.
We didn't stay till late cos all of us are tired and gotta work the next day. After hanging around for a while, we decided to make our departure and let cheif have fun with his biker friends.
Had supper at the Black Chicken Herbal Soup restaurant, again.
This time, had the black chicken with ginseng! Power!
Went home after supper at 0200hrs, ate 2 flu pills and KO within 5 mintues! Woke up at 1530hrs, for once I slept so long in the pass months!
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