Apparently to her mum, she jumped off the bed and the hook of the cradle caught her left eyelid, pierced through and tore her eyelid. The tear was along her eyelashes and the hook went through to the top of her eyebrow. Part of the fats tissue on the eyelid was bulging out cos of the tear. It sure is one freak accicdent! It sounds bad when mum called me on the phone.. I speed down immediately from Tuas to KK when I got news of which ward they are in.
She was injured since 1400hrs and when I reached at 1930hrs, she should have had her operation by then. But she was in the arms of her mum when I reached and nothing was done to her other than the gauze she had on her eye since she went to CGH. Sis told me that they went to CGH when she got injured, but the staff said my niece is below 12, and she has to be referred to KK hospital. The earliest time for an operation is 1900hrs. They reach KK at around 1730hrs, the operation time is not 1900hrs. Not till 2200hrs!
There was another child in the Operation Theatre, thus her operation is delayed. Anyway, I don't wanna go into details of the arrangements by the hospitals. They are simply messed up and the procedures are all so fucking wrong! I was so pissed that mum could see it and she knew I was about to give the doctor a bloody good scolding cos of the comments he made that it's their rest time, and their short of manpower. WHAT THE FUCK! A child just injured her eye, and not knowing if her eyesight is affected, and here he is, giving such comments! Bastard!
Whatever it is, I'm more concern about my precious niece's condition. Thankfully she's very obedient and didn't cry much. She's brave I would say. She's only 4yrs old. Although with an injured eye, still yet to be sewn. She can still smile and we joked around with her to distract her of the pain she would be in. She does know of the condition she's in and she actually told us to be careful of her wound, not to touch it. Her words and every actions really soften everyone's heart and tears start to gather in mum's eye. She loves her very much.
Operation finally started at 2200hrs. Yes, 2200hrs. She was in the OT since 2100hrs and the nurse who is suppose to give her anesthetic is already in the OT, but the doctor wasn't! We only saw him went in at 2200hrs! Where the fuck did he go to?! Since she's been brought into the OT, why is there a need to wait? Bloody bastard!
0030hrs, she's finally out of the OT. When I finally saw her wound and the stitches, Thank god it wasn't so bad. The stitches are just slightly abover her eyelashes and the other stitches are on her eyebrow. The stitches along her eyelashes really send chill to the spine. Can't imagine how it would be like when it wasn't stitched up. This is really one freak accident. Just glad her eyesight isn't affected. The worse case would be droopy eyes, but that would depends on how bad her muscle is affected. As long as her eyesight is still ok, that's what we all prayed for. The rest that are cosmetically affected can be rectified in future.
When she's out of the OT, she gave a smile as if to tell us she'll be fine. She wasn't crying, maybe cos of the effect of the anesthetic. Still she's able to chat abit and even asked for her younger bro to give her a kiss. Everyone was touched by her request, I believe. Since it's already late and she needs some rest, we left her to her dad to accompany her while my sis has to go back with the younger son and come back again the next day. Even still in her semi-conscious state, she's still able to bid us good bye, one by one.
Here are some pics I took while waiting outside the OT and when she's in her ward after the operation.
Children's Operating Theatres
The OT which we tried to use a cash card to get the door to open. We were kidding around to spend time easier.
This is one silly drawing I would say. Go figure it out.
My niece in her semi-conscious state. The swell on her eye was pretty big. But it doesn't look that bad of a sewing.
An eye guard she has to put, in case she accidentally touches her wound.
My precious niece, do recover fast! Big Jiu Jiu loves you! ;)
I'll be waiting for you to give me a nice silent peek on my cheeks and when I ask you why no sound, you would reply, "Because, no battery!" ;)
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