However having said that, it's the only day I can get away from work. Away from the environment I've been in for 10 years. Away from the people I see every now and then. I look forward to Monday cos I can finally get my things done in a day. Which mostly gotta do with my car. And It's only Monday that I can go to the service centre or workshop early to have things done by the day before I leave for my night class.
Still, I think I manage my time quite badly. Hehehe... :P
Here's a list of things that NEED to be done.
1. Tidy my room
2. Getting the toiler fixed
3. Complete my work's paperwork
4. Sort out my finances
Today is Monday and I have to get my car serviced. It's been running for 17785km and it's time for the 15000 servicing. And also they are to replace the centre console which they didn't fit properly, with screws and clips missing. Woke up late at 1230hrs, when I'm suppose to be there at 0900hrs. The night before I only got to bed late cos I was on the phone with her, ever since she called at around 0030 while I'm stil at work. Didn't totaly spoke till 0400hrs, instead it was an call/engage/call/engage thing, for the reception wasn't very good.
Well, got to the service centre (C&C) at 1200hrs, went through the stuff that has to be done on my car and hang around using their free internet for a while, before meeting Devil D for lunch. Since he has ended work, came by and picked me up. met up with Bro N and Bro JF for lunch and kopi.
Here's what we had for lunch! $4.00 of Hokkien mee and it's bloody huge! And a plate of carrot cake!
Helped Bro JF to install the bonnet damper and we left for Paya Ubi to look at rims. Went back to C&C to collect my car at 1730hrs. Following is a bloody angry incident. In C&C, Devil D stopped to let me alight when we saw my car in sight. And since I've to check my car, I told him to let me alight here. And behind us is a lorry. He horned at us even though we stopped for less than 5secs and when I alighted, I even waved to him to let him know it's only for a while. But yet he horned again! Which is really uncalled for! Bloody phuck is so impatient and his actions pissed the both of us. Devil D purposely stay at the spot for like 1 min and while the phucker kept horning, he rev his exhaust and blew it at him before moving off.
It took my some time to put my stuff into my car and walk into the office and that took about 2-3mins. While walking to the office, which is about 30 metres away, Devil D would have parked his car by then, but it wasn't in sight. By then, the lorry had drove around, and this time, only the driver in the lorry. He kept starring at me and had a stern look on his face. I had eye contact with him all the time when I saw drove around the corner, till I walked pass his lorry towards the direction of the office.
I was wondering where the hell Devil D went to and as I walked into the office, I finally saw him drove up, alighted from his car hurriedly, raising his arm and shouting at someone which wasn't in my sight of view. I walked out of the office to check out what the hell is going on, and I reckon it must have gotta do with the incident earlier on. As I walked out of the office, the lorry has parked just right next to the exit and the driver alighted from his vehicle. When he walked towards me, he was giving me the stare again. And Devil D was shouting at the driver to watch out! Somehow something sparked me and I shouted at the driver! Here's how it went. (Mostly in hokkien)
Devil D: You better watch your driver! (talking to the supervisor)
Me: What the fuck happened?
DD: Fucker wanna pick a fight!
Me to the driver: Zho simi lan! Kua simi kua! (What the fuck you want! Stare what stare)
Driver: An zua! (What!)
Me: Simi an zua! (What what!) Le horn kam lan ar! (You fucking horn for fuck!) Kan ni na le buay sai tan si bo! (Bloody hell you cannot wait for a while is it!) Wo bo ka le gong tan ji ban kia si bo?! (Didn't I wave to you to tell you to wait for a while?!)
Driver: Buay song huh! Kia loh! (Not happy is it, let's go lah!) *Pointing to the warehouse*
Me: Kia loh! (Let's go then!) Tongkim le si buya jio wa si bo! Kia loh! (You fucking wanna ask me for a fight is it! Let's go then!)
Supervisor: Sua lah.. Pai seh Pai seh.. Sua sua ok.. (Forget about it.. Sorry.. Sorry.. Forget about it ok..)
Me: Sua ki lan ar sua! Kan ni na tong kim yi si bey jio wa si bo! Lai loh! Kua lan jiao kua! Ka jio wa si bo, kia loh! Na bey! (Forget about it for fuck! Bloody hell now he wanna picka fight with me right! Stare what fuck! Dare to pick a fight with me, let's go then! Fucker!)
Driver: An zua! (what!)
Me: An zua ki lan ar an zua! kan ni na jio lin pe si bo! Kia lah! (What your bloody hell! Bloody pick a fight with me right! Let's go then!)
Supervisor: Sua lah.. (Forget about it..)
Me: Na bey! Tong kim si yi jio wa, meng si wa jio yi! Le gong sua, yi wo gong sua bo! *Pointing to the driver* kua simi kua! Buay song si bo! Lai lah! (Fuck you! Now he's the one pickinga fight, not me! You say forget about it, does he wanna forget about it! *Pointing to the driver* What the fuck you looking at!)
Me: Chao chee bye le! Buay song si bo! Pang teh hing, pang si kan lah! Lin pe tan le! Tong kim le si bey qi wa si bo! Kan ni na lin pe tan le! (You fucker! Not happy is it! Put time, put place! I wait for you! Now you wanna try me is it! I bloody wait for you!)
By then, a group of workers from C&C had pulled the driver into the warehouse. And left the supervisor to talk to me.
Me: Le ka le er kang lang gong, mai ka lin pe kuai lan! Le lang si to lo ji kay gong si eh! (You tell our driver don't play punk with me! Which company you people from!)
Supervisor: Mai an ni kuan lah.. Sua lah ok.. Wa eh ka wa eh kang lang ka ho ho eh.. (Don't have to do this.. Forget about it ok.. I will teach my driver what to do..)
Me: Kan ni na wa lang pe pe si hua qia eh.. Tan ji man kia ay si huh! (Bloody hell we're all driving.. Wait for a while will die is it!)
Supervisor: Tio lah.. Wa eh ka yi ho ho ka eh.. (Yes.. I will teach him properly..)
Me: Le teh ho si kio yi xio sim! Mai heng lin pe tu tio! (You better ask him to watch out! Don't let me see him again!)
After saying that, me and Devil D walked into the office, not before I shouted at the driver, "Ka jio lin pe, meng ka chut sia!" (Dare to pick a pick with me, yet don't dare to speak a word!)
The staff at C&C almost heard everything and some of the customers were there listening as well. One of the staff told me to cool down. But too bad the driver caught me in a bad mood. For the past week, things hasn't been going smoothly and it all boils down to a limit where it has reached. I was practically giving a lecture and scolding people. First to begin is my staff at another store. They've been slacking and causing alot of un-neccesary issues which can be avoided. Yet they have to stupidly do it again and again. Give them a good lecture and tell them to buck up! Had a bad encounter at LTM where they didn't do up my car properly and it has already spoilt my mood! My mobile phone was down and had an arguement with Nokia repair manager about the problems with my phone and I'm not very happy with is when a new phone has so many problem from the day I bought it, and it's been only 6 months and I'm visiting the repair centre so often!
I reckon all these issue gather together and caused my mood to be foul for the week. Even Devil T was asking why I'm so in a bad mood. Am I suffering from menopause. Idiot him! So finally, this driver hit the red button of mine and got me shouting cursing him, letting go of all the frustrations. It's just his luck that he's the one to be asking for it! It really brought the gangster out of me, which I hadn't been like this for years.
Anyway, after that episode, collected my car and is happy that they got rid of the creaking sound coming from the engine bay. But this time, they meddled with the head unit and now the screen is not showing anything, but music can still be played and the switches are still working. Only thing is the screen is blank. Will have to go back again to install a new set once they get in another for for. Sigh... Never once will I leave C&C with everything workign fine...
Well, met up some bros for coffee and sat til 1900hrs, before leaving for home. Devil D and Devil T are going into JB and asked me along. I got no mood to do so and I believe it's best I go home and rest. Since I have not been sleeping well and not getting enough sleep. Moreover my mood is so foul, who knows what will happene next! Home early this time, and had quite a good sleep.
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