It was an enjoyable xmas eve at Bro E's pub at Le Meridian! He warmly invited the ATR gang to his pub on xmas eve! About 30 of us turned up and we made such a mess at his pub with foam sprays and confetti sprays we can get hold of! We had beers, Martel, Johnnie Walker and Coke. Plus chilli sauce, wasabi, mix nuts, fruits and mayonnaise as punishment for the one with the lowest number on their poker card. We're to pick a card and place it on our forehead, not allowed to see what number we have, we're to take the risk and take turns put what ever ingredients we wish into the mug! The one with the lowest points will drink the whole mug!! Hahahaha... :P
It began with only beer, and I wasn't punished for almost 7-8 rounds, till someone suggested wasabi and fruits! I had to down the beer mixed with wasabi and fruits! Goddamn it tasted real weird! Partly being I don't drink, cos of allergy which I may have rashes. But since it was such a wonderful night, I don't wanna be a spoilsport. I downed almost half of it while Devil L n Devil AG helped to drink a mouthful of it. Few rounds later, someone brought along Martel and Johnnie Walker and mix nuts! I got punished with a cup filled with 1/4 of Martel, 1/4 of Johnnie Walker, beer and mix nuts! Geesh, this mug is the killer! It's been years I drank so much liquor, or rather I don't drink at all and with such weird mixtures, I start to feel it kicking into my system and my face turned red immediately! Slowly it began to subside, but the taste of wasabi and mayonnaise are still in my stomach! Yucks! The last time I drank so much was like 8 years ago when I completed my Basic MIlitary Training and a group of my camp mates and me went celebrating at Boat Quay. At that time I was so drunk and had rashes all over my body, I stopped myself from drinking then. Tonight wasn't so bad since I didn't really drink that much. Still sober now! ;)
All hell broke loose when Bro J bought cans of foam sprays and confetti sprays! We had the count down and most of us got ambushed by him when the clock strikes 0000hrs! We took revenge as we went to buy like 30-40 cans of spray! All of us attack each other and even the ladies weren't spared! Basically all of us were wet by the foam sprays! Devil A came back after picking his wife and all of us ganged up to ambush him! He was totally foamed! Even Devil D and his girlfriend were ambushed by us! Covered by foam all over! Hahahaha.. :P
It was a great evening and xmas celebration! We ended the day after having supper at Lau Pa Sat. It great fun and everyone enjoyed themselves. Everyone was sporting and game! Now I just got home, took a bath and washed away the foam that has stained my hair. vomitted my supper and the liquor I had. It's 0400hrs now and it's time to hit the sack, plus some of the liquor I drank are still in my system. *burp*
I enjoyed myself and I bet everyone did!! Thanks to Bro E for hosting us and a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to everyone!!
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