Sunday, May 28, 2006

F&J's wedding!

Car decorated, ready for my friend's big day! I was still out the night before with a friend for supper at 0300hrs, when I've to wake up at 0600hrs in the morning. First time I had supper here though it's a popular spot. Food is pretty nice, but not what I expected.

Wan Tou Sek (Cantonese) means Found the Food.

Drinks that are served in bowls.

Yum Yum!

Over supper, she was telling me why she was mean to me on purpose few days back. And I spent some time to wonder what did I do to make her that angry to be mean to me. Finally she told me about it after some pestering from me. It was her off day and I was off on that day as well. Only I got quite a few errands to run and had to send M to the airport cos she's flying to Jakarta for business. We did mentioned that we can't fit into each other's schedule for the day and will see how when we finish our errands. Was suppose to leave after sending M to the airport, but her flight was later, so we went to have coffee. And when she called, I was still having coffee. Also I wasn't feeling well, abit lethargic and giddy, so I didn't have much words with her. Thus she felt I was rude to her. Partly she did say that I mentioned last night I will meet her after i sent my M off in the airport but I was still in the airport.

So, she was out in town wandering around, waiting for me to call her. Instead I was home already, sleeping. Just didn't feel good and had diarrhea. So went to bed early. And beacuse she is in town, wandering for about 4hrs before heading home, waiting for me to call her, which I did not. And this is why she was angry with me.... I was amused when she told me why she was mean to me on purpose, and it was an honest mistake, partly I was sick as well. Made some explanation, but as usual, women don't listen to explanation. Hehehehe...

Anyway, sent her home after supper, went home to sleep for a few hours before my friend's big day. I will be driving my car which is the wedding car and will need the energy for the day.

Car decorated for the big day!

Was having my bath when F called, and he thought I am still sleeping. I didn't return his call on purpose just to make him fret abit. Reached his place and waited downstairs and I called him then. :P

We left for the bride's place, on time, but the sisters were late! So we had to wait till they arrive. Since we hadn't had our breakfast, we went to Macdonald's.

Once we receive a phone call that the bride's sisters have arrived, we head up for to pick the bride. As usual, negotiating the price to open the door to let the groom in. Anyway it didn't take much and long to get the bride cos the auspicious time has come. Once the ceremony is done, we left for the groom's place to have the tea ceremony.

Traditional Chinese altar for wedding day.

One of the photos taken for their wedding album.

Buffet at the groom's place.

Latest fashion of the month!

Taken at the groom's place.

Dinner at a chinese restaurant. Dishes served were good! VERY GOOD!

Aden, one of my friend's son. Only 13 months old. Chubby and cute!

Friend took a photo with Aden and me.

After dinner is over, send the groom and bride home, and that's all for the day. What a day indeed. So tiring being the driver but it was quite an experience. ;)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Finally got back my car!

Gosh... 5 days without my car, I felt so slow... Hehehehe...

On the way to collect my car, saw 4 traffic police car, the new Subaru WRX version!

They overtook me on the exit to PIE and then I followed behind them all the way till I exit CTE(AMK). The other day had 2 traffice police bikes in front of me, now I got 4 TP cars! Another felt like being escorted feeling! Hahahaha..

Finally I returned the slow moving Toyota Corolla to the workshop and collected my car, all polished up, with new color to my rims! Love the new coat of polish on my car and now the white color of my car is balanced up. Unlike before where the color of the car body, bumper and body kit are 3 different whites. And with the new matt bronze colored rims, it makes the rims look bigger. The white rims I had before is too difficult to maintain cos of the brake dust that will bed onto it, and causing it to look real dirty in just a day's time. Now with this matt bronze, it won't look so odviously ugly. And I think it this color looks nicer on my car. Just that I have to forsake the stickers on the rims. But it's ok! ;)

White (Before)

Matt bronze (After)

White (Before)

Matt bronze (After)

White (Before)

Matt bronze (After)

Also I got them to put a wire mesh to the fog lamp holes which I left it open ever since I installed the oil cooler. Now can be protected against any stones and bugs.

Anyway, partly all these are done for my good friend's wedding which is tomorrow. Cos he's using my car as the bridal car. so after collecting my car, went to pick up F and we went in to JB to get the car decorated.

Once they got it decorated, headed back home. Was slighty caught in the jam.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ba Kut Teh (BKT) and Ba Chor Mee (BCM)

Pick AL up from work and she's been waiting at the office tower for some time, while I was stuck in the traffic. Didn't know where to have our dinner, and she also got no preference. So we just drive along on the way to my place and see where we can find any food that is nice. Finally, decided on BKT and there's one at Katong which is just along the way to my place. Also realised that she likes BKT, so BKT it is!

Anyway I've wanted to try this BKT some time back. Been eating BKT lately, the one at Sin Min auto point, and now just wanna try this BKT which has been in this place for some time but yet to try it. Parking isin't easy at this place but we managed to find a lot.

This BKT is different from the ones I've eaten before. This the soup is dark in color, while the ones I've eaten before are clear in color. We ordered the mix variety version, pig trotters and Kai Lan.

The soup of the BKT is not spicy enough. Overall I give it 7/10.

After dinner we went home. While I go through my email, and she go through her notes, I dozed off after a while. too tired from work in the morning. Soon, she dozed of from reading her notes. We napped till midnight and both of us woked up hungry! And immediately I thought of the BCM at Thomson road! So before sending her home, we went to this popular BCM stall at Thomson.

You'll never regret visiting this stall!

The noodles are stacked like Ice Kachang! Hehehe..

Gave her the Burberry handphone strap which I use before the string broke. She used the string from her present strap, swap it and used it on the Burberry handphone strap. Clever.

After supper, sent her home and I myself reached home at 0300hrs. Would have got her to stay over if she had brought her clothes. Then I don't have to travel the distance and reach home at this time.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A picture says a thousand words (Part 5)

Car got locked at Changi Airport car park cos it parked at the lot meant for Diplomatic Officals parking lot. And it was there for 2 days!

Had this for dinner, some Japanes noodle with egg wrapped over it. Not nice if you ask me.

This fella don't know what's the lift for.

Saw this ballon thingy over Beach road.

Pretty interesting when I found out we can actually have a ride in it.

Was invited to YL's condo for bbq. This is his son, Javier. Very cute! With J and V playing with him.

B and M sitting around watching tv.

Reflection of the pool in his condo. Very nice place, Water Place condo.

Went to this popular Fei Fei WanTon noodle to try and see how good it is since it's so popular. But sad to say, it didn't meet my expectations...

And the chicken feet, too salty...

Chance upon curry chicken at PWP after I have my foot and back massage. Not bad. But not as good as Marina South's.

Honey I shrunk the "I"!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Gucci Gucci Gucci...

It happened to be our off day, only to know when I sms-ed her for lunch. And she wonder what time is my next appointment, which is in the evening and it's rather flexible. Thus, we headed to PWP for lunch at Jack's Place.

Had lamp chop, which she had steak. We shared a seafood salad and she ate most of the escargots, which is her favourite. Shared a banana split as well, and by then, we're so so so full!

Took a stroll around PWP to digest, and I bought 2 CD for the car. Cos my car is in the workshop for polishing and I spray my rims to matt bronze. Also because F is using my car as a bridal car for his wedding, so have to get it all done up nicely. And the workshop provided me with this Corolla which is so empty. Cannot get use to radio, so I bought some CDs to listen to.

Suddenly some shouted "kitchen's on fire". I thought nothing major, till I paid for the CDs, walked out and saw this Indonesia restaurant emitting plenty of smoke, so fast that it engulfed the shop next to them.

It slowly spread out, causing some people to cough as the smell of the smoke is rather unbearable. Since I'm on my way to the car park, we proceed up and it was better when you're high up. Since it's not so major, there wasn't much of a commotion.

As we drove out of PWP, to our next destination, Gucci store at Paragon, we saw a fire truck, which I reckon is heading to PWP.

We went to check out the Gucci selection in Paragon, and also to DFS to check out their Gucci store there. After going through the selections, she's confused in what to get, stoned at the counter for a while. Then we sat down at Creme Bristro, I had a Hoegaarden while she enjoy her ice cafe latte. We discussed what is suitable for her and which will be more practical for her. Spent like 30mins and she finally decided what she wants and what is more useful for her. So now just to ask my friend who is working at Gucci to help her make the purchase with his staff discount.

After our coffee break, went to NTUC at Marine Parade to pick up her mum. She did plenty of shopping in the supermarket and needed help with the stuff and also since we're on the way home, might as well give her a lift. Sent her home and helped out with the supermarket stuff. Left for my other meet up with my other friends.