Thursday, July 06, 2006


Do you believe in astrology?

I take it as a pinch of salt, also as a reference. At times, it's difficult not to believe when you look back and realise that what happened during the month actually coincides with what you've read. Maddie is one who reads her astrology as well. So we did discuss together on how certain issue so coincides. Likewise a buddhist, we also believe in our own religion's practices. How we believe in Karma.

For the past months, or rather for the past few years, I've been reading my astrology and most of the months things just falls into what was mentioned. And just days back when I had dinner with a good friend of mine, she mentioned that I'm beginning to set my priorities right and starting to be more serious towards what I am doing now.

Anyway, here is a summary of what my astrology for July. I'm a Leo by the way. Same as Maddie.

Quoted from

"You seem ready to take on more responsibility, whether personally or professionally. You may now move to a distant city or stay put to buy a house. You might move up in your job or start your own company. Or, you may feel ready to have a baby or launch a major creative project.

Home, family, and real estate matters are highly favored, thanks to the new, stronger orbit of Jupiter from July 6 onward. Watch July 26, too.

No matter what you decide to do next, it will be obvious to friends and family that you've adopted a more serious, mature attitude, and that you want to plan for your long-range future. Tired of waiting for other people to make things happen or for that elusive lucky break, you've started to take the bull by the horns. That realization is what will make this month so monumental. Things get better in your life when you make them better, not when someone else provides the key. With the Sun moving toward Leo, you'll soon get your chance.

This is not the month to initiate anything new, however, so don't act on any big ideas quite yet. You'd best spend July doing thorough research. With Mercury in retrograde, this month will be filled with last minute changes, so stay flexible and have contingency plans. It would not be the time to announce any important decisions nor to enter into any new alliances or agreements. Your patience will pay off. New ventures entered into prior to July 25 will need to be changed radically or deleted altogether, a situation you don't need.

Once you get to July's last week, many pieces of your puzzle will fall into place. The new moon will arrive in Leo and closely align with Saturn, so be very sure about the decisions you make, for those made then will have remarkable longevity. You are building an important foundation, and the deeper and sturdier you build it, the taller your resulting structure will be - just as a Leo likes it!"


Anonymous said...

I do believe in astrology (I'm a Taurus! Stubborn as hell too :)) but I'm also deeply superstitious and I tend to believe a little too much and then I'll follow my horoscope's instructions and not go out if it says something bad will happen. I had to stop reading it every day but I'm always impressed by how accurate the personality descriptions are for each sign.

Anonymous said...

I don't follow my horoscope's instructions. I'm just amazed by how what it has wrote is so similar to what has happened. I thought I was just trying to relate what happen to what was written. But then again, it just coincides too much.

Mine is a monthly horoscope and I will read it beginning of the month and then read it again before it ends. I'm also impressed by how accurate the personality descriptions are for each sign. It has helped me to know a particular person better with astrology. ;)